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[1.2] USI Survivability Pack (Formerly DERP) [v0.6.0]


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Deleted, installed, had the issue of propulsion module spitting like crazy. The issue is already logged on your github.

ID: Propultion module is broken #13

Scenario - Attached DERP & Engine in VAB to MK1 pod. Evacuate worked, but also during evacuation, the engine did not follow the pod

Due to above bug, did not dare testing on station.

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Deleted, installed, had the issue of propulsion module spitting like crazy. The issue is already logged on your github.

ID: Propultion module is broken #13

Scenario - Attached DERP & Engine in VAB to MK1 pod. Evacuate worked, but also during evacuation, the engine did not follow the pod

Due to above bug, did not dare testing on station.

1. Do you have RealChutes?

2. Do you have FireSpitter?

If answer to 1 is yes do you have the latest version?

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1. Do you have RealChutes?

2. Do you have FireSpitter?

If answer to 1 is yes do you have the latest version?

1. Yes, 1.2.4

2. Yes, got it with OKS

But i do have a ton of other mods. Probably too many. Are there any logs that i can send you that might catch the issue ?

If so where to look ?

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1. Yes, 1.2.4

2. Yes, got it with OKS

But i do have a ton of other mods. Probably too many. Are there any logs that i can send you that might catch the issue ?

If so where to look ?

Remove the PodEngine's realchute config for now and you're fine, we're working on it.

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Remove the PodEngine's realchute config for now and you're fine, we're working on it.

That did fix the issue: I have 3 new though

1. FAR Aerodynamic reports NaN - during ascent - in Debug

2. Food is depleted seconds after Ejection - TAC LS v0.10 - 3 Kerbals ejecting @6500 by time they landed some died

3. Kickstand might be going through surface

Here is the link to album showing the issues

Improvement suggestion

- once pod is Ejected, I would create (if possible) a new "Stage", that you could activate with SpaceBar, that would stage the main engines (as looking for them where to activate, and where to trigger parachute while you are falling might be a bit "stressful" ;)

Keep up the good work

Edited by Grunf911
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That did fix the issue: I have 3 new though

1. FAR Aerodynamic reports NaN - during ascent - in Debug

2. Food is depleted seconds after Ejection - TAC LS v0.10 - 3 Kerbals ejecting @6500 by time they landed some died

3. Kickstand might be going through surface

Here is the link to album showing the issues

1. Can't help FAR ;)

2. This is non lethal. In TAC-LS Kerbals can go 30 days without food. Probably something else going down.

3. Depends on landing velocity, a video helps for this one.

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1. Can't help FAR ;)

2. This is non lethal. In TAC-LS Kerbals can go 30 days without food. Probably something else going down.

3. Depends on landing velocity, a video helps for this one.

2. You are right - It worked OK on retry

3. 4.6 m/s, landing on the nose. Several retries - nothing. The kickstand seems to deploy, but through texture (about at 5:30 in the video).

Video-wise, tips are appreciated, this is my first youtube vid

Do you know what is the highest kerbin orbit that it can come back from ?

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I've been getting some odd behavior with the flotation devices. Most annoyingly, they're prone to flipping the craft upside down, even when landed perfectly upright with a wide base and low center of mass. The flotation devices seem to be ultra-buoyant, behaving as if they were magically repelled by water rather than floating in it. I suppose this is probably primarily an issue with the FSbuoyancy Module, but perhaps your config files could use some tweaking? I also noticed that the floats have tweakables in the VAB, wherein their "Buoyancy" can be adjusted between 0-50, however, I'm not sure where this number is coming from given that the config files show a buoyancyForce of 100. Speaking of which, all of the flotation devices have the same buoyancyForce regardless of size.


I took a screenshot to demonstrate the ultra-buoyancy issue. In this test, I reduced buoyancyForce from 100 to 10, and yet the flotation devices still sit on top of (actually, hovering slightly above) the water.


Edited by Fraz86
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I've been getting some odd behavior with the flotation devices. Most annoyingly, they're prone to flipping the craft upside down, even when landed perfectly upright and with a wide base and reasonably low center of mass. The flotation devices themselves seem to be ultra-bouyant, almost behaving as if they were magnetically repelled by the water rather than floating in it. I suppose this is probably primarily an issue with the FSbuoyancy Module, but perhaps your config files could use some tweaking? I also noticed that the floats have tweakables in the VAB wherein their "Buoyancy" can be adjusted between 0-50, however, I'm not sure where this number is coming from given that the config files show a buoyancyForce of 100. Speaking of which, all of the flotation devices have the same buoyancyForce regardless of size.

To be clear - these are not floatation collars they are really meant more for floating bases and such (the tendency to flip is irritating I agree, I just have not had time to write a better plugin). Concur on the tweaking - pre-release and all that :)

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2. You are right - It worked OK on retry

3. 4.6 m/s, landing on the nose. Several retries - nothing. The kickstand seems to deploy, but through texture (about at 5:30 in the video).

Video-wise, tips are appreciated, this is my first youtube vid

Do you know what is the highest kerbin orbit that it can come back from ?

about 250K as I recall. And deploy the kickstand before you land :)

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about 250K as I recall. And deploy the kickstand before you land :)

Perfect. Then it will suit my station nicely ;), sitting at 200K

Anyway, tested the in-line float and it flips (i know you saw the radial float flip, this is just to confirm the same for in-line 1.25m)

Looking forward on using them, whenever it gets fixed.

