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[0.25] Realism Overhaul w/ RedAV8R [Terminated]


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I've actually had the exact opposite experience. I had to put my periapse at 40km coming in hot from the moon at 11km/s to finally be captured. Every other time the craft would barely be slowed down. Also there were no reentry effects nor heating, there were high amount of G's though. The headshields were there and I also have the latest RO.

I'm in the process of re-installing everything to double check it isn't my problem.

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Scratch that, I reinstalled and I see your point, during launch all my RCS ports randomly caught fire, overheated and exploded. I'm gonna do a reentry test now.

Edit: that makes me think, it'd be cool if Deadly reentry could use FAR's isShielded bools for parts. It would make fairings useful as heatshields for high TWR rockets

Second edit: I'm having a huge amount of issues with unbalanced thrust. Almost every upper stage rotates to one side, making the craft uncontrollable. Not a good thing to find out right after you undock on a moon mission. I looked in the VAB with the center of lift, mass and thrust but they seem to be completely correct. This happens with the toggle on capsules as both true and false, so it isn't that.

Edited by coldblade2000
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Scratch that, I reinstalled and I see your point, during launch all my RCS ports randomly caught fire, overheated and exploded. I'm gonna do a reentry test now.

Edit: that makes me think, it'd be cool if Deadly reentry could use FAR's isShielded bools for parts. It would make fairings useful as heatshields for high TWR rockets

Second edit: I'm having a huge amount of issues with unbalanced thrust. Almost every upper stage rotates to one side, making the craft uncontrollable. Not a good thing to find out right after you undock on a moon mission. I looked in the VAB with the center of lift, mass and thrust but they seem to be completely correct. This happens with the toggle on capsules as both true and false, so it isn't that.

I would guess that it's still due to the CoM offset of capsule. Wait, hasn't the feature of switching CoM offset already added into latest version of RO? And what do you mean by "the toggle on capsules"? you mean the CoM offset switch? then there might be some problem with that switch I guess.

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Yea, I mean the in-flight offset. Whether it is true or false, it is offcenter. When it is true though, it is MORE offcenter. I would guess that goes with what is stated in the main post about some parts being offset but the VAB CoM indicators show nothing. I have everything updated btw.

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Didn't know it was a known issue, sorry about that. And by play well I mean when you attach the engine to the bottom of the DCSS LOX tank it doesn't form the truss and fuel piping if you use a proc fairing to circumvent the adapter sizing issue. All minor graphical concerns, as always you guys do a wonderful job. Keep it up.

That's not a problem of the AerojetKerbodyne RL-10 of the truss and piping not working. That's a 'feature' of Procedural Fairings which removes a built in fairing to the part it attaches to. Attach a standard decoupler to the engine. Truss and piping doesn't vanish. Now you can use PF, attaching to that decoupler. Still have truss and piping.

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I'm having a huge amount of issues with unbalanced thrust. Almost every upper stage rotates to one side, making the craft uncontrollable. Not a good thing to find out right after you undock on a moon mission. I looked in the VAB with the center of lift, mass and thrust but they seem to be completely correct. This happens with the toggle on capsules as both true and false, so it isn't that.

How about you post a proper bug report. With example craft, scenario, and as much detail as you can so that we can attempt to replicate this issue and actually see what is happening rather than a blanket "It's not working".

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@coldblade2000: So you are basing this 'error' while using a Procedural Parts SRB? What about say any real engine found in RO? You should know that SAS only helps with attitude control if there is enough force available to keep it where it wants to be. RCS in itself for attitude control while under thrust is going to be ineffective. Reaction wheels in stock are WAY overpowered for 'playability/ease'. The Mk1 pod, and Mk1-2 pod don't even have them anymore. The stock reaction wheels have been severely nuked and aren't near as effective as they were. So that leaves engine gimbal. If you had looked, you would have realized that the Procedural Parts SRB has a gimbal range of 0.25 degrees. A lot of engines have 20x that much, at least. It's no wonder why you weren't able to control a vessel.

Edited by RedAV8R
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So I've been messing around with this realism overhaul stuff. Really interesting stuff.

Something I've noticed though, I can't be the first, Perhaps its intended or I'm missing something completely.

If I scale down a tank > then set the fuels > then upsize the tank, You can get INSANE amounts of fuel into a tank by doing this. Like gagillions of fuel into a single small tank. The lower you scale it down to before you set the fuels in the tank, and the more you upsize it after setting the tanks, the more fuel you end up with inside the tank.

Am i using the wrong tanks or something? It's like tweakscales ... scale .. is off a bit.

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Edited by Nedal
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It happens with any engine, RCS even. I just used SRB's because it's faster. I've had my moon mission lander and CSM both affected by this, especially when translating with RCS. It is NOT an SRB issue, I have tested that multiple times.

@Nedal: That is probably a Tweakscale problem, maybe related to RealFuels, try posting there.

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@Nedal: This is not a bug with Realism Overhaul. This is a bug with RealFuels while interacting with TweakScale. NathanKell is aware of it.

ok, thank you.

How do you guys get realistic amounts of fuel in your tanks?

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@Nedal: Use Procedural Parts Fuel Tank.


Fill your tanks first with proper ratio you need, THEN scale. to size needed. Only way to work around current bug.

@coldblade2000: Well...read my edited post, finished same time as your last post. That should clear the air. Let's put it this way... your example, while I can duplicate, the reason for the issue is the fact that the SRB has effectively NO gimbal action. I can change that. I have changed it. I made a test myself. Why don't you try it. Mk1 pod, DRE decoupler, Procedural Parts Tank, Squad LR-89. Turn on SAS (keeps attitude via gimbal). Goes straight up, no problems until fuel exhaustion. The RCS on the pod itself is there for use with the pod only, just like real life. Going to need another example please.

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@Nedal: Use Procedural Parts Fuel Tank.


Fill your tanks first with proper ratio you need, THEN scale. to size needed. Only way to work around current bug.

OMG i finally found the procedural tank stuffs. LOL so many tanks i can get rid of. Thank you!! Sooo much time and fun to have now i think im ready to actually start designing stuff XD

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