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The Original 3

Mister Kerman

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Jeb: The top pilot and commander. Commands all the really important missions. Has watched a few too many action movies.

Bill: Scientist. A bit traumatized, since people that go on his missions have a nasty habit of dying...

Bob: Secondary pilot. Has a girlfriend, Jane Kerman, and is constantly afraid that he won't come back to her.

The white suits don't really stick in my mind. See the Jedi Space Program Dramtis Pesornale for more details--see the story link in my sig for a link.

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Jebediah Kerman. Status: deceased. Cause of death: Mun Rover unexplained sudden violent overturn and crash on gently sloped terrain. Cause of crash unexplained.

Bill Kerman. Status: deceased. Cause of death: Collision with surface during jetpack EVA on Mun. Cause attributed to pilot error.

Bob Kerman. Status: Intensive care in KSC infirmary. Cause of injuries: Parachutes failed to deploy.

Luke Kerman. Status: Active.

Kirk Kerman. Status: Active.

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Jeb: Mun Base Alpha

Bob: Mun Base Beta

Bill: Mun Base Centauri

They are the permanent commanders of the Mun Bases. I have Thomrod, Adoly, and Danfal (My first 3 recruits) and a kerbal-extravaganza of test subjects, expendable clones and skilled pilots do all the other stuff.

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For me, they are the historic first men in space, and all-round astronauts, though Jeb is more of a pilot, Bill more inclined towards the engineering and Bob more motivated by a desire for scientific discovery.

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Jebediah is my former astronaut. He now serves as the Head of the Kerbonaut Corps, working a typical job at his executive office in the Kerbonaut center, and is a international celebrity, playing himself in multiple movies and appearing on several TV shows. He recieves massive amounts of fanmail, so much that the local post office called to complain that their trucks kept breaking down under the sheer weight of all the letters/packages. His last mission was Minimus 2; he's flown on the Munsho't 2 & 5 & 8, Minimus 1, and Expeditions 1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 15, totalling about to almost six years in space. Jebediah dabbles in politics now and then, serving three nonconsecutive terms as a Senator and making a unsuccessful bid for President along with working as the Secretary of State for a year (He quit).

Bob works as the Chief Engineer of Planetary Probes. Unlike Jebediah, hes much more reclusive and doesn't embrace the spotlight, turning several offers to act in movies or appear on Late Night Kerbin, one of the most prestigous TV shows. He was sued by Kerbal Magazine.inc after he socked an annoying photographer in the face, threw him into a trashcan, then tossed the container into a tank of rocket fuel. It was only after negotiations by (former) Secretary of State Jebediah Kerman that he evaded all charges. Bob was largely responsible for the success of the DunaRecon Orbiter, and later personally proposed, engineered, built, and managed his own project, the Laythe Sailboat Project. He has also contributed years worth of data to propulsion research, building the LV-922 lander engine that vastily improved both thrust and ISP along with testing next-generation scramjets for a proposed SSTO.

Bill is the only remaining member of the "Moho Three" that hasn't left the astronaut corps. He serves as a military pilot, holding the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, and continues to fly space missions to this day. He is currently scheduled to act as the Flight Commandant onboard the Duna One mission.

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Jebediah is my former astronaut. He now serves as the Head of the Kerbonaut Corps, working a typical job at his executive office in the Kerbonaut center, and is a international celebrity, playing himself in multiple movies and appearing on several TV shows. He recieves massive amounts of fanmail, so much that the local post office called to complain that their trucks kept breaking down under the sheer weight of all the letters/packages. His last mission was Minimus 2; he's flown on the Munsho't 2 & 5 & 8, Minimus 1, and Expeditions 1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 15, totalling about to almost six years in space. Jebediah dabbles in politics now and then, serving three nonconsecutive terms as a Senator and making a unsuccessful bid for President along with working as the Secretary of State for a year (He quit).

Bob works as the Chief Engineer of Planetary Probes. Unlike Jebediah, hes much more reclusive and doesn't embrace the spotlight, turning several offers to act in movies or appear on Late Night Kerbin, one of the most prestigous TV shows. He was sued by Kerbal Magazine.inc after he socked an annoying photographer in the face, threw him into a trashcan, then tossed the container into a tank of rocket fuel. It was only after negotiations by (former) Secretary of State Jebediah Kerman that he evaded all charges. Bob was largely responsible for the success of the DunaRecon Orbiter, and later personally proposed, engineered, built, and managed his own project, the Laythe Sailboat Project. He has also contributed years worth of data to propulsion research, building the LV-922 lander engine that vastily improved both thrust and ISP along with testing next-generation scramjets for a proposed SSTO.

