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[1.1] NavUtilities, ft. HSI & Instrument Landing System


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a wild dev pic has appeared! (full size)


plans for v.5

-Finish work on internal prop. I know how much fun RPM is, but sometimes you want to go a bit old school with an analog gauge. This might also help people for whom RPM is a bit of a burden. Runway switching etc may not happen on this prop itself, but I'd make a radio-stack type thing to switch them in that case :D radio stack may be .5.1

-Set option to view the pop-up HSI inside IVA

-Save GUI position persistently

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====revised v.5 plans====

+ continue work on analog HSI

-+ prop won't be included in any IVAs by default

(model done, textures not done. texture work won't be very good for v.5)

+ Slightly changed file structure: (complete)

-+ Runway files renamed, now have .rwy extension (this is a workaround for a bug in the KSP configloader which hangs up on an empty .cfg [which might happen using the custom runway editor] file during load)

-+ glideslopes now in their own .cfg file

-+ Settings now saved in .cfg for between game persistence. settings saved are

--+ popup window in IVA

--+ HSI scale size

--+ HSI position

--+ setting window position

--+ custom runway position

--+ enable/disable fine loc mode

to save settings to the file, close the popup HSI from the appbar button

Edited by kujuman
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The ILS is off for the island runway by quite a bit. Good thing there was visibility, if this had been instrument only poor Bill would be fish food. I ran out of fuel on the way back to the KSC and luckily was able to glide into the island airport by eye.


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The ILS is off for the island runway by quite a bit. Good thing there was visibility, if this had been instrument only poor Bill would be fish food. I ran out of fuel on the way back to the KSC and luckily was able to glide into the island airport by eye.

Heh. Yeah, the island runway's course is off by a few degrees, so it seems offset until you are over the touchdown zone. I'll remember to fix this for .5

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I'd love to have an option to be able to chose whether I wanted to use the stock launcher or blizzy's toolbar. I strongly dislike the the stock launcher because you can't hide it when you don't need it unlike blizzy's where you can have it auto-hide. I feel having this setting is better than just completely dropping support for blizzy's bar. It's a tiny feature but it allows users to do what they want, which is always a good thing. :)

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--General Update news

*Have solved an issue with the marker beacon sound volumes being far too low and inconsistent. Be sure to adjust your kerbal "Voices" audio volume setting low as that is where the mod will take its volume settings from.

*ToolBar support is back sorta kinda (read the below response)

*Changed the Island runway locations slightly to remove the kink at the touchdown zone.

*Internal prop model is done. nli2work is helping with the texturing as time allows. yay!

*The radio tuner prop may still make it into .5 rather than .5.1

*Legacy support for *_rwy.cfg files is back, but you may get duplicates

*.5 is going to require a clean install of NavUtilities

I'd love to have an option to be able to chose whether I wanted to use the stock launcher or blizzy's toolbar. I strongly dislike the the stock launcher because you can't hide it when you don't need it unlike blizzy's where you can have it auto-hide. I feel having this setting is better than just completely dropping support for blizzy's bar. It's a tiny feature but it allows users to do what they want, which is always a good thing. :)

I'm not going to say I won't do it, but I make no promises. I've heard this request a few times before as well.

And I do agree that choosing is better (for the player) than dropping support, but think about what's better for the person who'd rather not have to worry about one more thing that he'll screw up can go wrong :D

UPDATE 1.75 hours later...

ToolBar support is back sorta kinda. Which just means I've barely tested it and the approach I used is icky. Use of ToolBar vs AppLauncher is set via config. And ToolBar requires an extra .dll to keep things less confuzzled. Not fun times.

Anyway, I don't expect to have to make updates for ToolBar, nor do I really intend to. It's going to be an unsupported feature, meaning that if a future update causes it to stop working I'm probably not going to work on fixing it, and I don't really intend on providing help if it's not working right. ToolBar use right now won't save settings to the persistent config either; that may or may not change (it only requires adding one line, but I need to figure out where to put it).

Edited by kujuman
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Thanks for not completely ditching the toolbar option.

