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How often do you play KSP?


How often do you play KSP?  

  1. 1. How often do you play KSP?

    • I LIVE KSP!
    • More than 8 hours a day
    • A few hours a day
    • About two or three days in a week
    • A least once a week
    • I play it if there's a new update, but it wanes and I wait for new patch
    • I barely play it now...losing interest / don't have time
    • I quit playing

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I know a poll like this must've been done n times already, but then I haven't seen a recent one, so I was just curious on the numbers.

How often do you play KSP?


2) More than 8 hours a day

3) A few hours a day

4) About two or three days in a week

5) A least once a week

6) I play it daily once there's a new update, but then I trail off and do other stuff or play other games in between updates

7) I barely play it now

8) I quit playing

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  sumghai said:
I haven't really played the game in ages.

On the other hand, I work on new parts / features for my add-ons in-game practically every day.

Well, if you develop mods, you still have to go in and test them, so I consider those tests "playing" :D

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I WAS playing for about 4-5 hours on workdays and about.. Well you don't want to know how many hours on my days off (cough 12 or more). Testing new ideas, launching ridiculous things, finally making it out to Jool's moons, posting here (that counts right?) etc... I've taken a few steps back in the last couple weeks and I've been playing a couple hours for 3 or 4 days out of the week, with a lot of pausing to go do other stuff.

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  Red Iron Crown said:
Much less now that it's summertime here. During the winter I play an hour or two a day, now I only play a couple of days a week when the weather is not suitable for outdoor stuff.

^this, pretty much. My gaming laptop's GPU went on revolt so I thought I'd be playing far less, but I got it running on my work computer after a tiny bit of teeth gnashing.

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I barely play KSP, but I have clocked over 1800 hours so far. Last two months I focused on some other games in the backlog mainly because I don't want to ruin KSP. Sometimes you can play too much and kill the experience.

I think 0.24 will be the perfect iteration to jump in again. It looks really interesting. I also haven't played the NASA mission yet, so that will be a nice extra as well.

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