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[1.2] USI Survivability Pack (Formerly DERP) [v0.6.0]


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Well let's put it this way - this has been the issue in the past, and trust me it works perfectly fine on my dev build which includes FAR, but not RealChutes, and this is by no means the first time this has popped up (and I thought I yoinked out support before, guess it snuck back in).

Ohh.. and yeah, I can repro it if I have RealChutes installed - problem vanishes if I remove the RealChutes config.

And btw - stupid_chris made my config file for me, so I doubt it's a config error but could be wrong (you never know what's been changed in RC) so if someone wants to play with it, rock on. Send a pull request. But for now, no RealChutes support because it's been the one singular mod that has caused me (almost) as much grief as Texture Replacer.

- - - Updated - - -

And yeah... that decoupler plus parachute works perfectly fine. It's Realchute's replacement of ModuleParachute that's likely causing grief. So nope, not going to support it.

Edited by RoverDude
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Looks like RealChutes is a veritable beehive at the moment, I'm seeing a bunch of other, far more serious issues. :(

Probably a good idea to drop support, for a while at any rate.

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Yeah it look like it, I've been testing it a bit, and even thought there was a small error in the .cfg ( maximumdrag instead of @maximumdrag ) it's not causing it.

I've tried putting the chute module pretty much in every module position and it doesn't change anything. So , anyway, it's one chute on a safety module that still has a working stock one... so it's not relly an issue :P

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At least this shows my computer isn't High, or my Kerbals are having a weird Trip, *nods* Glad to see it's just a glitch between the two, though now it seems my game -refuses- to let me do anything, unless Real Chutes is installed, Blargh! My game -made a dependency!- X_X

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I use realchutes because stock chutes annoy me when I am just about to land and for whatever reason thrust to high and hit 0 speed, and stock chutes auto cut.. Real chutes prevented that. but since its just a derp and ment to land without power - its fine to delete the chute config. but most of my designs tend to be based on powered landing.

I generally play a heavily modified game - like all of Rovers mods, plus several others (long list lol) currently run Open GL to save ram (it actually works well) Its to the point where I just cannot enjoy stock game heh.

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I think this bug might have something to do with the parachute category realchutes adds; it tries to add the derp engine module to the parachutes category while it simultaneously exists in the pod category. I'm not sure the editor was designed with that type of occurrence in mind. If this can be confirmed as the cause the fix could be as simple as a check in realchutes to ensure that nothing ends up in more than one category.

Edited by squizzeak
Primary category is 'pod', not 'einge'
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I think this bug might have something to do with the parachute category realchutes adds; it tries to add the derp engine module to the parachutes category while it simultaneously exists in the pod category. I'm not sure the editor was designed with that type of occurrence in mind. If this can be confirmed as the cause the fix could be as simple as a check in realchutes to ensure that nothing ends up in more than one category.

I doubt it. Stock chutes also get into 2 categories, and they're ok. The game breaks when it tries to show the tooltip because stupid_chris implemented it himself for his module:

-    public class RealChuteModule : PartModule, IPartCostModifier
+ public class RealChuteModule : PartModule, IPartCostModifier, IModuleInfo

+ //Sets part info field
+ public string GetPrimaryField()
+ {
+ return "<b>Parachute count:</b> " + this.parachutes.Count;
+ }

If I revert this change back, I don't get RealChute "Parachute count: X" in part tooltip, but part preview stops exploding. I'm not sure if stupid_chris forgot something in his implementation or it's a Squad's fault. Probably former because tooltips from ModuleEngine and ModuleDecouple aren't conflicting with each other. On the other hand, maybe the game can't handle more than two primary fields, I don't know.

Edited by J.Random
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Yes, it will use the stock chute, because RealChutes is not working, and has been a thorn for me in this mod since launch, with all kinds of weirdness (in 0.25, it exploded if FAR was in the same install...). So, if you folks want to sort it out on your own, rock on. But I am not supporting RealChutes.

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Per the addon rules, decompiling is not permitted. Some posts discussing that were removed.

Also, please be kind to one another. No one here is anyone's enemy, and we shouldn't treat each other like that, either through aggression or passive-aggression.

Edited by NathanKell
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I doubt it. Stock chutes also get into 2 categories, and they're ok. The game breaks when it tries to show the tooltip because stupid_chris implemented it himself for his module:

-    public class RealChuteModule : PartModule, IPartCostModifier
+ public class RealChuteModule : PartModule, IPartCostModifier, IModuleInfo

+ //Sets part info field
+ public string GetPrimaryField()
+ {
+ return "<b>Parachute count:</b> " + this.parachutes.Count;
+ }

If I revert this change back, I don't get RealChute "Parachute count: X" in part tooltip, but part preview stops exploding. I'm not sure if stupid_chris forgot something in his implementation or it's a Squad's fault. Probably former because tooltips from ModuleEngine and ModuleDecouple aren't conflicting with each other. On the other hand, maybe the game can't handle more than two primary fields, I don't know.

