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[1.10.0] NanoGauges - tiny ana1og gauges for kerbalnauts -1.10.0-3463


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Ok, the profiles work quite will well... with a small exception: If you "land" a vessel on a body like Minmus (very low gravity) the vessel sometimes tends to alternate the vessel situation between landed and flight multiple times (if not forever) in a fast rate. This causes the gauge sets to be changed every few seconds if not multiple times a second [if the profiles are enabled; they are disabled by default].

If will fix this with a timer that prevents the automatic gauge set switch for a few seconds after the vessel situation changes in the next release. Switching to another vessel, doing EVA, etc. will clear the timer. And a hotkey for temporary disabling the profile switching as an indication if its on would be nice too.

Edited by Nereid
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Updated to

  • A bug in the previous version [all versions for 1.2 are affected]  caused a flood of otherwise harmless NaN exceptions in the log if the game was paused. This should be fixed now.
  • Only the first change in the vessel situation causes an automatic profile change now. Any other new vessel situation will be ignored for 4 seconds and will extend this time for another 4 seconds. This hopefully will prevent multiple profile switches if a vessel situation changes from flight to land to flight, etc.
  • If profiles are enabled the selector gauges show a red indicator; if automatic profile switches are locked (see above) its yellow; if profiles are disabled its green.
  • If you press RCTL-TAB (configurable) a special "alignment" gauge shows up. This gauge will get the exact same positions for all gauge sets and helps to create sets with exact the same gauge positions.
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Hi there, I did a quick search of the topic but found nothing, 

Have you ever considered making your gauges accessible through an online client? Similar to what Telemachus mod used to do. This would make for the perfect mission control feature that (as far as I'm aware) no other mod currently fulfills. 

What are your thoughts?

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  On 10/19/2016 at 10:53 AM, bIOHAzARD said:

Hi there, I did a quick search of the topic but found nothing, 

Have you ever considered making your gauges accessible through an online client? Similar to what Telemachus mod used to do. This would make for the perfect mission control feature that (as far as I'm aware) no other mod currently fulfills. 

What are your thoughts?


You mean the values they display? Like a webserver? Well, I could integrate some kind of tiny webserver to display them on a browser. That should be not that difficult.

EDIT: Cool idea. I will give it a try. The problem are updates and an AJAX implementation and I'm not sure if a simple self-written webserver can handle this. But maybe a Java-Client then... 

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Updated to 1.4.1-2720


  • new horizontal CAMERA gauge (shows direction/heading of camera view)
  • added missing IAS gauge in config window
  • default standard layout changed to a minimal set of gauges
  • minor other default layout changes

The new camera gauge may be useful for aligning the cam to the vessel orientation. A better aproach would be an indicator in the Navball, but this should help a lot (I'm missing a camera view indicator since 0.20). Maybe someone will write a mod to display the camera angle in the navball some day...

And again a note: There are new hotkeys (since 1.3.5). PGUP/PGDOWN now switches between gauge sets. 

EDIT: There is a minor bug: the new camera gauge wont work in IVA and shows no OFF flag. and another bug is that the angle is wrong in chase/locked mode. Ok, this needs a quick  fix. Fixed in 1.4.1-2720


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  On 10/19/2016 at 10:56 AM, Nereid said:

You mean the values they display? Like a webserver? Well, I could integrate some kind of tiny webserver to display them on a browser. That should be not that difficult.

EDIT: Cool idea. I will give it a try. The problem are updates and an AJAX implementation and I'm not sure if a simple self-written webserver can handle this. But maybe a Java-Client then... 


Yes that exactly :D, in the form of gauges would be awesome as well but I don't know if that's possible. 

That's great to hear, I'll be watching for it :)


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Updated to  1.4.3-2750


  • camera gauge now shows relative position in lock and chase camera modes (marked by a green R flag on the left side of the gauge)
  • bug fixed: profiles are working again
  • new hotkey P for locking profiles temporary
  • indicator gauge fixed for scalings other than 100%
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  On 10/20/2016 at 10:17 AM, bIOHAzARD said:

Yes that exactly :D, in the form of gauges would be awesome as well but I don't know if that's possible. 

That's great to hear, I'll be watching for it :)


Don't expect this soon. I will take a look how we can do this next week and this is not a task that can be finished in one or two days.

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There seems to be a conflict with Contract Configurator in KSP 1.2. The next 1.4. release of NG will fix this. If anybody wants a quick fix ASAP, please tell me and I will create a branch. But the next 1.4. release is on its way anyway.

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  • new gauge: VOR/ILS (heading, bearing to runway, ILS localizer; use switch at upper right to select airfield)
  • new gauge: ILS/DME (vertical attitude, DME, ILS glide slope)
  • no conflict with Contract Configurator
  • fixed marker/flag positions/size for gauge scalings other than 100%
  • gauge position are decluttered at game start (if a gauge is hidden by another gauge it is moved a few pixel)

I have tested it quite a bit, but not played myself with this version yet. 

The new declutter feature just ensures that no new gauge is hidden by another gauge because of the same onscreen coordinates. Decluttering is only done at startup of NG. If it causes issues just disable it in the config dialog.

The two new gauges VOR/ILS and ILS/DME are somewhat connected. At the top right of the VOR/ILS is a small button. If you click it it will change the seletced airfield to navigate to or use ILS. It toggles between SC (Space Center), OA (Other/Old Airfield) and no airfield. A blue flag shows which airfield is selected. The blue line in the VOR/ILS show the bearing to the airfield (works at any distance). The yellow lines visualize the glide path (3° for SC, 2.5° for OA; you could read the current angle of the glide slope on the VVI gauge); maximal distance is 80km and 10° deviation (horizontal/vertical). The correct runway (09/27) is selected automatically. The yellow limit flag indicates thal ILS is out of range or the vessel is not within the ILS cone.

