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[1.1] BDArmory v0.11.0.1 (+compatibility, fixes) - Apr 23


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  jmac202 said:
I love the mod, a LOT, i have 2 problems with it though. I had to create custom ammunition boxes for 20mm and 30mm because for some reason they wouldn't appear on my parts menu, and 2nd, where the heck is my crossshair? Is there somewhere I need to enable it? I have no crosshair, but i have a selected weapon, toggled on, and i have a weapon manager, but where the heck is the crosshair!? Please tell me how to fix this as soon as possible. Thank you.

Missing ammo boxes and textures (the crosshair) mean you installed it in the wrong place. Please watch the tutorial video.

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  Thereisnospoon said:
I have a few suggestions:

1. Unguided rocket artillery, like an MRLS turret

Its not quite a turret, but I did make a resized and working MLRS like missile. Post is here, The cluster missile was a resized cluster bomb and not a hellfire due to the model of the missile needing the submissions built in. So a new model is needed to make it look like the other one.

My resized pack has the following;

  • Mark 81 250 pound General purpose unguided bomb;
  • Mark 83 1000 pound General purpose unguided bomb;
  • 75mm Howitzer;
  • 155mm Howitzer;
  • M30 Guided MLRS;
  • M31 Guided Unitary MLRS;
  • 60mm Cannon turret.

Please notice the download in in my MSN hotbox or what ever they are calling it it these days, and it is the parts.zip file. I will look into seeing if they is any needed adjustments and open its own thread and host on kerbalstuff here soonâ„¢.

Edit: A quick testing found out that MY weapon part add-on IS NOT 1.# compatible...

Adding the following to the MLRSpart.cfg does allow 15km hits;

aero = true
liftArea = 0.16
steerMult = 0.75
maxTorque = 45

There are a few other adjustments needed but will attempt to get the other parts worked out and a new release here soonâ„¢, maybe in two weeksâ„¢.

Edited by Damaske
Update on newest aero model for ksp 1.#
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Any plans on adding something like a RIM-161 SM-3? One was very slightly modified and used to shoot down a satellite not long ago that was about 250km above the surface. I know there's some limitations with how far away something is actually rendered (Unless you use Lazor systems) so you would basically have to 'ride the missile' to its target, and that it has stages it goes through on the way up

It would make for a nice little craft to sit at KSC and switch to every time you wanted to zap some debris as its orbit lined up

Edited by Sabor
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Is it possible to have a mirror download url?

KerbalStuff in this days (at least on my end) is not working...

(... not only BDArmory, but any other download... differently, any Curse link - from mods that provides multiple download - are totally fine...)

Have I to login/subscribe on Kerbalstuff??? (All its links starts as "https", like were encripted.........)

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And maybe sorting out the tech tree.

It's a bit jarring to suddenly get access to everything from simple dumb bombs to awesome space missiles and lasers. ;)

But that's a thing for when the mod goes out of béta, I know. Don't think I'm rushin' ya, BahamutoD.

(And yes, I know there's the contracts pack that sorts it out, but as interesting as that is, it has "issues" of its own.)

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BahamutoD, I know that you are very very busy and all. But how did you code the homingType and were is it located I ask this as I wonder how hard it would be to make a "new" homing type for the MLRS missile's that I have been working on that they will climb at a 45 degree angle till at lest 5km and then arc downward till target intercept. Kind of a Ballistic arc witch also might be able to be later adjusted into a homing type that can be used for ballistic missile's.

The current AGM homing type does not have the feel of the MLRS rocket arc that I am looking for.

Many many thanks


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  Damaske said:
BahamutoD, I know that you are very very busy and all. But how did you code the homingType and were is it located I ask this as I wonder how hard it would be to make a "new" homing type for the MLRS missile's that I have been working on that they will climb at a 45 degree angle till at lest 5km and then arc downward till target intercept. Kind of a Ballistic arc witch also might be able to be later adjusted into a homing type that can be used for ballistic missile's.

The current AGM homing type does not have the feel of the MLRS rocket arc that I am looking for.

Many many thanks


Maybe a look at the source code helps you. A link is in the main post.

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  BahamutoD said:
BoomShroom, unfortunately the code only supports one resource requirement. I'll put it in the todo list. I'm curious, what do you have planned?

Not BoomShroom, but what immediately springs to mind is putting a big electricity requirement on a railgun in addition to whatever sort of shell it's firing.

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  Ethanadams said:
Move the ai plane to the left of the runway not on it at all go to space center load your plane then switch to ai launch it then launch your own plane after it


Now, two questions: one, is the AI supposed to try to attack me? It's not! And two, any chance you are working on getting AI to spawn without having to launch it manually, BD?

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Hey! Thanks so much for the source code! I am making a game (just a project though, I'm not a proper developer) based on your mod and KSP, and I took your mouse aim code and based my mouse aim code on it. I hope thats ok :) Here is the code in case you want to see how much I ripped you off :P (yes, I do noobscript):


I wrote this just to thank you for making such an awesome mod for people to enjoy and learn from!

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  Damaske said:
Its not quite a turret, but I did make a resized and working MLRS like missile. Post is here, The cluster missile was a resized cluster bomb and not a hellfire due to the model of the missile needing the submissions built in. So a new model is needed to make it look like the other one.

My resized pack has the following;

  • Mark 81 250 pound General purpose unguided bomb;
  • Mark 83 1000 pound General purpose unguided bomb;
  • 75mm Howitzer;
  • 155mm Howitzer;
  • M30 Guided MLRS;
  • M31 Guided Unitary MLRS;
  • 60mm Cannon turret.

Please notice the download in in my MSN hotbox or what ever they are calling it it these days, and it is the parts.zip file. I will look into seeing if they is any needed adjustments and open its own thread and host on kerbalstuff here soonâ„¢.

Edit: A quick testing found out that MY weapon part add-on IS NOT 1.# compatible...

Adding the following to the MLRSpart.cfg does allow 15km hits;

aero = true
liftArea = 0.16
steerMult = 0.75
maxTorque = 45

There are a few other adjustments needed but will attempt to get the other parts worked out and a new release here soonâ„¢, maybe in two weeksâ„¢.

Thanks, I'll make sure to check it out.

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  PrototypeTheta said:
Uuuuh, I've already managed to get a turret to do just that...

Really? There's only one "ammoName" field. Does KSP have built in support for requesting multiple resources with a single string?

Edit : and only one field for requestResourceAmount... so even if RequestResource() can check two resources from one string, it would ask for the same amount from each type.

Edited by BahamutoD
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  MarvinCZ said:
Does BDArmory still change physics range, or does it use just the stock settings now? Do I have to fear any physics range problems in orbit? Thanks

You can still turn it off by setting the distance to zero in the BDA settings (Alt-B), but it still does extend the physics range since the stock physics extension only applies to suborbital flights, meaning landed vehicles and those in stable orbit aren't loaded.

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  BahamutoD said:
Really? There's only one "ammoName" field. Does KSP have built in support for requesting multiple resources with a single string?

Edit : and only one field for requestResourceAmount... so even if RequestResource() can check two resources from one string, it would ask for the same amount from each type.

False alarm, it didn't actually work properly.

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  DeepOdyssey said:
It's a shame that a vessel can't use two CIWS weapons, such as Goalkeeper and Oerlikon together against vessels, missiles, or mixed setting.

Have you trued using different weapon managers for each weapon system. Like, using one manager for the goalkeeper turrets and other one for the Oerlikon.

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