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[1.5.x]Dr. Jet's Chop Shop v0.11.4.3 (20.10.2018)

Dr. Jet

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fixed link above sorry, for future ref its just a tag at end of link heh

had time to play around with the 2.5M panel, overall i love the mechanics, my only complaint would prolly be

when you extend the panels, the solar cells themselves 'stretch'

i know i'm just bein kinda .... about it, but its the kinda thing i notice

the other panels keep their shape as they 'unfold' while the new ones has an accual stretch to it

i would say add more folds to it, so the end result doesnt stretch a panel

then perhaps key the animation so start of opening is the faster speed,and ending is slowest

to keep the rotation of a 'pane' constant

feel free to hate on me for noticing :D

edit: got time to play with new mk1 model now, animations all look great

nly thing i noticed is cant retract/deploy mid animation anymore, have to wait for it to finish

i can live without that though, gj :D

Edited by Scientist
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  Scientist said:
fixed link above sorry, for future ref its just a tag at end of link heh

Nope. Still "Not authorized". Link syntax is correct. Even [Moderator removed defunct website link] will be enough if mod is there. I believe there was a button somewhere to mark mod as available to public.

had time to play around with the 2.5M panel, overall i love the mechanics, my only complaint would prolly be

when you extend the panels, the solar cells themselves 'stretch'


Well... Stock "Gigantor" animation does exactly the same. And most mods that simulate thin film solar panels too. I know they don't work like this IRL. Doubt that just adding more folds to model will solve the trouble. Maybe making them flatter while stretching will do the trick? Will try that.

the other panels keep their shape as they 'unfold'

Yep. MK1 panels are solid. They even have primitive but visible hinges.

only thing i noticed is cant retract/deploy mid animation anymore, have to wait for it to finish

That's the price we have to pay for proper non-teleporting rotor parking sequence. Take it as a hardware autotest before activating solar panel mechanics.

Edited by James Kerman
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NOW it should work -.- flippin logged out n downloaded my own mod, sorry for trouble :P

first mod i bothered to hand out so first time usin kerbalstuff :D

interesting sidenote, while no teleporting, i can glitch it into a 'paused' animation

got panels to 1/2 retract, then pause, and rotor spinning em XD

reminded me i need to install dangit/entropy

but ya, no mid-anim-retract > teleport glitchyness

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just thought of a new part today, seems like it fits your mod, but would likely require a plugin so you might not like

would be nice to have glider style wings that fold up, think of the paper fans

fits inside of fairings as you send it up, when you reach duna fairings protect it until you aerobrake off enough speed

then you jettison fairings, deploy the wings, the high lift to mass ratio of hang glider wings would serve better for the thin atmo

would need a plugin prolly as i dont think stock has any modules,perhaps ModuleControlSurface itys used on flaps

else DRE has a moduleanimate2value so could adjust lift from 0 to whatever is full :) but then thats a dependancy

dunno DRE license if itd let you pass out just that module

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  Scientist said:
just thought of a new part today, seems like it fits your mod, but would likely require a plugin so you might not like

would be nice to have glider style wings that fold up, think of the paper fans

Glider wings

Also I had an awesome set of fully retractable animated wings and winglets for 1.0.x from dev forum here. Not sure what the thread it was. And couldn't find it right now...

- - - Updated - - -

Darn! You reminded me how awesome that mod was... And now I'm spending time searching for it instead of working on modular parachute system for my own mod!

- - - Updated - - -

I found that mod! - "Packed parts".

Pretty misguiding as there is NOT A SINGLE WORD about deployable wings in topic. But they are there! And they work!


Edited by Dr. Jet
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ya so not the type i envisioned

goto ebay and type in paper fan


stuff along that lines is what i been thinkin, but smooth / no bends once open, prolly 90 deg sweep

though i admit i'll def be using DRE module to change lift values in a FAR module, only way that makes sense functionally to me

no idea if theres a decent way to do it in stock modules for stock aero

so prolly not a project youd want, so i prolly gotta gotta learn ksp animations lol

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Hey, quick question, have there been any changes to the larger aero blisters? I just reloaded all of my mods and the 2.5m blisters are missing. This is somewhat disconcerting as now my main station with all of my Kerbals on it won't load. :/

I can find the blister2.cfg file in the mod directory. Have there been any changes to the mod in the last couple weeks? Alternately, do you think that something else might be conflicting?


