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[1.1] BDArmory v0.11.0.1 (+compatibility, fixes) - Apr 23


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  V8jester said:
But this is KSP ;) Ask not what your modders can build for you, but what you can build to blow the other guys on the forum away with what you have :)

Besides that bomb bay would need to be completely rebuilt to hold a different load out of bombs. The skewer would stay the same but the layout of rails around it would change. So its hard to make one part that can do so many different jobs. It's some times easier to use the many parts you already have access to, to make something new. Just ask lots of questions and pick up what you can. You look new to the forum so just be aware most anyone on here is happy to help you learn more about the game and just how far you can push things.

I was inspired by your bomb bay. I spent an hour learning how Infernal Robotics works and I'm working on a rotating missile bay. Allows for smaller wings (less hardpoints) and is more aerodynamic.

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  Fish Boy said:
I was inspired by your bomb bay. I spent an hour learning how Infernal Robotics works and I'm working on a rotating missile bay. Allows for smaller wings (less hardpoints) and is more aerodynamic.

Pictures, I demand Pictures :)

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  V8jester said:
Pictures, I demand Pictures :)

I can probably give you a video within a day or two. I need to design a decent looking plane to go with the bay, which is painful because I have killer OCD and I hate the Mark 2 cockpit and the Mark 2 to 1.25 meter adapters.


Edited by Fish Boy
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  EdusacconBR said:
whats the range of the USAF airborne laser? :huh:

5000 Km = A really long way

- - - Updated - - -

  Fish Boy said:
I can probably give you a video within a day or two. I need to design a decent looking plane to go with the bay, which is painful because I have killer OCD and I hate the Mark 2 cockpit and the Mark 2 to 1.25 meter adapters.


Hey you could almost fit two skewers in there. Looks good, also looks like you figured out the back support as well, it's not hanging down at all. Nice! Did you figure out how to set it to stop at intervals? You need to start with the first position set at -180 and the last is 180 and anything in between. Thats how I setup my B2 so I could just press an action group to advance the rotor.

And I hope I'm not being a yutz here but. Another idea for a bomb bay at 1:30

Edited by V8jester
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I've been working hard on the targeting pod display.

http://gfycat.com/IncredibleBigheartedFantail (cut and sped up to fit the 15sec gfy limit)

Some thing's I've added so far:

- Resizeable window

- "Slave Turret" button - makes your active turrets point at the target.

- Target position HUD icon (green diamond.. you can barely see it in the gfy though)

- Target GPS coordinates - not really important but the targeting pod will eventually be used for gps guided bombs

- Roll indicator*

- Elevation angle indicator* (artificial horizon)

- Target direction indicator (*last 3 things are on the bottom left)

- Gimbal limits

- Image filter - grayscale will be optional. It's not actual IR imaging - that would be too much shader work for me.

- "CoM Lock" option, for lack of a better term - if the sensor is ground stabilized and you drag it onto a vessel, it will snap to the vessel's center of mass

- video resolution adjustable via config

As for a release date - it won't come out until I finish all the other stuff like radar and IR, so 2-3 weeks, maybe.

Let me know if there's any other useful info I should show on the TGP display.

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Wait, IR? Does that mean we can now put stuff above the tank guns? Or did you mean infrared?

And I have a question, how will you fight aircraft with the new update and will UCAVs need them to fire weapons?

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  Forty21112 said:
Wait, IR? Does that mean we can now put stuff above the tank guns? Or did you mean infrared?

And I have a question, how will you fight aircraft with the new update and will UCAVs need them to fire weapons?

I meant infrared/heat seeking.

To fight aircraft you'll need radar components and/or heat seeking components.

However, there will be an option in the settings to allow the currently used vessel targeting.


Does anyone know why this is happening to the model in the part catalog?


I haven't run into this before... It doesn't grow, so its not the resource/module thing. It seems to be focused on one of the transforms in camera swiveling area instead of the root transform, and it rotates around it when you mouse-over.

Edited by BahamutoD
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  BahamutoD said:
I meant infrared/heat seeking.

To fight aircraft you'll need radar components and/or heat seeking components.

