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What do you want to see in 0.25?

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So 0.24 will nearly finish the mechanics for career( there will be tweaks but the system is implemented), 0.24 will maybe bring some new plane parts.

What i think and want becoming the next goal as a 'mechanic' (to follow Squads scope completion policy) would be improved aerodynamics, maybe like FAR, at least more authentic than stock is now. And in that turn as it has also to do with atmospheres maybe making Reentry heat actually not only aestetics.

If my theory about Eeloo movement and GP2 (Thread-Huge blue Horizon) makes any sense AND if 0.24 won't break saves i would hope 0.25 does and Squad takes the chance to move Eeloo and create a new Blue Giant.

What is also left is some use for the Antennas. I would also want they start thinking about what to do with the different antenna-types and take them to senseful use.

So : finish antmosphere behavior(Aero,Heat), Antennas for good use, and moving Eeloo to final SOI

That would be the most obvious things were systems are finished, which already exist. Other things would be new additions and probably further away on the plan, if squad has one ;) One of these additional mechanics i would like is the mentioned observatory or a spce telescope part to build a Kubble or KKepler, and i would like visual improvements (in terms of immersion, like impacts , auroras, vulcanos, geysiers, Rings, ...) but thats probably also further away.

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And seeing as how that time table is 6 months, they better have an idea about whats else is left to go in. Especially since it's taking them more than 3 to get the contracts and funds out. That time table doesn't leave any room for screwing around.

If the timetable is six months, and pretending that .24 comes out essentially now, that's only two remaining updates for all the intended features. Assuming one update would be reserved for final balancing, bug fixing, and the addition of some final parts, that only one update for whatever features Squad currently thinks the game lacks. Multiplayer, aerodynamics, communications, new planets/'textures, weather, "tycoon" gameplay ... Either they will have to be very selective or will break from the timetable. I'd bet on the later.

Edited by Sandworm
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what would I like for 0.25?

Resources, mining and processing... ala Kethane but with more than just the one thing. I *know* they put it on the backburner a while back but I'd like to be certain that they're not just forgetting about it.

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Also nice military code

It's properly called the International Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet. You'll find it in use most any time you come into contact with radio communications, not just the military. And compared to something like morse, for how useful it is, it's well worth your time learning it.

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Once budget is in, it would be nice to see extra ways of making money added. Money generating parts would be good, such as commercial comms antenna, tourist pods, commercial cargo/experiment boxes, and so on. Basically something that will allow us to design our own profitable missions as an alternative to running contracts.

That would nice but I doubt it would be a suitable alternative until you've got a tonne of it in space, I'd imagine contracts to be the main source of income until you've got a sufficient amount in orbit since commercial satellites would cost more to get into orbit than they would make money straight away.

It's properly called the International Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet. You'll find it in use most any time you come into contact with radio communications, not just the military. And compared to something like morse, for how useful it is, it's well worth your time learning it.

Well I don't communicate with people using morse, I'd be better off learning French. I'd shoot myself in the head before I'd do something that boring.

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I want internals of every module/capsule/cockpit and the ability to walk/float inside my stations/bases in 1st person view, please ._.


electric propellers, rotors/hinges/doors would rock as well.


how about animation of how the hatches open & close when entering or exiting... x-)

Edited by Overfloater
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1. Update to newest version of unity. 64 bit and multithreading please.

2. Update aerodynamics.

3. Science overhaul, again. make science credit depend more on achievement so that first landing, orbit, docking, give substantial science because those are the acts that teach players new things.

4. Finance details such as craft reusability (land space plane, pay for fuel, launch).

In order of importance.

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Different Kerbal classes and more stuff for them to do. There could be explorers, scientists, engineers, and designers. the explorers could be the basic kerbals and fly the spacecraft/map anomlies/plant flags/be the first kerbals out of the lander etc. scientists could do research as one of there subclasses (i.e. botanist, engine research. science machine operation, sample taker, biologist, xenobiologist, xenobotanist, astrophysicist, physicist, archeologists, etc.) they could all do things and there classes could be skills so a astrophysicist could be a upgrade from the physicist but still able to do a archaeologists job of investigating anomalies found, palaeontologist archaeologists xenobiologists and xenobotanists could investigate the mystery's behind anomalies, starting with an sstv signal somewhere (maybe the one on duna? or somewhere else?) at the science complex some way of recording the signal could make the picture and help move along the story (novasiliko(did I spell that right?) had the basic story idea when he added the signal back when he was a developer of the game, maybe scientist subclasses could help with that?) to when you find the abandon frozen planet (maybe using an observatory building? (ask nova why the planet is frozen. I don't have the link in a post showing the story he was planning in a wall of text.)). this could lead to interstellar travel engines to powerful to use inside a star system (so it couldn't be used t cheat long flights to anywhere except other stars. ok engineers and designers work together to build interplanetary bases. engineers could be told to use recourses they mined or brought with them to build bases. these would be designed by a designer brought on the flight as a survey of the terrain would need to be done by the designers to make a blueprint in a blueprint module to be tanked to engineers in a factory module who will make the parts and build with them automatically. once do ne crew can be flown in and as research continues the base can upgrade into a launch platform. this could make travel easier. also some parts would need specific resources (i.e. PB-NUK reactors need blutonium.) resources could be bought from kerbin and flown in to help or just mined by the engineers. the engineers would be the only class capable of making repairs to wheels or other parts that can break but remain attached to the craft. the designers would be used for space stations as well but modules would have to be placed in the correct orbit location by the player until a special orbital factory could be researched designed to work in zero-g. the bases could still be assembled manually since factories and blueprint modules require research. before research of this designers could serve some purpose, but I have no idea what they could do (maybe help some geologists or do a survey of the terrain around ksp for future bases. the survey could be replaced with satellites or done from orbit by astronomers assisted by designers. the explores would have red helmets, the scientists could have green ones, the engineers could have yellow helmets, and the designers could have blue ones. that was my text wall of ideas. I hope you like them

