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[1.1] BDArmory v0.11.0.1 (+compatibility, fixes) - Apr 23


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Have you ever thought of rescaling them for Kerbal size?

Also, are flares...solid? Cause I've been doing dogfights all day, and I can dodge a missile, but it seems to hit a flare right behind me, and thus blows off the back of my plane. What's going on here? Do the missiles have proximity detonation or are flares solid?

Also, I'm a bit confused on something. I was landed and fired an AMRAAM. I was thinking it would blow me up. But it dropped to the ground, and then shot off sliding on the ground for a KM or so and then blew up. Seemed a bit odd.

Real air-to-air missiles have proximity detonation. In the vid I posted it does appear the missile did not actually hit me but exploded in close proximity.

As for the one you dropped on the ground, by default BDs missiles have a delay before firing its engines, and the drop from your plane to the ground propably wasn't a hard enough impact to set it off.

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Real air-to-air missiles have proximity detonation. In the vid I posted it does appear the missile did not actually hit me but exploded in close proximity.

As for the one you dropped on the ground, by default BDs missiles have a delay before firing its engines, and the drop from your plane to the ground propably wasn't a hard enough impact to set it off.

I knew real ones did, I was asking if he had coded them to do so.

Also, I knew about the engine delay, I just didn't expect it so soar across the ground without blowing up. I made a .gif to show it. It went almost 2km before finally exploding. :P


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Why can't the AI planes use MGs? They only use missiles for me, is this normal?

IDK about the other guns but with the hidden Vulcan they have to be spot on. Ive been shot down down a couple of times by the guns (once was a head on attack) but like I said they have to be pretty much right at the AI's 12:00.

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Why can't the AI planes use MGs? They only use missiles for me, is this normal?

I put a .50cal on one of my planes and it shot at an oncoming missile with it, but would not shot at another plane. Potentially a good missile defense for bombers.

I recorded a 2v2 dogfight with some basic fighter planes. video should be up in about 30 minutes.

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The video is still processing, just give it some time if you want to watch in full 1440P.

-Edit: Seems 1440P is ready now.

Here is a quick 2v2 dogfight i did to test the the ai.

Edited by ShawnPhillips
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I've put together a release of the guns I've been working on.

BD, could you please link to it on the front page? Thanks in advance:


Hopefully this means I don't have to spam this thread anymore :P

Those are some really impressive guns!

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So, some notes about the AI:

-They pretty much fly in circles the whole time if you're on their tail. It would be cool if they switched directions and tried to evade.

-They will pretty much always avoid a single Aim-9, but an AMRAAM will usually take it out.

-They will continue fighting after losing 1 of 2 or more engines

-Apparently after losing all engines they will land themselves

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Bahamuto, can you consider writing a plugin that removes the "Cannot switch in the atmosphere" message?

Because 1. It's annoying. 2. It really nullifies some advantages of the extended load range. 3. It really ruins the setup of some of my dogfights.

I apologize if this has been asked a lot/or already tried and it's not possible. I was just wondering if you were aware of this and had any plans to remove it.

(I may be pushing too far but, a plugin that puts kerbals on seats on launch? I REALLY want to strap Jeb to a modular Air-to-surface missile without all the hassle)

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Bahamuto, can you consider writing a plugin that removes the "Cannot switch in the atmosphere" message?

Because 1. It's annoying. 2. It really nullifies some advantages of the extended load range. 3. It really ruins the setup of some of my dogfights.

I apologize if this has been asked a lot/or already tried and it's not possible. I was just wondering if you were aware of this and had any plans to remove it.

(I may be pushing too far but, a plugin that puts kerbals on seats on launch? I REALLY want to strap Jeb to a modular Air-to-surface missile without all the hassle)

Yeah they seem very much like a basic first implementation. But seeing as that's what they are, it's pretty nifty. Personally I'd love it if their AI was optimized for gunfighting. As it's easily the most fun part of close-in dogfighting I know. Though from my experience in reasonably realistic aircraft dogfighting from Falcon BMS and DCS World. It can get very complicated very fast. So programming an AI that has a decent understanding of energy management, turning circles, snapshots/tracking shots, vertical displacement and all that stuff can be a pretty daunting task. It'll probably be a gradual thing.

As a first suggestion, after making them able to execute gunshots, get some basic

down (if AI speed is significantly higher than target speed, turn in the vertical on the first merge, if not, turn level or slice) as well as letting the AI reverse its turn in the case of a one-circle merge or just the AI's target overshooting.
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Also, as a note to everyone out there, if your plane is destroyed, but the cockpit remains, EVA your kerbal and rotate it upside-down (Using alt-right mouse button and moving mouse)

They will bounce off of their head and survive. :P

Edited by Endersmens
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Umm... a bit of a possible bug report here. (love your mod BTW, and this new update looks really nice)

Was trying out the new aircraft AI by using one of my NAFA-4s against an AI NAFA-17. I got behind the NAFA-17's tail and fired a missile (AIM-9 sidewinder) at it, scoring a hit and causing the remaining airframe to break-up in midair. For some reason, once the missile hit the NAFA-17 my NAFA-4 suddenly went into a death spiral, pitching up and rolling to the left. The undamaged aircraft would, for some reason, not respond to my inputs, and wound up crashing into a building in the science center. I still don't know how both pilots survived.

A similar situation happened to me the kill before this, where my NAFA-4 went unresponsive after I had switched to the broken-up NAFA-17 to eject the pilot, and then switched back to the NAFA-4. However, it regained control after a little while (right around the time debris from the NAFA-17 was hitting the ground)

I think for some reason that when the AI is not destroyed but the plane it is mounted on becomes unflyable, it is locking up the player's aircraft too until it either crashes into the ground or becomes unmarked as a target (which would coincide with both cases).

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I realize the bombs are inaccurate for a reason.

But it's not just me who finds them wildly inaccurate since 8.0, right? There's no consistency.

I've spent the the half hour trying to bomb a single target, and every time the bombs either fell way short or overshot by a wide margin.

And compensating doesn't help, at all.

When bombs overshot, I released earlier. Bombs still kept overshooting by the same distance, or they would fall massively short.

When bombs fell short, I released later. Bombs started overshooting.

Maybe I just suck at it, but... right now, it feels like the only way to accurately bomb a single target is to carpet bomb a square kilometre area. Eliminating "accurate".

EDIT: Rather, not so much the bombs, but the targeting reticule. But y'all knew what I meant, right?

EDIT DUO: I'll have to add, before people think I'm too negative, that I think the rest of the mod is spot-on. It's just the mk.82 bombs being frustratingly inconsistent, and not-fun.

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