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[1.1] BDArmory v0.11.0.1 (+compatibility, fixes) - Apr 23


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  Aghanim said:
Now is it possible for me to use my joystick middle button to lock to a target and shoot it with a missile?

if you activate the weapons manager it will acquire targets in front of you, the parameters set a cone in front of the weapons manager where it will seek for targets.

The weapons manager will acquire all kinds of target, air, ground, debris, kerbals, etc. giving priotity to the one immediately in front of you and have a tendency to lock on ships rather than debris (but if there is a debris swarm its a bit hard to lock on what you want).

You can toggle this mode via action groups.

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  Mangey Carl said:
Ok, whenever I go to the KSC, the BD Armory icon in the corner is blacked out. I can't get the reticle to work (It doesn't show up), and the Weapons manager does not help. Thanks anyway!

The blacked out icon / missing reticle sounds like missing textures.

In order to confirm this and attempt solving your issue, please try setting up a fresh installation of KSP with nothing but stock / NASAmission parts and BDArmory, and tell us what happens.

Also, please post screenshots describing your situation.

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  Mangey Carl said:
Ok, whenever I go to the KSC, the BD Armory icon in the corner is blacked out. I can't get the reticle to work (It doesn't show up), and the Weapons manager does not help. Thanks anyway!

Are you using active texture reduction? If so you need to add a few lines of code in its config to ignore the logo otherwise It gets compressed into a black square FAR does the same thing without the config. Everything should work fine despite this though

The reticle on the other hand makes less sense. Try activating a gun manually by way of the drop down menu if that does not work delete your whole BD armory directory and reinstall

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  Motokid600 said:
Whats the status of the increased load distance in .90? Does that still work okay? That's the only thing I really need.

It still works as good and as bad as it did before.

  LORDPrometheus said:
out of curiosity was it my suggestion Sumghai's or both?

I already included an ATM config, unless there was a config-breaking ATM update. (I'd also like to know which one fixed it).

  The Space Man said:
I can understand why it wouldn't be realistic IRL but if it was totally optional then i would definitely make use of it. I'm more of a tank and ground vehicle user but none of the missiles seem to work as ground to ground missiles, so being able switch modes would be great for people like me.

Have you tried the Hellfire or Maverick? I designed the AGM guidance to work well with SSM as well (especially the hellfire): http://gfycat.com/WholeKeyGangesdolphin

Edited by BahamutoD
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  BahamutoD said:
I already included an ATM config, unless there was a config-breaking ATM update. (I'd also like to know which one fixed it).

Now that I think of it, yes, it probably was an ATM-related issue.

By the way, Baha, I understand that you expressed interest in some of my old ideas on unifying ammunition storage / vessel rebuilding to allow turrets to have surface-attached parts:

Allowing direct / surface attachment of other parts to turrets

As described previously, this would be implemented using an adapted version of the Infernal Robotics code that detects the motion of any given turret and updates the relative position(s) of any other parts directly attached to said turret.

Example use cases:

- Attaching various machine gun turrets, headlights, antenna and other parts onto the M1 Abrams tank turret, such that when the tank turret is being aimed, all the attached parts move in unison. Note that any additional machine gun turrets / other weapons can still operate independently via guard mode etc. - it's just that their base transforms will be shifted along with the tank turret they're currently mounted on.

- Attaching ammo boxes to machine gun turrets, similar to the Crewed Remoted Operated Weapons System (CROWS); if the user (optionally) has Kerbal Attachment System installed, Kerbals on EVA can grab/remove/replace these ammo boxes:


Ammunition storage and/or management system(s)

- Some weapons like CROWS-type turrets could have small, specialty ammo boxes that attach directly to the weapon body/receiver (hence the suggestion for the IR-style child part position rebuilding)

- For the M1 Abrams tank turret or user-built craft that use multiple weapon/bullet cartridges/shell types, instead of having specialty ammo boxes, *universal* ammo storage part(s) could be configured by the user to store different ammo types at different quantities, in a manner similar to Modular Fuel Tanks. A custom part module would be needed:

name = BahaAmmoStorage
maxCapacity = 0.25 // Maximum total capacity, in KSP metric tons, of this universal container's ammo capacity. In other words, whatever mix of ammo you have in there, this is the upper limit.

- Form factors could include surface-attached boxes, stacked containers, or even built into the M1 Abrams Turret itself.

- The UI would allow users to add/edit/remove ammo types and quantities for each of these universal containers (e.g. maybe today I want 100 .50 cal. and 200 20x102mm rounds, but tomorrow I want 495 20x102mm rounds)

- Another advantage is scaleability - new ammo types and subtypes can be introduced without having to make dedicated storage containers unless necessary (e.g. CannonShells_HEAT, CannonShells_Incendiary, CannonShells_AP)

For both proposals, I can help with models and suggest pseudocode/logic for the plugin.