Which config do i need to modify so that i can get it back into the toolbar??

Many thanks.

You can't use the ToolBar in the current version, but in the next version it will be an option. I'll be sure to post instructions of how to do that when it's released.

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Alright, 0.5 Release Candidate is up on Kerbal Stuff! You MUST read the notes below in order to best use it and avoid problems. I am particularly interested in Blizzy78 ToolBar support an how well the persistent window location saving/loading works.

===0.5 Release Candidate===
NOTE: This is not intended to be a full release. It may have major bugs, particularly ones which may prevent KSP or NavUtilities from loading; the release candidate is meant to help find those bugs. If you do use it, please let me know how it went on the forums.

IMPORTANT: .5 RC requires a clean install of NavUtilities (delete the old folder and install the new one). If you are using custom runways, move those *_rwy.cfg files to a safe place before deleting the folder. You may move the *_rwy.cfg files back to the original location after you install the new version.

Window position and size should now be persistent between games
Added a setting file with a few options
Added a new InternalModule for analog HSIs
Added a new prop for the analog HSI (thanks to nli2work for model, textures, and idea) (prop is not included in any cockpits at this time)

Re-added support for Blizzy78's ToolBar (toggle in setting file)
Added a shortID to runway definitions. Custom runway users need to add a shortID = line to their configs or NavUtilities may not start. (I'll have a solution for the 0.5.0 release)

Major naming of .dlls and runway definition files to hopefully be more coherent and prevent a KSP loading bug.
*_rwy.cfg files now have the extension .rwy. The file is otherwise identical.

Marker beacon audio now plays at intended volume. Control volume with "Voice" setting

Download at https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/70/NavUtilites , select "Changelog", then the 0.5_RC download.

nli2work's handiwork :D (note that I screwed up the textures in Unity, this'll be fixed in 0.5.0)


HDG <- Click to cycle runways (knob rotates) CRS <- Click to cycle G/S (know rotates)

Edited by kujuman
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You can't use the ToolBar in the current version, but in the next version it will be an option. I'll be sure to post instructions of how to do that when it's released.

Thanks for reply... I look forward to any and all releases. Great mod...

All of my little green fella's are extremely happy. They don't have so far to walk back to base..

if, they survive the landing?????

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Is there a config file or something like that for KerbinSide?

That would be really amazing, since I do know the headings and locations of the stock runways, but not of the KerbinSide runways/helipads...


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Hello to all.

I am building new locations (runways, helipads, etc) and regarding the runway config what is the definition of the LocLat / LocLon ???

I am going with gsLat / gsLon as the end points as used by and for glidescope and that these should be down the runway from the actual 'end' by a safe margin.

The LocLat / LocLon ???? Are these the locations for the localizer and if so what is the best methodology for selecting / creating these points.

Thanks for such a great mod... More of my little green dudes are surviving now.....

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0.5 RC 2 is released for testing. It should be a drop in replacement if you already have 0.5 RC installed.

It features minor bug fixing and a new internal prop by nli2work.

Hello to all.

I am building new locations (runways, helipads, etc) and regarding the runway config what is the definition of the LocLat / LocLon ???

I am going with gsLat / gsLon as the end points as used by and for glidescope and that these should be down the runway from the actual 'end' by a safe margin.

The LocLat / LocLon ???? Are these the locations for the localizer and if so what is the best methodology for selecting / creating these points.

Thanks for such a great mod... More of my little green dudes are surviving now.....

The easiest way is to get a vessel at the spot you want the touchdown spot to be and then to use the in game custom runways editor to add a runway. Then you can use the settings saved in the custom.cfg.


yes, gsLat/lon is the touchdown spot for the runway, and the origin of the glideslope.

The LocLat/LocLon is the location of the localizer beacon, and should be some distance past the touch down spot to keep it from getting overly sensitive. For the KSC runways and Island runways I set the Loc coordinates as the same as the glideslope coordinates of the opposite heading runway. Otherwise 500m, 1000m, 1500m past the gs should be fine. What I would use is go to this page http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html and go to the "Destination point given distance and bearing from start point" and use that calculator. Make the distance fairly large, maybe 6-12km (since it's scaled for earth, not kerbin)

If you want to keep it simple, loc coordinates can be the same as gs coordinates.