Looks related:


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It is not related to that bug - that one has to do with having resources and no part module that included RMB info. If it were that one, the icon would zoom out even without RealChutes.

There is something that is making the ToolTip sad in RealChutes, and I'm not the dude to fix it, given the level of problems RealChutes has caused me. Nope, not touching it. Heck, I even replaces my config with a copy of the stock one that comes with RealChutes (minus the part name and gameObject/animation names of course).

The funny bit is that the chute works... which means the module itself is working. But his (and by his I mean stupid_chris) tooltip is broke, so he needs to sort that out, not me. Until he fixes it, I'm deprecating support. End of story. If you want to use the config and are ok with a funky icon, rock on. But this has caused me enough support trouble as it is, so game over on RealChutes support.

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FYI, the DERP Propulsion Module is throwing errors when I hover over it in the VAB:

[EXC 18:31:08.301] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.
Parameter name: index
System.Collections.Generic.List`1[AvailablePart+ModuleInfo].get_Item (Int32 index)
PartListTooltips.GetPrimaryInfo (.AvailablePart aP, Int32 maxLines)
PartListTooltips.ShowTooltip (.EditorPartIcon part, .AvailablePart aPart)
EditorPartIcon.MouseEnter ()
EditorPartIcon.MouseInput (.POINTER_INFO& ptr)
UIButton.OnInput (.POINTER_INFO& ptr)
AutoSpriteControlBase.OnInput (POINTER_INFO ptr)
UIManager.DispatchHelper (.POINTER_INFO& curPtr, Int32 camIndex)
UIManager.DispatchInput ()
UIManager.Update ()

This causes the tooltip image to display incorrectly  it grows / zooms in very quickly until it's bigger than the screen and disappears.

KSP 0.90, USI Survival Pack 0.2.0 via CKAN 1.5.0.

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RoverDude since you are dropping support for RealChutes is there any mods that attempt to address the annoying issue of time accelerating when chutes deploy and result in them tearing off? I Have mainly used it strictly for that feature alone and if something much less intrusive exist I would adore using it since your mods are much more critical to me then Realchutes.

Also do you ever rest? XD You keep releasing more and more needed mods (Looking at you Alcubierre Warp Drive)

Lastly thank you for all the mods and support which you provide.

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So, if you folks want to sort it out on your own, rock on.

I've taken advantage of this generous offer and remade the part for myself. Download link for anyone who's interested. Basically, the only change is that it uses linear RCS instead of monoprop engine. I had to reimport it from .mu into Blender into Unity, and I don't know a damn thing about modeling, which has probably added a metric ton of bugs, but it works for me. No warranty, use at your own risk. All credit for original model/textures/whatever goes to RoverDude. The license stays the same.

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Is it really meant to have 15 days life support? Because I'm running 0.2.2 (from CKAN) and the life support values are all 0.1. That means 2h28m water, 1h32m food, and only 58 seconds of oxygen.

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Ah, okay, that makes sense. Don't want them using up the pod supplies before inflating it.

Seems a bit high, considering the mk1 command pod only has 3 days, but I guess it makes sense if you consider that most of the pod is taken up with equipment rather than supplies.

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Hey Roverdude!

First, Happy New Year!

Second, thank you for this and your many other mods.

I've read through this entire thread looking for an answer to a question I have, and thus far I've been unable to find it. Hoping you or someone else can help me. (BTW - I have indeed read the *entire* thread. Do you know how many times you've explained why there isn't food in the DERP? Neither do I, as I stopped counting! Your level of patience is legendary!)

When right clicking on the DERP in the VAB, I get a menu with various options. However, the only two I can add are the Communotron 16 and the Mk-2-R Radial-Mount Parachute. What is the purpose of this menu? Am I missing something here (well, clearly I am!)? Is the menu correct and I can add a DERP Lifeboat Module to my DERP Lifeboat Module? If I can, can I also add at DERP Lifeboat Module to the DERP Lifeboat Module inside my DERP Lifeboat Module? Does this mean it is bigger on the inside than the outside? If so, can I rename it to TARDIS? ;)

If you (or anyone) wouldn't mind answering the first two questions (and maybe the third), I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

Screenshot here: http://1drv.ms/1BpjHlz

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