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You can always tell a new build eminent by:


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You can tell a new build is imminent because Squad makes a post saying "0.xx has been released!"

Well, anyone watching SteamDB will know before the announcement. In the case of the official win64 build, we knew of its existence through steam 24hours before squad said a word publicly. (fyi the win64 build still seems much much smaller than the other builds. Don't expect it to come will all the bells and whistles.)

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Well, anyone watching SteamDB will know before the announcement. In the case of the official win64 build, we knew of its existence through steam 24hours before squad said a word publicly. (fyi the win64 build still seems much much smaller than the other builds. Don't expect it to come will all the bells and whistles.)

In that case, you know because Steam tells you it has an update (that's how I learned of 0.23.5).

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In that case, you know because Steam tells you it has an update (that's how I learned of 0.23.5).

Not necessarily. The first indication is not normally that a new update available, but rather that the previous version is moving from current to stable/previous. The removal of the previous stable/previous build can also indicate Squad preparing to go public. Each developer does things differently but if you watch them long enough they all have their patterns. They stick to whatever worked for them last time because, for developers, managing builds is sometimes tricky. Every office has the one guy who is an expert on handling steam and talking to valve.

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Well, anyone watching SteamDB will know before the announcement. In the case of the official win64 build, we knew of its existence through steam 24hours before squad said a word publicly. (fyi the win64 build still seems much much smaller than the other builds. Don't expect it to come will all the bells and whistles.)

I wouldn't be surprised if the best clue that 0.24 were imminent was that the win64 build suddenly blew up to the size of the win32 build...

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So I am the only one that noticed that steam database has not updated even once today nor yesterday?

Don't jinx it. One of the last steps is them sending the final build to the early access people and waiting 24-48 hours for final bug reports. A few weekdays with no new build is a good thing.

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During the hype of 0.23.5, when these new builds were getting attention, people were very quick to say that it was likely nothing big, and doesn't indicate anything. Hate to be a downer, but again it is likely the same and these new builds don't represent anything. However, I will say that with each day passing we get closer to the update being released, so lets sit tight :)

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However, I will say that with each day passing we get closer to the update being released, so lets sit tight :)

I've found that sitting tight never has enough Delta-V to get me anywhere at all (Bob did move about an inch once but he had tacos the night before) -- but I suppose I will try it... for v.24.

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fyi the win64 build still seems much much smaller than the other builds. Don't expect it to come will all the bells and whistles.

Well, if you don't count the GameData folder, wich does not need to be recompiled to work with x64, the 32-bits build takes about 750MB, so they will be the same size, and will have the same content.

You don't need to download all the textures and models twice.

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Oh, I remember the period after there was only a small group of people playing, but before steam. Back then you could tell that a new built was coming out because the forums were down. you had to reload like a hundred times to get to the download page and even then the download would die half way through the process. Fun times :)

Honestly though, I feel like it was easier back then, much less pressure on the devs and in return better decision making by them in my opinion, although I am sure many here would disagree with that.

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I hope 0.24 breaks my current save. I want to know whether my crazy partially reusable 2STO all solid first stage designs actually make economic sense compared to SSTOs.

Edit: Pic :)

For the last few months I've played with the Kerbal Engineering and Mission Control Extended mods. They make a good combination for career play as you have to pay money to launch each vehicle and get paid for completing contracts. If you do some math over the weight of your payload vs the cost of the launch/orbital insertion stages, you can figure a rough estimate on launch prices. Most of my launchers cost between $6.5k-$8k/ton of payload. Those are on flights that cost over $125k total, where pay offs are between $150-220k. Yesterday I managed to muster a relatively heavy lifter (~18t tons to LKO) that costs just over $5k/ton.

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Actually, compared to 0.23.5, the build up to this update has been really upbeat. I think the KSP media team have handled this one much better than last time as there is no massive amount of video footage given to us wayyy before release. As for the negativity, I haven't seen anything at all. People can wait!

We took a lot of care in that this time around, trying to ensure that things wouldn't get so far out of hand this time. Some solid info's been revealed so far, but the big stuff, like FAQs and videos won't come until close to or on the release of the update.

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I agree, increasing the hype with videos and streams several days before the release caused a bit a chaos... I like this way much better, just sitting patiently and mashing F5 until something happens.

Edited by RocketPilot573
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I wish that I didn't know because now I don't really want to continue playing until the new one is released.


For me, if I do not step up the pace soon, it will take longer to upgrade to .24 this time - too many missions underway and me being a bit unmotivated due to too much KSP (yes, that is a thing, try eating the same food for half a year :wink:) ... but the good thing would be that if I finally finish them all, my mods will be ready for .24 too. :D

Although there will be minimal mods for a few testing hours of course! :)

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