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Perfect. Thanks for the great answer, and a pic to boot......

I have been adding runways and 'stuff' in just the manner you describe(d)... All 'mostly' working just fine.

For some reason, when adding the runway110011 and or moving it around, when it is selected you are pulled way close in to it and it is very difficult to be able to move away from it far enough to see what is going on. This seems to only happen to this part. Is there some place, in its config, that controls the editing 'zoom and pan' scales..???

Many thanks for your time, info and mod......


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Hey there, was about to post an issue when I saw a new RC. I i'll try it out first.

Trying the navutil window crashes all UI and leaves the game uncontrollabe.

[LOG 16:14:51.685] ILS: Starting systems...
[LOG 16:14:51.685] NavUtilLib: Updating materials...
[EXC 16:14:51.693] IsolatedStorageException: Could not find file "/home/guiu/.games/KSP_025/GameData/KerbalScienceFoundation/NavInstruments/PluginData/NavUtilLib/hsi_overlay.png".
System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean anonymous, FileOptions options)
System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)
System.IO.File.OpenRead (System.String path)
System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes (System.String path)
KSP.IO.File.ReadAllBytes[NavUtilLibApp] (System.String filename, .Vessel flight)
[EXC 16:14:51.724] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
NavUtilLib.Graphics.drawMovedImage (UnityEngine.Material mat, UnityEngine.RenderTexture screen, Vector2 bottomLeftPercent, Boolean useCenterOfMat, Boolean fitToScreen)
NavUtilLib.DisplayData.DrawHSI (UnityEngine.RenderTexture screen, Single aspectRatio)
NavUtilLib.NavUtilLibApp.DrawGauge (UnityEngine.RenderTexture screen)
NavUtilLib.NavUtilLibApp.OnWindow (Int32 WindowID)
UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style)
[EXC 16:14:51.727] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
NavUtilLib.Graphics.drawMovedImage (UnityEngine.Material mat, UnityEngine.RenderTexture screen, Vector2 bottomLeftPercent, Boolean useCenterOfMat, Boolean fitToScreen)
NavUtilLib.DisplayData.DrawHSI (UnityEngine.RenderTexture screen, Single aspectRatio)
NavUtilLib.NavUtilLibApp.DrawGauge (UnityEngine.RenderTexture screen)
NavUtilLib.NavUtilLibApp.OnWindow (Int32 WindowID)
UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style)
[EXC 16:14:51.763] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
NavUtilLib.Graphics.drawMovedImage (UnityEngine.Material mat, UnityEngine.RenderTexture screen, Vector2 bottomLeftPercent, Boolean useCenterOfMat, Boolean fitToScreen)
NavUtilLib.DisplayData.DrawHSI (UnityEngine.RenderTexture screen, Single aspectRatio)
NavUtilLib.NavUtilLibApp.DrawGauge (UnityEngine.RenderTexture screen)
NavUtilLib.NavUtilLibApp.OnWindow (Int32 WindowID)
UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style)
[EXC 16:14:51.765] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
NavUtilLib.Graphics.drawMovedImage (UnityEngine.Material mat, UnityEngine.RenderTexture screen, Vector2 bottomLeftPercent, Boolean useCenterOfMat, Boolean fitToScreen)
NavUtilLib.DisplayData.DrawHSI (UnityEngine.RenderTexture screen, Single aspectRatio)
NavUtilLib.NavUtilLibApp.DrawGauge (UnityEngine.RenderTexture screen)
NavUtilLib.NavUtilLibApp.OnWindow (Int32 WindowID)
UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style)
[EXC 16:14:51.801] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
NavUtilLib.Graphics.drawMovedImage (UnityEngine.Material mat, UnityEngine.RenderTexture screen, Vector2 bottomLeftPercent, Boolean useCenterOfMat, Boolean fitToScreen)
NavUtilLib.DisplayData.DrawHSI (UnityEngine.RenderTexture screen, Single aspectRatio)