That is of course a very simplified model of ILS.

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This is great. I am so happy. Since NavUtils is not updated to 1.2 I was missing this kind of landing aid.

The only thing I would like is some kind of scaling the gauges. If I use the percentage scaling, the VOR gauge becomes wide enough but a little bit too high. But that is just nitpicking.

Wonderful addon to the Nano gauges. Congratulations!


- Isabelle

Edited by Isabelle.V.Fuchs
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  On 10/28/2016 at 4:24 AM, Beetlecat said:

What the heck! ILS?? :D

Is the Other Airfield the island--or the *other* other airfield?  Can we add more?  This could get as messy as navutils does with Kerbinside, etc. :wink:


There is another airfield? Where? I thought that one on the island is the other airfield. Well if there is another (third) one, give coords please. :)

Currently the airfields are hardcoded. But its just an array of airfields with an arbitrary count of runways. It shouldn't be that complicated to make it configurable.

BTW: the glide slope deviation is not linked with that of Nav Utilities. Boths plugins will show different glide slopes. NG uses the deviation in degrees from the bearing/angle (and AFAIK real ILS works similar), as far as I understand the code in Nav Utilities its using distance to the path but I'm not sure about this.

Next step is to add some kind of link with Waypoint Manager to show waypoints as a blue line, too. Dunno if this is possible, but I will check it.

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  On 10/28/2016 at 7:29 AM, Isabelle.V.Fuchs said:


This is great. I am so happy. Since NavUtils is not updated to 1.2 I was missing this kind of landing aid.

The only thing I would like is some kind of scaling the gauges. If I use the percentage scaling, the VOR gauge becomes wide enough but a little bit too high. But that is just nitpicking.

Wonderful addon to the Nano gauges. Congratulations!


Thanks. The scaling was added upon request from a user later on. NG was never designed to scale the gauges so the code is... well... ugly as hell now. And I'm playing at 100%, so I do not notice any scaling errors myself. All versions before 1.4.4 didn't scale the the off and limit flags/marker correctly and if nobody tells me, I will not notice that myself.

Similar goes for larger vessels. NG should not affect performance much (there is a button "performance statistics" in the config that logs the time used by NG), but because NG scans all parts of the vessel every now and then (but only a few times), NG may cause issues with large vessels/stations. If this is the case just turn the performance stats on, report it, and I will see what I can do.

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That was a misunderstanding from myself. There are no scaling errors. Everything works as intended.

What I ment was, that I would like the VOR-gauge a little bit wider without going higher.So scaling in X or in Y independently.

But, as I said, that is only a little nitpicking. I am happy as it is. I tried a landing maneuvre just now ad it went perfectly!


Oh, one thing: I would like it very much, if the blue lines and the DME-number would be allways active. So I could read the course to the runway when I am outside of the 10 degree cone. That would be nice!
And another one: It would be nice too, if one could land at the runways from the 090 as well as the 270 course.


Thank you again,

- Isabelle

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  On 10/28/2016 at 8:40 AM, Isabelle.V.Fuchs said:

Oh, one thing: I would like it very much, if the blue lines and the DME-number would be allways active. So I could read the course to the runway when I am outside of the 10 degree cone. That would be nice!
And another one: It would be nice too, if one could land at the runways from the 090 as well as the 270 course.


The blue line should always be visible even if the vessel is outside the 10° cone. If its not, its a bug. That should be easy to check (and to fix if its broken).

Same goes for 090 and 270 runways. Depending on bearing the corresponding runway for a landing should be selected. But this happens a few km apart from the runway (about 2km) to prevent back and forth switching from one runway to another (the test for a runway is done ten times a second, so you should not notice a delay). I have checked both approaches yesterday and both worked fine for me. If they don't, I will have to check this again.

For the later: Can you please test again and confirm that the runway is not selected automatically at a distance greater than 2km from the runway?

The algorithm to detect the corresponding runway is simple: It chooses the runway with a minimal [unsigned] difference between runway heading and bearing to airfield. The bearing to the airfield is the bearing to the "average of all runway coords" (for Space Center this should be more or less the center of the runway itself).

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  On 10/28/2016 at 8:40 AM, Isabelle.V.Fuchs said:

One thing: I would like it very much, if the blue lines and the DME-number would be allways active. So I could read the course to the runway when I am outside of the 10 degree cone. That would be nice!
And another one: It would be nice too, if one could land at the runways from the 090 as well as the 270 course.


The blue course needle not pointing towards the runway is a bug. I have implemented the ILS-cone test yesterday and tested just if the detection works. Unfortunately it was linked to the InBeam-property [and the runway] and this should not be the case. Fixed now. And the [sometimes] not working heading indication is fixed, too.

I will now test it and the runway 09/27 issue.

EDIT: runway selection works for me.

Tested so far (in 1.4.5-2998):

[OK]  automatic runway selection
[OK] DME outside glide slope cone
[OK] DME beyond 80km from airfield
[OK] bearing to runway outside glide slope cone
[OK] bearing to runway beyond 80km from airfield
[OK] ILS has to be within limits of glide slope
[OK] vessel heading working outside glide slope cone
[OK] vessel heading working beyond 80km from airfield
[OK] ILS on rwy 09
[OK] ILS on rwy 27
[OK] no debug outputs in log


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LOL.... I forgot to disable ILS if a kerbal is on EVA. :)

So, every kerbal carries its on ILS equipment within his/her space suit. Cool but hilarious. This gets removed in the next fix...

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