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Hey Dr. Jet, sorry to take so long to bring this up (I have relatively infrequent Internet access where I am), but the Rugged Rover still doesn't protect its contents. The DeployModuleIndex in ModuleCargoBay needs to point to a ModuleAnimateGeneric that corresponds to the opening or closing of the bays. In the Rugged Rover's case, DeployModuleIndex = 3 means that the cargo bays are looking at the fourth MODULE in the config (counting starts from zero), which the animation module was, but then you put the ModuleCargoBays before it, so now they're not pointing to the right module. For your next release, you should either change DeployModuleIndex to 5 or move the cargo bays so that they come after the ModuleAnimateGeneric. Thanks!

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  DanHeidel said:
Hey, quick question, have there been any changes to the larger aero blisters? I just reloaded all of my mods and the 2.5m blisters are missing. This is somewhat disconcerting as now my main station with all of my Kerbals on it won't load. :/

I can find the blister2.cfg file in the mod directory. Have there been any changes to the mod in the last couple weeks? Alternately, do you think that something else might be conflicting?

blister2.cfg is always in archive. At least last 5 versions have it for sure.

Conflicting mods? No. But if you have TweakScale installed, some parts are automatically removed to reduce part-bloating, so you can just use tweakscale to get additional sizes (and there are more sizes available that was included in mod itself).

As for versions - is latest and least bugged.

- - - Updated - - -

  Kerbas_ad_astra said:
The DeployModuleIndex in ModuleCargoBay needs to point to a ModuleAnimateGeneric that corresponds to the opening or closing of the bays. In the Rugged Rover's case, DeployModuleIndex = 3 means that the cargo bays are looking at the fourth MODULE in the config (counting starts from zero), which the animation module was, but then you put the ModuleCargoBays before it, so now they're not pointing to the right module. For your next release, you should either change DeployModuleIndex to 5 or move the cargo bays so that they come after the ModuleAnimateGeneric.

Ok, will do that. But next version is coming in a week... or even two weeks. Calibrating parachutes is not an easy task when you don't know the ingame math. And... yes, even already working chute parts still look crappy.

Edited by Dr. Jet
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Dr Jet. I love your parts pack. Such a mix of bits but so much useful stuff that I didn't even realise I was missing from stock till I used them.

I have a question about the LTS-2 Bun and Mushroom as something seems odd. The parts concept looks fantastic so I've put them together in a lander for use on the Mun. However, their fuel capacity seems extraordinarily small for the model size and considering that they are just the LTS Mk1 tanks arranged in a predefined setup. One LTS Mk1 Core Tank shows capacity of 99 liquid fuel and 121 Oxidiser but the LTS Mk2 Bun, which appear to be 8 slightly larger LTS Mk1 Core Tanks in a frame only has Liquid Fuel 13.50 and Oxidiser 16.50. The Mushroom has the same capacity.

Apologies if this has been asked before. I did try looking through the thread but didn't see anything. I can only assume something is broken but not sure if it is just me. I'd appreciate some advice please as I'd love to use these!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm pretty out of modding for the moment. "Modular chutes" update probably won't be ready until autumn.

As for strange tanks volumes for LTS Mk2... Bug is confirmed. I forgot to update values after copy/paste. :blush:

Check MM compatibility patch: /ChopShop/ModuleManager/MFT&RF.cfg

Volumes should be 640 for LTS2_core (mushroom) and 720 for LTS2_bottom (bun) to correspond to normal configuration.

Edited by Dr. Jet
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I love so much the electric impeller motor. I made a 100% solar powered low tech air craft last night and explored kerbin everywhere.

I know its early days but if I could add some design change. I fly RC planes etc and I think the power needs to be adjusted just a little. For example I only had 2x these thrusters on the plane, I originally added 10x thinking this is what I would need.

2x was plenty.

hobby companies don't make 650mm (assuming this is .65m size) EDF thrusters but they do make large electric motors that drive large props. For example this motor http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__25413__Turnigy_RotoMax_150cc_Size_Brushless_Outrunner_Motor.html will turn a 30" (720mm) prop and generate 34kg of thrust or about .33kn drawing around 9000w

EDF motors like your design generally make around 2x the thrust for the same current draw.

As we don't know what 1 unit of power is in KSP we could assume its around 1000w.

I feel if the motor were to be balanced it should have a power rating of about 1kn drawing around 9units of power a second.

This would need about 25 of the OX-STAT Photovoltaic Panels per motor

If you wanted to KSP easy-ify it perhaps it could be lowered to 4 units per second needing only 11 per motor or 2 of those XL panels from the asteroid day pack.

Keep it up, love this mod and where it is going.

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  • 1 month later...