Bill is the only remaining member of the "Moho Three" that hasn't left the astronaut corps. He serves as a military pilot, holding the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, and continues to fly space missions to this day. He is currently scheduled to act as the Flight Commandant onboard the Duna One mission.

You probably can't wait to start a new campaign when the update comes out can you? I like games like KSP that are open ended enough to RP. I was thinking of launching some pointless satellites into Kerbin orbit just for fun, but I've got way too much on my plate already. Hopefully contracts for leisurely missions like that are available/practical for financial purposes when the next update arrives.

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Jeb is the Mission Commander.

Bill is the Pilot

Bob is the Scientist

Jeb is the main man, enjoys spaceflight.

Bill is kinda dumb, so he flies the ships.

Bob is the "smartest" of the bunch, so he does the science on my missions.

Jeb and Bob would be the Lander group, and Bill would be the one to stay in the orbital ship.

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In my mission reports, the three of them are test pilots. Everyone else is an engineer or scientist of some sort. They featured quite prominently in the first part of my mission reports, but since then I've mostly kept them on Kerbin test-flying various aircraft and spaceplanes while the others go off into the solar system. The generated characters are somewhat unique to me and so I mostly focus on them now as far as character development.

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I use Jeb, Bill, and Bob as commanders for my largest missions, but I'll use other kerbals as mission commanders as well when they aren't available, especially for smaller scale missions.

Jeb just recently got back from testing out a new multi-part spaceship, one that was designed to work as a reusable spaceship (called the KSS Discovery) and was going to take it out to Jool, a mission that did NOT go well. In fact I had my second death of a kerbal on that mission :( While in orbit of Minmus, Jeb decided to let Philgan Kerman (who was relatively new to the space program) try to do an extreme EVA to the surface of Minmus. Philgan did make it to the surface (alive) and plant a flag, but the decent was horribly botched, and he didn't have nearly enough RCS fuel to make it back to orbit (he had only a little more then 1 unit of fuel). But, Philgan being terrified of having to wait in his suit for a couple of days on the surface while waiting for a rescue mission, decided to try anyways. Needless to say, it ended pretty much as one would expect, with Philgan flying face first at high velocity into the side of a Minmusian crater. Jeb had to return to Kerbin with 6 crewmembers instead of 7. There aren't any launch windows coming up anytime soon, so I don't suspect I'll be using him much for now. Maybe I'll send him on a trip to Minmus, there are still a bunch of biomes there I haven't fully checked out yet.

Bill just arrived in Mohosian orbit with the KSS Discovery II, which was a nearly complete redesign of the first KSS Discovery. This ship was originally meant to go to Jool, along with a sister ship commanded by Jeb, but because of the delays caused from having to redesign, and then reassemble in orbit a new ship, not to mention the landers still need to be designed and tested, the current launch window for Jool was missed, and they will have to wait for the next one. So, Bill took the ship along with 6 other kerbals to Moho.

Bob is currently commanding Kerb Station 2 in orbit of Kerbin.

As for other kerbals I like, I recently began really liking Hudvan Kerman. While testing out the Taurus HCV, there was in incident in which all the parachute lines were cut (the abort rockets were fired), and he saved the capsule and the other test pilot by EVAing on the side of the capsule, as it plunged towards the sea, and repacking and redeploying each chute. He's part of the crew orbiting Moho right now, and I'll have him be one of the crew members going down to the surface, he definitely earned it.

Orkin Kerman was another one that I really liked. He was a certified "badS", and shared a lot of the same qualities as Jeb. Not surpisingly, he was like Jeb in that he was a bit reckless, and liked to live dangerously. On one flight-test, the aircraft he was in went off the side of the runway (not his fault, poor design), and nearly disentigrated as it bounced into the air and fuel tanks and engines exploded behind him. He survived only because the aircraft's capsule was designed to seperate, and had a couple of parachutes to let it down to the ground (albeit upside down). Orkin smiled the entire time. I could practically hear him shout "I want to do that again!" But unlike Jeb, he didn't share in the shear dumb luck Jeb seems to have, and flew himself into the side of a mountain, after decending through a cloud layer, while testing out an aircraft (Jeb would have somehow magically found the one gap big enough for an aircraft in that mountain range).

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As for other kerbals I like, I recently began really liking Hudvan Kerman. While testing out the Taurus HCV, there was in incident in which all the parachute lines were cut (the abort rockets were fired), and he saved the capsule and the other test pilot by EVAing on the side of the capsule, as it plunged towards the sea, and repacking and redeploying each chute. He's part of the crew orbiting Moho right now, and I'll have him be one of the crew members going down to the surface, he definitely earned it

Aw that's super cool. BadS even.

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