I'm curious to hear whether these are still under consideration for future updates of BDArmory (no pressure, by the way :))

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Hey ya! :)

just writting because I notified an issue and didn't see anyone posting it so far:

when getting to launch pad or getting back to VAB/STH it happens that my game crash... ok this is probably because of memory usage but the thing is that after getting back

to the game all bombs disapear breaking all my stock planes having them. So far re-installing the whole mod is the only way I managed to find to get them back until the next crash that will wipe them (not systematicaly though).

I'm running KSP 32(x86) with 8gb RAM on windows 7U x64 with i7 4800MQ and Nvidia GTX 880M 8gb VRAM

using DB Armory, B9 5.2.8, Interstellar Expended 0.7.11, texture manager basic

how and also: is it possible to add clipping node on the bottom of the mark 1 turret? :D

Thank you for your attention!! (by the way awsome mod!!)

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Help! Everytime I try to start my game, an error comes up, saying "CrossFeedEnabler is not compatible with 0.25! It launches just fine, but then only one ammo box shows up, and it's the 50 cal, I have boat parts installed, along with this mod and b9 aerospace. :c

- - - Updated - - -

Also, I forgot to add, that pratically all the weapons don't work, and bunch of parts are missing, like the tracks and the helicopter blades... ;.;

Edited by Master Tao
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  Jamezmaster24 said:
Help! Everytime I try to start my game, an error comes up, saying "CrossFeedEnabler is not compatible with 0.25! It launches just fine, but then only one ammo box shows up, and it's the 50 cal, I have boat parts installed, along with this mod and b9 aerospace. :c

- - - Updated - - -

Also, I forgot to add, that pratically all the weapons don't work, and bunch of parts are missing, like the tracks and the helicopter blades... ;.;

Are you getting any errors in the debug screen?

Next do you have the file installed correctly?

There are no helicopter blades or tracks in BDarmory. And it sounds like you dont have Firespitter.dll installed.

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  Jamezmaster24 said:
Okay, so I guess the tracks or Heli blades were something else, but sorry if I sound stupid, but I don't know where to get the Firespitter.dll

Okay, I was the biggest idiot in the world, and my installation was wrong, I had installed the entire Gamedata file into the gamedata file, if that makes sense. but I fixed it.. Thank you so much!

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  Jamezmaster24 said:
Okay, so I guess the tracks or Heli blades were something else, but sorry if I sound stupid, but I don't know where to get the Firespitter.dll

Ok Firespitter.dll is an essential part of most of the mods for KSP that involve moving parts, it is found in the mod, Firespitter.

Oh I just thought of one other thing.... are you testing this out in career mode or in sandbox? If it is career mode then you may have to unlock those items in the career tree.

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This mod is amazing and works really well, I am missing one thing though, there do not appear to be any static 12.7mm(.50) machine guns or any other static small caliber guns. I think that for small Fighter craft and prop aircraft it would be really cool to have an assortment of 7.62mm(.30) 12.7mm(.50) and 20mm static machine guns and cannons.

Keep up the good work!

PS, What mods did you use for the tracks in the trailer? I haven't been able to find a proper track mod yet.

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  Brumes Wolf said:
This mod is amazing and works really well, I am missing one thing though, there do not appear to be any static 12.7mm(.50) machine guns or any other static small caliber guns. I think that for small Fighter craft and prop aircraft it would be really cool to have an assortment of 7.62mm(.30) 12.7mm(.50) and 20mm static machine guns and cannons.

Keep up the good work!

PS, What mods did you use for the tracks in the trailer? I haven't been able to find a proper track mod yet.

Set the yaw range and stuff to 0 in the tweakables for the 50 cals, though it still looks out of place it won't move.

The tracks are from Kerbal Foundries :)

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  ogledhill14 said:
I know that development has slowed on this mod, however I would like to know if there are any plans for dmp compatibility.

Ello everyone!

@ogledhill, I'd have to work with BahamutoD for that to work well - there's a lot of issues that come up when dealing with multiplayer, and the DMPClient has a rather poor design that doesn't lend itself out well to other plugins interfacing with it. You'd also be pretty limited to the master controlled warp modes rather than subspace, otherwise you have to deal with some really strange time paradoxes :-/

DMP also gets pretty spaghetti in some (or a lot of...) cases, especially where KSP gets a little weird.

@Baha, If you're up for it I'll help, even though I'm not much of a PvP type of guy. You'll also be defining the interface for other plugins to use as well, I find that things get better if you have hindsight on actual usage, rather than trying to guess (as the current DMPModInterface thing is).

Also, forum watching bots are nice, you've got to get yourself one of these :)

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