However, there will be an option in the settings to allow the currently used vessel targeting.


Does anyone know why this is happening to the model in the part catalog?


I haven't run into this before... It doesn't grow, so its not the resource/module thing. It seems to be focused on one of the transforms in camera swiveling area instead of the root transform, and it rotates around it when you mouse-over.

How is this radar targeting going to work?

Would be interesting if at least the size of the target mattered.

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  tetryds said:
How is this radar targeting going to work?

Would be interesting if at least the size of the target mattered.

I'll have to try a few things out and weigh a few options, but I do want size to have some impact.

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  BahamutoD said:
I'll have to try a few things out and weigh a few options, but I do want size to have some impact.

It would be interesting if the layout mattered, like pointy parts, sharp angles and big cross-section, as well as how the radar signal bounces back.

You could use some raycasting for deflection, and other stuff, as I said before, if you need something just pm me :)

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  BahamutoD said:
I meant infrared/heat seeking.

To fight aircraft you'll need radar components and/or heat seeking components.

However, there will be an option in the settings to allow the currently used vessel targeting.


Does anyone know why this is happening to the model in the part catalog?


I haven't run into this before... It doesn't grow, so its not the resource/module thing. It seems to be focused on one of the transforms in camera swiveling area instead of the root transform, and it rotates around it when you mouse-over.

Hey Lo-fi had the icon size issue on KF. And I know there was a fix made for that by another user. But from what it sounded like the upcoming version may have that fixed. (Don't quote me on this one, I recall that being the case but could be wrong)

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  BahamutoD said:
I'll have to try a few things out and weigh a few options, but I do want size to have some impact.

Perhaps a RPM screen that acts like a scope, with colors designating FoF (Red = Enemy, Green = Ally, Blue = No IFF) and rough, vessel view like shapes showing how big they are. Outside, you see a large indicator on any detected craft.

What realy would be awesome is a AWACS style radar dish, with huge range.

Also interesting to have would be radar detectors, that designate detected radar emitters and if they can track you, and the option to share data to other craft. That way a single AWACS can guide fighters to a intercept, or guide SAM or even SSM sites to targets

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  V8jester said:
5000 Km = A really long way

- - - Updated - - -

Hey you could almost fit two skewers in there. Looks good, also looks like you figured out the back support as well, it's not hanging down at all. Nice! Did you figure out how to set it to stop at intervals? You need to start with the first position set at -180 and the last is 180 and anything in between. Thats how I setup my B2 so I could just press an action group to advance the rotor.

And I hope I'm not being a yutz here but. Another idea for a bomb bay at 1:30

I just set hotkeys to rotate the skewer back and forth. Setting positions is a bit weird because the launch order is messed up with missiles.

Thus far I've built a very nice fighter that's excessively maneuverable and flies at very low speeds. Looks very futuristic.

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  Fish Boy said:
I just set hotkeys to rotate the skewer back and forth. Setting positions is a bit weird because the launch order is messed up with missiles.

Thus far I've built a very nice fighter that's excessively maneuverable and flies at very low speeds. Looks very futuristic.

The launch order of bombs and missiles can be manipulated. Think first in first out. For instance my B-2 had numerous bombs and missiles inside. But the first bombs dropped the mk-82's. Where the first bombs placed in the whole thing. Or the cruise missiles which were side by side. Again the first one fired was the first one placed. The other thing about the Skewer in the B-2 is each of the bomb standoffs where place individually by first. Building the skewer, then setting no limits on the Rotatron or the Uncontrolled Rotatron, but setting presets at 60 degree intervals from -180 to 180. Then cycle between the presets one at a time placing a payload of your choice with the angle snap tool on, from your start position to the final payload. Then in flight it will fallow the same sequence. So set your weapon manager on the first payload and it will automatically cycle to the next when you run out of bombs / missiles in that slot.

If you want a symmetrical payload of bombs or missiles this is far simpler. Just setup the skewer as stated above. Then simply place one bomb standoff with a payload of your choosing, under the skewer with radial symmetry turned on and 6 of them mirrored around the skewer. That's how my first B-2 with 6 cruise missiles was built. So the "first" one placed will be the "first" to fire. This would be the one exposed when the bay is open. Then between BD's bomb clearance check and the rotation of the skewer it works like a charm. If the firing order is reversed from the rotation of the skewer just invert your action group advance / return buttons and cycle it in the opposite direction.

