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[1.4] Routine Mission Manager [v032]


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  PrivateFlip said:
Will do some research into this over the weekend.

...several weeks later...

Research concludes bringing up tourist does not trigger contracts reliably. Some testing code I've written so far shows contract parameters can be completed manually with relative ease, and presumably also the contracts themselves upon automatic return.

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You could simplify the "other bodies" problem if you only allowed non-Kerbin missions to/from a planet that the target station was orbiting. For example, in my .24 playthrough I use EPL to build a shipyard in orbit of Minmus. While building a stupidly large station with the huge B9 parts I had to do something like 15 mining missions from Minmus orbit to the ground and back. It would have been fantastic to automate these steps:

1. Undock from station

2. Land on minmus

3. Mine ore and have the kerbals on board resource convert it to metal then resource convert it to rocket parts.

4. Mine ore and convert it to replace the fuel used

5. Return to orbit and dock with a fresh load of rocket parts.

Got pretty boring pretty fast, but it made me a pro at eyeballing docking maneuvers!

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is simply brilliant. It reduces the tedium once you get used to doing these missions routinely without cheating and just using the editor to fling the resupply ships into orbit from the pad. And it gives me a great excuse to try out some of the Dragon-alike mods. Like Phoenix.

Edited by Murdabenne
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  • 2 weeks later...


-Tourist can be selected as preferred crew for missions.

A tourist will not count toward any minimal crew requirements of a mission. Tourist contract completion will be handled accordingly destination around Kerbin, Mun and Minmus.

-Mod no longer will recruit new kerbals for free if none are available for the mission.

-When a mission cannot be completed the price will be refunded.

-Added ability for the user to enable other planets in configuration file. Other planets are however not formally supported. See my comments on this in the release thread.

This new release was still created on the 1.0.2 version of ksp. I optimistically suspect it works on 1.0.4 as well. Hope to make and test a formal 1.0.4 versions this week.

On a more general note: I'm quite aware of the fact the maintenance of this and my other mods has been on a slow but steady downwards slope. For some time I've attributed this to circumstance, and told myself I would pick up the pace, but I'm slowly opening up to the realization this might be an ongoing trend and therefore this might not be getting any better in the future. I really like KSP and loved and still love tinkering on these mods and I suspect I will be doing so to for some time to come, but it is on a returning motion.

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  PrivateFlip said:

-Tourist can be selected as preferred crew for missions.

A tourist will not count toward any minimal crew requirements of a mission. Tourist contract completion will be handled accordingly destination around Kerbin, Mun and Minmus.

-Mod no longer will recruit new kerbals for free if none are available for the mission.

-When a mission cannot be completed the price will be refunded.

-Added ability for the user to enable other planets in configuration file. Other planets are however not formally supported. See my comments on this in the release thread.

This new release was still created on the 1.0.2 version of ksp. I optimistically suspect it works on 1.0.4 as well. Hope to make and test a formal 1.0.4 versions this week.

On a more general note: I'm quite aware of the fact the maintenance of this and my other mods has been on a slow but steady downwards slope. For some time I've attributed this to circumstance, and told myself I would pick up the pace, but I'm slowly opening up to the realization this might be an ongoing trend and therefore this might not be getting any better in the future. I really like KSP and loved and still love tinkering on these mods and I suspect I will be doing so to for some time to come, but it is on a returning motion.

Would it be a good idea for you to start a github so that others could help you?

I really like this mod by the way.

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  Olsson said:
Can I use this to put up 4 network satelittes in orbit (RemoteTech, doesnt need to be connected to control) without flying 3 of them?

The destination must be another vessel with a docking port, so no.

You can track a mission to a station of a vessel which after rendezvousing with the station can move on to do another task.

Another task in this context could be anything, like putting a satellite into orbit, rescruing a kerbal, travelling to the moon. So if you have to put multiple satellites in an orbit, this mod would only save you the part of the mission from takeof to rendezvous with the station. This mod would allow you to reorder such a mission up to the point of rendezvousing to the station. This could be helpful if you have to put four satellites in a equatorial orbit, but if the satellites would have to go to orbits which very different inclinations this mod would not useful because every mission to the station would have to carry sufficient fuel for a plane change.

- - - Updated - - -

  blnk2007 said:
Would it be a good idea for you to start a github so that others could help you?

I really like this mod by the way.

Glad you like it!

Putting it on github is always a good idea. Will be doing that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is a great mod, thanks for all your hard work on it!

I've scanned through this thread - are there known issues of compatibility with parts mods?

I've used quite successfully in the past, but I've run into a problem in that two things happen:

1. If I use parts from Modular Rocket Systems to build the craft then the RM toolbar button vanishes from the toolbar at launch - either immediately or after a second or two. If I'm quick enough I can start the mission tracking, but usally I'm not. The docking port and command module are stock - I'm just using tanks and RCS thrusters from MRS.

2. If I do manage to launch that mission with tracking on, it never detects that I'm docked. When I dock, the mission tracking just still has the "stop mission" button.

3. If I create a completely stock craft and send it up, I get the same thing - the Mission Tracking interface just shows "stop mission". Note that the station I'm docking with has non-stock parts on it (including Kerbal Planetary Base Systems docking ports, but I am docking with a stock docking port). I'm also using Docking Port Alignment Indicator during docking, if that makes any difference.

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  r1chardj0n3s said:
This is a great mod, thanks for all your hard work on it!

I've scanned through this thread - are there known issues of compatibility with parts mods?

