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[0.25] Realism Overhaul w/ RedAV8R [Terminated]


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I am not sure Dragon. Though I do have a request. Not sure if I should make it to the person thinking about bring FASA up to standard or if I should talk to Fazzak about it. I will drop something in there... Now I know this is not vary kerbal but I think it would be nice if there was an unmanned controllable Boiler plate Vision of the pods for testing... so that we can nail down things like re-entry

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What does one need to do in order to bring a previously accurate and working pack (like FASA) to the new standard? Is it just a matter of renaming fuels?

The FASA parts are excellent and I would love to see them supported as well.

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Well with the call for FASA, I'll put that to the top of the list. Dragon01, fuels 'should' have been updated already, adding proper TAC resources, etc, and no ETC is NOT being used/required anymore. Hence why it's NOT on the required list. Thrust curves will need some work too.

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1. RO already is updated for the new fuels, although when densities changed the fuel amounts might need to change slightly.

2. I don't believe EngineThrustController is required anymore.

3. As for bringing FASA support up to date, I'm not sure what needs to be done; I hadn't encountered anything wrong.

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I have tried FASA but I am having an odd issue with the Explorer probe core, or the Sgt Rockets, not sure which... but for some reason soon a sec or a few sec I get a message saying that my camera view has changed to the sun and I get a black screen with the UI at the top and bottom edge of the screen. Same if I got back to the space center. IT only seems to happen with the Explorer probe... if it will help I can see about doing it again and getting some screen shots and an output log?

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Heads up, it seems SDHI or Aerojet Kerbodyne overrydes the RO configs for the MK1-2 pod. Specifically, the real fuels stuff, like customizable tanks and such.

Please note that I am not complaining, I read the main post and all the times you scream at people who don't read the thread. This is just to let you know early on

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Quick question: Are my planes overheating and exploding (Mach 3.2 - Mach 3.4, 22-26km) simply because the parts haven't been updated for RO yet? (I'm trying to figure out if this is just more realistic behavior or if something is broken due to most part .cfgs not being officially RO-ready for .25 yet.)

I'm using RO from github and don't expect any official support, just curious as to which of the above two cases is correct.

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Sorry if it's the wrong position to post, but I have really no clue which mod is causing the problem.

Apparently Mk1-2 + heatshield has no drag!

When i try to make a reentry with it (I didn't try with other cockpits though) it slows down very slowly, I usually set an orbit of 200kmx81km

My speed keeps very high (7,7km/s) till 60km-50km even though my capsule actually burns alot, until burn up all the heatshield and explode at 4km/s to an altitude of 25km...

It looks irrealistic, i don't know if the problem it's of RSS, FAR, RO... I really have no clue...

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People are amazing.

Oh come on, we're not allowed to ask questions just in case someone happens to have an answer? No need to be a jerk about it. :) I'm not asking for a fix, and I'm not asking for anyone to waste time digging for an answer, but if they already happened to know... that's what I was curious about.

Edited by jrandom
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Sorry if it's the wrong position to post, but I have really no clue which mod is causing the problem.

Apparently Mk1-2 + heatshield has no drag!

When i try to make a reentry with it (I didn't try with other cockpits though) it slows down very slowly, I usually set an orbit of 200kmx81km

My speed keeps very high (7,7km/s) till 60km-50km even though my capsule actually burns alot, until burn up all the heatshield and explode at 4km/s to an altitude of 25km...

It looks irrealistic, i don't know if the problem it's of RSS, FAR, RO... I really have no clue...

If you actually followed directions and provide a proper report we could help you.

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If you actually followed directions and provide a proper report we could help you.

I'll do my best to provide the logs for a reentry, but kerbal keep crashing during liftoff... For tomorrow I'll do it. I hope :P

I see nothing wrong with the cfg for the shield, so my guess is you might be attaching via the wrong node.

Well, that's how i did it...


As you can see, it's quite fast


starting from a 300km x 91km (about 3 aerobraking)


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@Redhotita1: & coldblade2000: Pretty sure NK and I have figured out that heatshield issue. That fix and a few others and some additions coming in the next release shortly.

@jrandom: Likely both cases are true. Realism is first and foremost. Nothing is finalized though. Remember KSPs temperature modeling is basically worthless, RealHeat will fix most of those issues when released.

Edited by RedAV8R
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Likely both cases are true. Realism is first and foremost. Nothing is finalized though. Remember KSPs temperature modeling is basically worthless, RealHeat will fix most of those issues when released.

Oh, it's even worse than that! Thought I had verified that the pod's max temperature was 1700 degrees when in fact it was set to 800, so in this case the real cause was simply PEBKAC. I've now successfully made my own custom MM patch so I can use that cockpit for higher-temp usages. I have massive appreciation for the work that you and Nathan have put into this, make no mistake about that. I would have lost interest in KSP long ago were it not for RO.

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It's worth noting that, in DRE, a part will start "burning" at 85% of its max temperature. This is why, for heat shields that top out at 1530C, you want a maxTemp of over 1800, and it means your 800C-max-temp fuselage will start burning at 680C (which is about Mach 2.7 at sea level, for reference).

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