On a side note, if you want to post pictures and info about your plane you are working on. My advanced aircraft thread linked in my signature could benefit from your input. Besides it would be better to talk about this kind of stuff over there.

Edited by V8jester
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  Ratboyslim said:
will the radar/heat seeking components be released in the next update? or is this to be implemented in the future

I think BD answered this on the last page.

  BahamutoD said:
I've been working hard on the targeting pod display.

http://gfycat.com/IncredibleBigheartedFantail (cut and sped up to fit the 15sec gfy limit)

Some thing's I've added so far:

- Resizeable window

- "Slave Turret" button - makes your active turrets point at the target.

- Target position HUD icon (green diamond.. you can barely see it in the gfy though)

- Target GPS coordinates - not really important but the targeting pod will eventually be used for gps guided bombs

- Roll indicator*

- Elevation angle indicator* (artificial horizon)

- Target direction indicator (*last 3 things are on the bottom left)

- Gimbal limits

- Image filter - grayscale will be optional. It's not actual IR imaging - that would be too much shader work for me.

- "CoM Lock" option, for lack of a better term - if the sensor is ground stabilized and you drag it onto a vessel, it will snap to the vessel's center of mass

- video resolution adjustable via config

As for a release date - it won't come out until I finish all the other stuff like radar and IR, so 2-3 weeks, maybe.

Let me know if there's any other useful info I should show on the TGP display.

And on that note, BD That looks fantastic! I can't wait to see the finished product. I really like the idea of a COM lock as well as the ability to control the turrets. That never occurred to me.

Edited by V8jester
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Hey guys, I'm having problems with BD Armory and I can't find a solution in the various posts so if this has been covered, sorry. I installed the latest version, I had no previous versions so I haven't made any mistakes with the installation as far as I can tell. The BD Armory folder that was in the gamedata folder in the zip file is in the gamedata folder of the game directory.

Anyway, the problem is that all the parts appear but their functions don't. The turrets and the weapon manager are unclickable in flight, in the SPH I can select them for action groups but I just get the name of the part in the selection menu, no actions to swap over to the action button. Also, clicking in flight doesn't fire the weapon (obviously since the weapon isn't activated).

Any ideas? Thanking you in advance.

Hey guys, I'm having problems with BD Armory and I can't find a solution in the various posts so if this has been covered, sorry. I installed the latest version, I had no previous versions so I haven't made any mistakes with the installation as far as I can tell. The BD Armory folder that was in the gamedata folder in the zip file is in the gamedata folder of the game directory.

Anyway, the problem is that all the parts appear but their functions don't. The turrets and the weapon manager are unclickable in flight, in the SPH I can select them for action groups but I just get the name of the part in the selection menu, no actions to swap over to the action button. Also, clicking in flight doesn't fire the weapon (obviously since the weapon isn't activated).

Any ideas? Thanking you in advance.

Is there some way to attach the output_log to this? Or should I just paste the whole thing? It's pretty long.

EDIT: https://www.dropbox.com/s/skokx5am6ieojxe/output_log.txt?dl=0 <--- my output log

Edited by dasoundofdapolice
Added a link to my outut log.
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  dasoundofdapolice said:

Welcome to the forums! At a quick glance it looks like there's a conflict between BDA and one of the mods or it could be something is up with modulemanager if you removed a mod. I would recommend a second KSP install if you can (don't delete your original KSP) and add BDA only - this is to check that BDA will work on your machine. Then add mods 2 at a time until it doesn't work; once you've got the problem again, delete 1 of the two mods you just added to see which one is causing the conflict: if it works, then you know that the mod you removed is the culprit; if it doesn't then you know that the mod you kept is causing the problems.

Edited by Scoundrel
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Heyy, I actually got night vision working!

In case you're interested, before each time the TGP camera renders, it sets the global ambient light to the full brightness, then it renders the image, and returns it to the original brightness so its normal for the regular flight camera.


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