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Official release of my SeaDragon mod!


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Damn... Dat Engine...

I like big bells and I cannot lie.

You other bruuda's can't deny.

When an engine rolls in with an itty bitty waist and that round thing in your face...

Seriously... that thing is huuuuuuuuuuuuuge.

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Is it 1:1 scale? Just answered my own question. It's not, first stage engine on this is 15m compared to 22m and produces 94MN not 300. Still should be able to be converted like all other engines.

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I noticed the effects on the engines are not formatted like a hotrockets effect. I am unsure if the effects provided from smokescreen would affect the standard format for engine effects.

EDIT: Never mind, I found the entry hidden at the end of the squad hotrockets config. Might want to move your configs into their own file.

Edited by Gaalidas
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  Hattivat said:
So much freedom... :D If I may suggest something, could you perhaps do this: http://up-ship.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/image18egr.jpg next (teaser: 450 tonnes to LUNAR orbit)?

I don't know if that's possible with the current VAB, that rocket is 40 meters in diameter.

Edit: Nvm, the KSP version would be 30m in diameter, I'll look into this.

Edited by jackkymoon
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  • 3 weeks later...
  akbbbbbbadayhou said:
Has anyone tried this on 0.24 yet? It should work if it's just parts, yeah?

While I haven't tried the hotrockets mod in .24, the parts work just fine. I've also been working on another concept rocket that fortunately uses the same 13.75 fairing size as seadragon, so when it's done you should be able to have some big ass fairings without using procedural fairings!

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I recently added this rocket under my current interplanetary launch vehicle and launched it. The rocket had plenty of thrust and preformed fine however upon exiting the launchpad I was wholly underwhelmed by the size of the rocket exhaust. Why didn't you include a slightly more realistically sized rocket exhaust trail? I really was expecting something along the lines of the launchpad disappearing in the flames of such a mighty rocket.;.;

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Just a suggestion. I say this to every new modder. If you've unwrapped these models without any overlap, you can try to bake Ambient Occlusion and multiply the layer over your texture. It will improve your textures significantly with minimal effort.

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  A-Stax32 said:
I recently added this rocket under my current interplanetary launch vehicle and launched it. The rocket had plenty of thrust and preformed fine however upon exiting the launchpad I was wholly underwhelmed by the size of the rocket exhaust. Why didn't you include a slightly more realistically sized rocket exhaust trail? I really was expecting something along the lines of the launchpad disappearing in the flames of such a mighty rocket.;.;

Did you use hot rockets with it? The FX for the engine is scaled up to the correct size using hotrockets. I checked after .24 came out and it seemed to be working.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  jackkymoon said:
I tried to recreate the Seadragon rocket, AKA big dumb booster concept from the 60's. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_Dragon_(rocket) . The rocket would have dwarfed the Saturn 5 and could have lifted the ISS into orbit in one launch for a much lower price than todays rockets. The rocket has only 2 engines, each of them are absolutely massive, the first having 94MN of thrust!! and the second more efficient engine with 14.6MN. http://imgur.com/a/WYAmA

I'm still hoping you'll update this for 0.24.2, and give it a price-tag to scale.

Just keep in mind that this was a "Big Dumb Booster", so the whole point of the thing was much lower cost-per-kg to orbit than traditional rockets.



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after looking at super nexus i had a chill go down my spine even kerbals would think twice


i might make a texture my self because i don't want big letters yelling at me saying USA!!! i'm not offending you Americans you guys are awesome (and the Russians) i might show the texture but i will only release with permission.

Edited by Xenon2462
Merging with one deleated
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