Edited by megatiger78
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If the timetable is six months, and pretending that .24 comes out essentially now, that's only two remaining updates for all the intended features. Assuming one update would be reserved for final balancing, bug fixing, and the addition of some final parts, that only one update for whatever features Squad currently thinks the game lacks. Multiplayer, aerodynamics, communications, new planets/'textures, weather, "tycoon" gameplay ... Either they will have to be very selective or will break from the timetable. I'd bet on the later.

Scope complete doesn't mean that we're just down to debugging, it really only means that all the major functionality is there. Aerodynamics are there, just as a placeholder that hopefully will get replaced. New planets/textures would be content, not functionality (the discovery system that was mentioned for new planets would be functionality, however).

That said, I wouldn't be surprised if scope completion does get pushed back. Heck, I wouldn't even be upset.

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Since the devs have stated they want to focus on fleshing out Career mode for a while, I think the next update will focus on the Astronauts. Things like skills (and a point to Bravery/Stupidity), and records for individual Astronaut's achievements would be cool. What if each Kerbal, on their little card when you load them in a ship, had little badges for the things they've accomplished? A record of where Jeb's been and what he's done.

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Since the devs have stated they want to focus on fleshing out Career mode for a while, I think the next update will focus on the Astronauts. Things like skills (and a point to Bravery/Stupidity), and records for individual Astronaut's achievements would be cool. What if each Kerbal, on their little card when you load them in a ship, had little badges for the things they've accomplished? A record of where Jeb's been and what he's done.

and the kerbal clases I suggested earlier.... maybe the badges could help determine scientist subclasses

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Since the devs have stated they want to focus on fleshing out Career mode for a while, I think the next update will focus on the Astronauts. Things like skills (and a point to Bravery/Stupidity), and records for individual Astronaut's achievements would be cool. What if each Kerbal, on their little card when you load them in a ship, had little badges for the things they've accomplished? A record of where Jeb's been and what he's done.

^ what he said.

Also, the ability to do experiments while IVA

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More focus on getting the CORE GAME DONE and less focus on features that should be considered, for the lack of a better term, icing on the cake.

as far as i can tell aerodynamics is all thats left as far as big features go.

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as far as i can tell aerodynamics is all thats left as far as big features go.

I never mentioned features.

Have you noticed how the game is not as modular as it looks even though it is highly moddable? And that most mods that add features to the core game (Planet Factory for example) end up making the game really unstable? The game also has serious resource usage issues, that render the game unstable if not satisfied. The game works, but it's too...raw at the moment. Considering how career mode is affecting the game as is, it might go to a point that you can't change the core game anymore without reworking everything.

In essence, we're talking about painting a wall that wasn't even leveled and grouted to receive paint.

Edited by MR4Y
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Tone down the voronoi density of the Munar craters a little bit, or even have more features than just ~similar craters so each locus is a feature of some kind, rather than every node being a crater. The extra detail is cool, it's just a bit... densely uniform?

Replace the tiled water layer (Kerbin/Laythe/Eve etc) with a shader based layer [Scrawk Unity Ocean Example]

Actually neither of those a really 'feature completing' for KSP in any way so anything like that would likely be during the Beta/Polish stage following feature completion, even something like fixing aerodynamics is fixing an existing system even though it would be a major rework of a placeholder feature.

Hrm, so what feature/s is/are KSP missing to reach feature completion...

  • Multiplayer (a stated yet not implemented feature)
  • Discovery framework (for planets beyond those already known)
  • Tech levels / building upgrades for KSC (based on recruitment advertising)
  • Presence benefits (some kind of functionality for long term things like bases and space stations)
  • and yeah Kerbonaut details (training, capabilities, experience and customisation)
  • EVA activities

Plus some of these things could require each other to make sense, like needing to upgrade your R&D to include the telescope building before implementing the discovery mechanic makes sense, or Kerbal training might be needed before EVA activities makes sense just like budgets and contracts are coming in together.