I've used quite successfully in the past, but I've run into a problem in that two things happen:

1. If I use parts from Modular Rocket Systems to build the craft then the RM toolbar button vanishes from the toolbar at launch - either immediately or after a second or two. If I'm quick enough I can start the mission tracking, but usally I'm not. The docking port and command module are stock - I'm just using tanks and RCS thrusters from MRS.

2. If I do manage to launch that mission with tracking on, it never detects that I'm docked. When I dock, the mission tracking just still has the "stop mission" button.

3. If I create a completely stock craft and send it up, I get the same thing - the Mission Tracking interface just shows "stop mission". Note that the station I'm docking with has non-stock parts on it (including Kerbal Planetary Base Systems docking ports, but I am docking with a stock docking port). I'm also using Docking Port Alignment Indicator during docking, if that makes any difference.

I have nearly the exact same issue. I don't use KW, but I do use VenStockRevamp and Docking Port Alignment Indicator. Here are my logs: RMM Logs

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This is a fantastic mod,bring supply to stations can be easier now,thx a lot~

However,I do have a problem.

When I install RSS,I overwrite the AllowedBodies.txt,add Earth&Moon

I can lanuch the game,I can track the mission and it ended profectly.Just one problem:I cannot open the toolbar.I mean,the icon is there with no problem at all but when I chick it ,no respond! It works fine without RSS,so ,any idea about that?

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  Alpha188 said:
Great mod! :D

But... can I use this with spaceplanes also? If yes, can I send different payloads up in different launches?

It will work with a spaceplane as long as it has a docking port. It will only do an exact copy of your craft though (No different payloads). The only thing that can change are the crew. If you send up a crew the requested mission has to be the same number.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the work - That fixed the tracking completion bug for me. Good timing, I stayed up too late last night trying to find it myself :-) Was it related to the Exception thrown at enumerate propellants ? Anyway, she works like a beauty now !

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  Desiato said:
Thanks for the work - That fixed the tracking completion bug for me. Good timing, I stayed up too late last night trying to find it myself :-) Was it related to the Exception thrown at enumerate propellants ? Anyway, she works like a beauty now !

That was it. During a last test just before publishing the previous version i noticed a relatively obscure application error in the form of an inconsistency in how the Cargo Mass is determined all the way at the end of the tracking process, right after landing. I made a fix for that. This "fix" causes the error you experienced at the prelaunch stage. Having already tested the rest of the functionality, I only ended up testing the fix for this last part of the tracking, and neglected to do another retest of the entire tracking cycle. The moral of this story: "Don't make assumptions."

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I'm trying this mod right now. I'm wondering: Is it possible to have several (same) missions at one time to different dockingports on one craft?


Perhaps it's because i ordered more than one mission but it looks like the mod doesn't really do anything. When checking the status of the missions, all stay at "soon" no matter how long i wait. I could have docked a lot of ships in the elapsed time, so i'm removing this mod. A pity because it looked like a very useful mod.

Edited by TheCardinal
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  TheCardinal said:
I'm trying this mod right now. I'm wondering: Is it possible to have several (same) missions at one time to different dockingports on one craft?


Perhaps it's because i ordered more than one mission but it looks like the mod doesn't really do anything. When checking the status of the missions, all stay at "soon" no matter how long i wait. I could have docked a lot of ships in the elapsed time, so i'm removing this mod. A pity because it looked like a very useful mod.

Ships don't arrive if you hang around the station. You need to have faith go do some other stuff. When you return after the elapsed time the ordered ships will be waiting for you.

To answer your first question: yes it possible to order multiple missions at once, one for each docking port.

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  PrivateFlip said:
Ships don't arrive if you hang around the station. You need to have faith go do some other stuff. When you return after the elapsed time the ordered ships will be waiting for you.

To answer your first question: yes it possible to order multiple missions at once, one for each docking port.

I did that to no avail. After that i kept the station on screen and that didn't work as well.

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  TheCardinal said:
I did that to no avail. After that i kept the station on screen and that didn't work as well.

Okay sorry to hear that, my apologies for wasting your time. I took a look at the code and did some testing based on your issue. I was able to dock four vessel in one go, I also have not yet found a clue on how something you can describe can happen, will do some more investigation.

Looking back at what the time messages actually mean I did note the following: The message "soon" describes any arrival within the hour, which means that if you read this the mission time has not yet elapsed. If you wait around from this point on you should get "anytime now" when the mission time has officially elapsed. The arrival will however not occur if you wait at the station. I'm changing this message to "come back later" in the following version.

The mod does add a day to the mission time, so these missions will take a lot longer a in universe time to complete than the real mission.

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So i guess from the description on the first page and trying to fidget with the mod on a save (and reading some of the comments) that this won't work unless the ship starts from the launch pad?

I know you've talked about precision landings before briefly in comments, which would be nice, but with resource mining in the game, it might be nice to allow the mod to also do missions such as surface->station->surface, station->surface->station, as well as station A->station B->station A such as sending a ship from a Minmus station to a Kerbin station and back (or at least set up each one way trip)

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I'm wondering the same things as FleetAdmiralJ does. As the descriptions in the first post are a bit vague about it.

Is a surface landing mission, from being docked to a orbiting station, to a specific area on Mun or Minmus and back possible?

This in regards to resource and possibly the IRSU mod.

Being able to 'automate' a mission to a 'defined' landing site on Minmus, marked by a resource scanning probe or a rover, that acts like a 'beacon' where in X meter radius the 'landed' craft would be placed on the surface.

Currently, do these automated missions show up in the tracking station btw? No need to be able to switch, but purely 'informational' so you get a visual overview as to where what is at the moment.

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