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[1.0.x] [V1.9f] Kerbal Foundries wheels, anti-grav repulsors and tracks


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  1. 1. What to work on next?

    • More wheels
    • More tracks
    • Rover bodies
    • Landing gear
    • Landing legs
    • Something completely different

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Brilliantly mad behaviour!

I tried some wheels, repulsors and tracks out last night; all were fine.

I went in the rampage too, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that even the lights on the runway are destructible. Though possibly a little too explosive...

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Hey, not our fault the Kerbals made their entire space center out of Explodium. Just means one has to be more careful with their landings. (Says the spaceplane pilot who cratered the runway... Sorry, Bill, you will be missed.)

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Well, I suppose it's very.... Kerbal that stuff explodes in spectacular fashion :)

Poor Bill. Hard landing? I was thinking it would be fun for baby Kerbals to sprout like mushrooms from where one died. You sort of get that grey cloud of dust when they die, it always reminded me of spores. That way, death in service is part of their reproductive cycle XD

Stuff definitely seems to be working fine in .25 (to get back on topic after my rambling). I'm still trying to narrow down whether the .tga issue is a stock issue, or something to do with the many texture meddling mods out there. Opinion seems divided.

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We do seem to have a tendency to meddle with things until they no longer meddle the way we expect them to.

Destructible buildings. Well crud. I sure hope they included some way to begin reconstruction efforts, otherwise this is gonna be a pain. Interesting though... I wonder if you could still get into a destroyed building by using that mod that adds toolbar buttons to go directly to the various buildings. Gonna have to try it once my essentials get updated.

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Buildings can be repaired (in Career mode, though, it ain't cheap).

As for Bill... I failed a very basic test in my designed airplane. Keep the Center of Lift behind the Center of Mass. As I burned fuel, the center of mass drifted backwards and suddenly it was unstable. And this was before I thought to add safety chutes. They're now on every airplane.

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Oh good... cause I have the tendency to launch very very over-sized rockets that might just destroy buildings with the exhaust alone. That, and I tend to ignore most asteroid collision warnings. I'm a bad person, I know, but I'm very good at it.

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Thanks for this mod... ONe of the funnest ones....

A small request, would it be possible to include the rev in the filename? I try to keep various revisions in case i need to do a rollback. "KerbalFoundries.zip" just gets overwritten in my simplistic archival system.

Again, thanks for the great stuff....

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Glad you're enjoying it! :)

Yeah, sounds pretty sensible, though I'm not sure if KerbalStuff does any renaming after upload (when I get round to getting that working again)... MediaFire should be fine.

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  lo-fi said:
I'm still waiting for the dust to settle over the supposed loading issues with tga. It all works fine for me. Hard to tell with x64 in the mix and known unstable :/

I doubt it'll ever settle completely until Unity gets their act together with 64-bit stability. It's getting a bit ridiculous. There are many other engines out there using 64-bit processing with no issue whatsoever.

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I believe spanner found the 64 bit version more stable too. Reading bits on the forum, it seems rather hit and miss, though. I reckon they're struggling with the cross compatabilty nature of unity and can't quite get everything to play nice.

Repulsor wheels are almost ready, by the way. I found a problem with the water collider that wouldn't let vessels of some designs splash down, which held me up quite a bit, but its all looking good now.

I really need to get some model nodes and texture sharing going - might have to reorganize things into some texture atlases.

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Hi all, re tga's as you may know i have way too many self made parts and most are still using tga's , since the demise of load on demand and as of yesterday no update to ATM i switched to open gl with fantastic results. But back on the subject of tga's I've only had one case of the tga not being found in many hundreds of runs, they do seem to be using a little more memory than previously but unless you've got a huge mod collection I doubt it's really going to be an issue, and if you are having issues adding ' -force-opengl ' after the shortcut target allows for huge memory savings, For the first time since 24. Ive been able to run the 32bit version, although in my case, with my particular setup 64bit seems just a little bit more stable

Good to hear you've almost got to grips with the water collider issue especially as it's my ships that wont land, :sticktongue:

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Cheers for the info, buddy. What's OpenGL performance like?

Ill get the update out to dev soon as possible so you can try it out. Still a few things to work through, but it's looking good

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If anything it, a performance increase, it even looks better, from what i gather from research is that for the right machine it's the way fwd, seems that higher rated graphics cards will see the most benefit, don't know enough to know why as yet , but do know that some gold game devs I have contact with think that directX has hampered game development rather than enhancing it

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OpenGL seems to have improved things for me (been using that little -force-opengl flag since .23.5) as well as removing the massive "Let's use ALL THE RAM!" strategy KSP likes to pull. x64 mode just eliminates the crashes over sustained playtime (like when I decide to fly airplanes around Kerbin in one fell swoop) at the mild cost of some right-click/left-click goofiness (easily dealt with) and some mods not playing fine with it.

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I'd love to see some shots of the improvements when using OGL. It's really good news for me, on a non-gaming laptop, that it seems to improve the RAM usage. I might have to give it a go. I've also been thinking about stopping running KSP locally, and remoting in to my desktop (err... that is, my desk-mounted brick of a machine downstairs) somehow like I do for my SQL class (that is, remoting into a computer on campus so I don't have to install SQL management suite.)

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