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Kerbal Stuff, an open-source Space Port replacement


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  Justin Kerbice said:
@RoverDude: IMHO you are not really friendly in this case, SirCmpwn work on his own on a mod hosting website, do a great job (he is alone, he is not paid for it, don't forget, and he is good to don't put tons of damned ads and killing pop-ups to earn a few miserable bucks with it), I can only suggest you to cool down a bit. What's such a big deal to even receive ONE single mail from time to time on update (not 1000 a day !) even if you don't want to, does your mail box is 1 mail ready to explode ? Does the 1000 of spams you got every day is a pb to you ? Did you complain to ALL spammers because they have never ask you to "opt-f<something>-in" ?

Seriously what the matter with you guys ? Continuing flaming every single individual who do something for many will not help at all !

@SirCmpwn: keep up your good job.


What this world is becoming... :huh: I'll make a Tron-like digitalizing device to go to the kerbal universe :).

I was just going to ditch this thread, but figured I'd poke in one more time :)

I apologize if my initial comment rubbed folks the wrong way. I generally do try to be friendly, and was frustrated that I could not edit a setting (oh - and password reset does not work on IE9, had to swap to Chrome), and had no way to turn off getting them in the future (and yes, I get a TON of emails in general so I do actively take advantage of unsubscribe links).

And given that this is a beta, figured that's something the author probably would like to know. It's not the point of said email, it's more of being surprised and no way of preventing that surprise in the future. And again, my apologies if that came off as a flame.

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  SirCmpwn said:
Would you guys like to receive an email whenever a new mod is featured on the site?

Myself, no. I use the `follow` function though. I check the forum addon releases page for new mods myself.

I would very much like the default to be opted out.

I just came to post here because I can`t post on kerbalstuff without making yet another account (which I am loathe to do, so I won`t)

I wanted to request a more info dense categorized way of browsing mods, I`d even go for pure text, one mod per line with a simple description.

Currently I fit about 5 mods on a page and while very pretty (I like the image wipe in the background) there just isn`t enough information being shown at any one time for me.

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  John FX said:
Myself, no. I use the `follow` function though. I check the forum addon releases page for new mods myself.

I would very much like the default to be opted out.

I just came to post here because I can`t post on kerbalstuff without making yet another account (which I am loathe to do, so I won`t)

I wanted to request a more info dense categorized way of browsing mods, I`d even go for pure text, one mod per line with a simple description.

Currently I fit about 5 mods on a page and while very pretty (I like the image wipe in the background) there just isn`t enough information being shown at any one time for me.

Have you seen the redesign? pics

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Sorry things have been slow lately, I've just been working on the redesign. Here's a short video showing it off: https://mediacru.sh/EDnx522DTcqZ

It's getting close to done. I need to add mod editing and creation and then I'll be just about ready to deploy the redesign. It's coming with some tangible improvements, so don't worry that I've been shunning actual development in favor of making it prettier.

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Two were deleted (one duplicate, one copyright issue), and the rest were test mods.

Stats: There are 748 users and 100 mods. Roughly 2,000 unique people visit the site each day. Over the lifetime of the site, 46,399 unique people have visited, who together represent 301,842 individual pageviews. None of this applies to users with Do Not Track set - who are, of course, not tracked.

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Do you mind if I also ask about the bandwidth? I was very curious when Majiir said his data cap was high enough, I wonder how much data we are using up.

IIRC he has an allowance of some TBs per month, so I imagine we are not causing any trouble, but I'm still kinda curious. :)

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Well, mediacrush says you had around 600k users in the last month.

Considering the cap of 50MB, and assuming an average download size of 20MB, I get somewhere around 10TB (11.4, actually) in the last month.

How far off is it? :)

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