BTW, you have a coffe incoming, to help with the long hours you've been putting in :wink:

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Perfect. Then it will suit my station nicely ;), sitting at 200K

Anyway, tested the in-line float and it flips (i know you saw the radial float flip, this is just to confirm the same for in-line 1.25m)

Looking forward on using them, whenever it gets fixed.

BTW, you have a coffe incoming, to help with the long hours you've been putting in :wink:

Thanks :) The inline are worse than the radials for flipping btw. Best you can do with the radials is use lots of the tiny ones and land the right way ;)

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After a break from KSP I came back to see you'd made all sorts of cool new toys. Had to start over (updated too many mods; tried to play an old save and BAD THINGS HAPPENED) and decided to try DERP for a cheap option for recovery of a 'lost' Kerbonaut. using a DERP module is cheaper than either stacking on a second single-seat pod or shelling out for a multi-seat command pod (and that's only after you've gathered the science for it).

It was AWESOME. Gregfen gets hauled in from his lonely orbital trajectory, stuffed in an inflatable ball and blasted at the planet. Went down in the desert - the kickstand/parachute setup surprised me but in context was an incredibly foolproof concept and design. The engine is going to be more fragile than the inflatable body and the kickstand soaks abuse and keeps the exit hatch clear when you eat dirt face first on the landing.

I created a floating station with stock parts + KAS for use on Laythe many moons back and always bemoaned the lack of decent flotation components. I took to using empty aircraft components; they had great buoyancy and crash tolerance and looked passable when you put a nose cone on the end of them. They worked passably well -


Without dedicated floatation components though it was greatly limited on what you can make. I'm jazzed to use the new ones. Can the be deployed and retracted like the OKS components can? Does this alter their buoyancy factor? When trying to link up station components (like I'll need to do with a floating Eve or Laythe base) you need to adjust height on the fly. I could do that a bit by moving fuel around but it was, at best, clumsy. I'd like to do an MKS Laythe floating base for underwater mining and flotation components I can adjust on the fly would be invaluable for that. I'd rather use docking collars, they're way more trustworthy than KAS winch/plate hookups but fussy to get to meet up in gravity and while floating.

Plus flotation landing gear for recovery ships on Laythe...

SO much good stuff. Due props boss, this all looks awesome. Now I'm jazzed to grind out some science and ducats to play with the new station textures!

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After a break from KSP I came back to see you'd made all sorts of cool new toys. Had to start over (updated too many mods; tried to play an old save and BAD THINGS HAPPENED) and decided to try DERP for a cheap option for recovery of a 'lost' Kerbonaut. using a DERP module is cheaper than either stacking on a second single-seat pod or shelling out for a multi-seat command pod (and that's only after you've gathered the science for it).

It was AWESOME. Gregfen gets hauled in from his lonely orbital trajectory, stuffed in an inflatable ball and blasted at the planet. Went down in the desert - the kickstand/parachute setup surprised me but in context was an incredibly foolproof concept and design. The engine is going to be more fragile than the inflatable body and the kickstand soaks abuse and keeps the exit hatch clear when you eat dirt face first on the landing.

I created a floating station with stock parts + KAS for use on Laythe many moons back and always bemoaned the lack of decent flotation components. I took to using empty aircraft components; they had great buoyancy and crash tolerance and looked passable when you put a nose cone on the end of them. They worked passably well -


Without dedicated floatation components though it was greatly limited on what you can make. I'm jazzed to use the new ones. Can the be deployed and retracted like the OKS components can? Does this alter their buoyancy factor? When trying to link up station components (like I'll need to do with a floating Eve or Laythe base) you need to adjust height on the fly. I could do that a bit by moving fuel around but it was, at best, clumsy. I'd like to do an MKS Laythe floating base for underwater mining and flotation components I can adjust on the fly would be invaluable for that. I'd rather use docking collars, they're way more trustworthy than KAS winch/plate hookups but fussy to get to meet up in gravity and while floating.

Plus flotation landing gear for recovery ships on Laythe...

SO much good stuff. Due props boss, this all looks awesome. Now I'm jazzed to grind out some science and ducats to play with the new station textures!

Floaties can be deployed and retracted - I'll have to check if the debug menu is still in there to tweak buoyancy, if no, I'll leave it in to help out.

Enjoy :)

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I took a screenshot to demonstrate the ultra-buoyancy issue. In this test, I reduced buoyancyForce from 100 to 10, and yet the flotation devices still sit on top of (actually, hovering slightly above) the water.


this might be a totally unrelated thing, but most floating installations in the real world have their CoM below the waterline, since that means they are dynamically stable vs wave fronts.

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0.1.1 is up!

Download via the USI Catalog Page. All USI mods are updated at once, so for your convenience there is also an all-in-one pack on DropBox that includes all of the goodness in one package.

  • The DERP, Airbags, and Floaties! What more could one ask for?
  • Derp evac fixed.
  • Derp now has two color schemes - safety orange and stock gray
  • Tweaked floaties and enabled tweaking buoyancy
  • Synced up CRP/ORSX/USI Tools

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If you've made floaties, does that mean you could make sinkies too? Pleeeeeeeeease? (Not that your plate is full enough already. Not at all.) Oh, and they have to go below 600 meters. Or I'll have to stab you when you sleep. With my thumb.

Sinkies are not on my list ;)

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What is the capacity of each lifepod? I've been trying to find it for having enough for the crew but can't find it listed anywhere apart from it requiring 1 to operate. Do these only support 1 person per pod? If so is there a place these can be edited that I haven't found? I have found in the config how to change lift support and mono propellent but saw nothing for crew. Thanks! :)

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