I can't remember if there was ever a list of what KSP would have to be feature complete, but 0.25 would be marching to fill out that list

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A lot of people are saying that SQUAD should implement FAR in 0.25. I agree in principle, that the aerodynamics should be overhauled, but FAR is a very complex mod that's a female dog to design planes for, especially with only vanilla parts.

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^Yeah it should be more forgiving, I think, but the current model should be honed to encourage more realistic rockets and planes.

As much as Id love stock fairings and cargo bays, I've been leaning more and more toward hoping for a more fleshed out Kerbalnaut activity/training system. It really is the most lacking gameplay component.

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Aerodynamics- This seems to be a popular opinion. I agree somewhat with those above... I'm not asking for EVERYTHING in FAR. But more realistic dynamics is needed. The educational aspect of this game is huge... and the aerodynamics are just plain wrong. The game should reward aerodynamic, slender rockets and penalize anything which isn't. It should teach proper aerodynamics just as it teaches everything else about space flight. (Also, in this train of thought, stock fairings would be nice.) Considering drag coefficients have been attached to parts for a long time yet have been mostly unused, I assume they have always planned to address this issue. (Otherwise why not just hard code that 0.6 factor? It's just like the former place holder for costs.)

Kerbals- I love what some of you have said about Kerbals. I would love for Kerbals to actually matter. I'd love to see some personalities included, related to their traits. And I'd love to see them have different roles/classes. I imagine including a Pilot would give you a slight boost in craft control/stabilization. A Scientist in your crew could give a slight bonus to the value of science obtained. An Engineer could reduce electricity usage or have some ability mentioned in my next point. Perhaps there's a class which would give you a bonus on the amount of funds earned on a contract. This would give your Kerbals so much more purpose (aside from role playing, there's little reason to bring more than one Kerbal on a mission) and make them more loveable and special to us. And it would give them another benefit over probes. Adding achievements/ribbons and stats for each hired Kerbals would be a nice bonus along with this. Also, development of their skills would be a fun element. Perhaps every time Jeb pilots a rocket his Pilot skill gains some experience. Level up and the benefits increase.

Orbital/EVA Construction- I think it would be nice to include some level of orbital/EVA construction. There should be more ways to build stations and bases aside from sticking docking ports together. I would like to see the ability to attach parts (perhaps within a certain radius) while in orbit or... anywhere outside the VBA/SPH really. This could require the presence of a particular part or an "Engineer" Kerbal. (I would prefer the latter) You would be limited to the parts at your disposal (except perhaps for some thing like struts or fuel lines), so you still have to get all of the parts in the same place. Note, I'm not saying something so elaborate as KAS. In fact, it doesn't even need new parts. This would add a lot of replayability to the game I think.

Purpose for Stations/Bases- This is probably my biggest complaint about the game, other than (maybe) the aerodynamics. Flying rockets and getting to new worlds is a blast. But once you get there... there's not much to do if you're not into role playing and story telling. I want something to *do* when I get to the moon, besides packing up and going back home. It's fun to build stations and bases, but when you're done... that's it. I think they should serve a purpose in the game. The natural and most simple answer, I think, is for supplying funds and science. Imagine if there were parts which could supply a constant (if small) stream of science and/or funds? I imagine a base in low orbit around Kerbin could include a large part (like the mobile processing lab) which requires Kerbals to be present and which requires a constant power supply that constantly produces science. It would be an investment. It doesn't give a bunch of science up front, but over the course of many days (or years) it would really add up. Perhaps the experiment has a certain life span after which it doesn't produce any more. You might get a contract which supplies a steady stream of funds for setting up such an experiment in a certain location. I can see the same thing for ground bases, or satellite mines. Maybe there's a smaller, less demanding version that could be used on a basic satellite or rover. I guess what this all comes to is the concept of science being an ongoing process which takes time. Sure, it's nice to have some sources of instant gratification when it comes to getting science points. And in some situations (like the atmosphere nosecone thingy) that's the only thing that makes sense. But I think it's unfortunate that (right now) most science can be obtained with a quick landing, run all the instruments, EVA the Kerbal, then pack up and go. I'd like to see a reason to stay for a while.

Science End-Game- Feels like there should be something to do with science after you finish off the tech tree... At least let it convert to funds I guess. Would love to hear a creative idea concerning this...

User Interface- Honestly this just needs an update. I'm fond of the UI in place, but it seriously could use a makeover. The buttons in the top right corner of the VAB/SPH particularly look ancient to me.

I'm tempted to say something about including a Life Support system, like TAC, to balance out the usefulness of probes... but perhaps that's best left as a mod. That might be too much of a distraction for many people. Same thing for Remote Tech.

New planets and parts can always be added later. Even a new system wouldn't be that hard to patch on, I imagine. Would love to see some of this eventually, but it's not a high priority to me.

Don't really care for graphical changes. Mods are there if needed.

Of course minor tweaks

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