Does anyone have problems with the SkyCranes with BDAnimations installed? When I activate them, they pulse (toggle) on and off VERY rapidly on their own. I can't toggle them at all once activated, so I have no control other than throttle. Seems to be a conflict with the BDAnimation plugin since removing it let me use them manually (Deploy then Active/Throttle as separate actions). I don't think these parts like having BDAnimations added after the fact while having a ModuleAnimateGeneric as the basis or something. I'm using the latest version of BDAnimations (0.6.1) and this mod as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  StahnAileron said:
Does anyone have problems with the SkyCranes with BDAnimations installed? When I activate them, they pulse (toggle) on and off VERY rapidly on their own. I can't toggle them at all once activated, so I have no control other than throttle. Seems to be a conflict with the BDAnimation plugin since removing it let me use them manually (Deploy then Active/Throttle as separate actions). I don't think these parts like having BDAnimations added after the fact while having a ModuleAnimateGeneric as the basis or something. I'm using the latest version of BDAnimations (0.6.1) and this mod as well.

Yes, I had the same problem. I got BDAnimations as a dependency of Taurus HCV, but since all I want is the science lab and crew container, not the pod, I removed it.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Update 0.8.0


  • New parts for modular parachute system based on stock modules and aerodynamics. Parts are calibrated by recommended payload weight. By easyness of use and flexibility it should take place between stock chutes and famous RealChutes. ATTENTION: Those are NOT TESTED/CALIBRATED FOR F.A.R.!
  • SPP "Beak" bicoupler. No fuel, but slim fit and integrated linear RCS.
  • Aerospike Adapter REMOVED, because stock Aerospikes now have proper bottom nodes.
  • Small Jet Engine REMOVED because we now have J-20 engine in stock. Small Turbofan remains.


  • KSP version 1.0.5 forced CONVEX colliders EVERYWHERE. That called for major overhaul. Many parts have 7-9 colliders now instead of 1-3 colliders they had before. Something may work even a bit better, but most surely it won't. It's highly advised to rebuild vehicles that use LTS or rover bodies.
  • Tweaked model and animation of SSP Mk2 to look a bit less ugly on deployment and more like stretching a real thin film panels... hopefully...
  • Finally a PROPER volumes for RealFuels. They should be 5 times bigger than MFT volumes.
  • Rugged Rover patch by Kerbas_ad_astra. Dunno if it will work with new colliders, but nevertheless.
  • Some minor tweaks.




Typo in picture. Green chute is calibrated for 2 tons.

Edited by Dr. Jet
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  On 12/6/2015 at 7:25 PM, ultrasquid said:

I wish you hadn't removed the aerospike adapter. I found a use for it as a structural segment on my satellite for holding a stack of tiny parts between 1.25m sections.


It won't work anyway... KSP 1.0.5 hates non-convex colliders and that part was 100% hollow.

I don't say it's impossible to make convex colliders for it, but... over 20 colliders for a single small part... it just doesn't worth the effort.

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Looks like a very useful parts pack. A part I'd like to see is a multi-engine interstage adapter for use with the Kerbodyne tanks. I cobbled one together by resizing and "welding" together a couple of structural fuselage pieces then putting on 8 nodes for LV size engines. It has a "peg" in the middle for a 9th bottom node to attach the stage below. Works but is ugly as can be and has no fairing. Why make it? Because I wanted something other than using single KR-2L+ engines on upper stage Kerbodyne tanks. A multi-engine mount allows for adjusting thrust and fuel use when moving the big things around in space.

I put it in the ReStock CFG file mod pack that TheMoonRover is supposed to be updating for 1.0.x.

Another part that would be most useful is a KSP scaled equivalent of the Aerojet M-1 rocket engine. 'Tis a pity that a complete M-1 was never assembled and tested. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M-1_(rocket_engine)

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  On 12/6/2015 at 8:55 PM, Galane said:

A part I'd like to see is a multi-engine interstage adapter for use with the Kerbodyne tanks. or 1.0.x.

Another part that would be most useful is a KSP scaled equivalent of the Aerojet M-1 rocket engine. 'Tis a pity that a complete M-1 was never assembled and tested. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M-1_(rocket_engine)


Space-Y part pack have excellent choice of multi-engine interstage adapters for 3.75m and 5m tanks. I use it myself.

As for M-1, I believe I've seen it somewhere here already. Try checking the ultra-heavy launcher packs like Space-Y Expansion and such. I myself never needed a rocket bigger than 5m with 3.75m side boosters (Space-Y or KW Rocketry).

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