NavUtilLib.NavUtilLibApp.DrawGauge (UnityEngine.RenderTexture screen)
NavUtilLib.NavUtilLibApp.OnWindow (Int32 WindowID)
UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style)
[EXC 16:14:51.804] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
NavUtilLib.Graphics.drawMovedImage (UnityEngine.Material mat, UnityEngine.RenderTexture screen, Vector2 bottomLeftPercent, Boolean useCenterOfMat, Boolean fitToScreen)
NavUtilLib.DisplayData.DrawHSI (UnityEngine.RenderTexture screen, Single aspectRatio)
NavUtilLib.NavUtilLibApp.DrawGauge (UnityEngine.RenderTexture screen)
NavUtilLib.NavUtilLibApp.OnWindow (Int32 WindowID)
UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style)
[EXC 16:14:51.844] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
NavUtilLib.Graphics.drawMovedImage (UnityEngine.Material mat, UnityEngine.RenderTexture screen, Vector2 bottomLeftPercent, Boolean useCenterOfMat, Boolean fitToScreen)
NavUtilLib.DisplayData.DrawHSI (UnityEngine.RenderTexture screen, Single aspectRatio)
NavUtilLib.NavUtilLibApp.DrawGauge (UnityEngine.RenderTexture screen)
NavUtilLib.NavUtilLibApp.OnWindow (Int32 WindowID)
UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style)
[EXC 16:14:51.847] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
NavUtilLib.Graphics.drawMovedImage (UnityEngine.Material mat, UnityEngine.RenderTexture screen, Vector2 bottomLeftPercent, Boolean useCenterOfMat, Boolean fitToScreen)
NavUtilLib.DisplayData.DrawHSI (UnityEngine.RenderTexture screen, Single aspectRatio)
NavUtilLib.NavUtilLibApp.DrawGauge (UnityEngine.RenderTexture screen)
NavUtilLib.NavUtilLibApp.OnWindow (Int32 WindowID)
UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style)
[EXC 16:14:51.885] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
NavUtilLib.Graphics.drawMovedImage (UnityEngine.Material mat, UnityEngine.RenderTexture screen, Vector2 bottomLeftPercent, Boolean useCenterOfMat, Boolean fitToScreen)
NavUtilLib.DisplayData.DrawHSI (UnityEngine.RenderTexture screen, Single aspectRatio)
NavUtilLib.NavUtilLibApp.DrawGauge (UnityEngine.RenderTexture screen)
NavUtilLib.NavUtilLibApp.OnWindow (Int32 WindowID)
UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style)

Errors continue to spam on...

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Hey there, was about to post an issue when I saw a new RC. I i'll try it out first.

Trying the navutil window crashes all UI and leaves the game uncontrollabe.

[EXC 16:14:51.693] IsolatedStorageException: Could not find file "/home/guiu/.games/KSP_025/GameData/KerbalScienceFoundation/NavInstruments/PluginData/NavUtilLib/hsi_overlay.png".

The exception is that the file specified doesn't appear to exist. This is probably due to the plugin not being installed in quite the right folder. Check to see that KSP_025/GameData/KerbalScienceFoundation/NavInstruments/PluginData/NavUtilLib/ is an actual folder path and that hsi_overlay.png (and some other .pngs) exist there. If the folder path looks okay and there is still a problem let me know :D

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Perfect. Thanks for the great answer, and a pic to boot......

I have been adding runways and 'stuff' in just the manner you describe(d)... All 'mostly' working just fine.

For some reason, when adding the runway110011 and or moving it around, when it is selected you are pulled way close in to it and it is very difficult to be able to move away from it far enough to see what is going on. This seems to only happen to this part. Is there some place, in its config, that controls the editing 'zoom and pan' scales..???

Many thanks for your time, info and mod......


Huh. Could you provide some screen shots of what's going on?

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