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The Doctor Who fan MEGATHREAD


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Welcome Doctor Who fans to the Doctor Who thread! May all Doctor Who fans gather here! You may discuss any topics related to Doctor Who. I'll start. Favorite episodes? The Waters of Mars and the 50th anniversary episode(watched it live by luck).

The Waters of Mars was quite fun and touching, though I am sceptical humans could have built a huge settlement like that by 2050, and that they would install a self-destruct system. But hey, it's sci-fi after all!

Edited by Climberfx
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#1 took awhile to get used to.

i rather liked #2.

#3 is ok so far.

#8 wasnt around long enough to form an opinion about.

#9 is really underrated, but i thought he was pretty cool.

#10 was just great.

#11's add rather annoyed me early on, but i kind of got used to it.

the warrior (#10.5?) was just awesome.

#12 has the same problem as #8 right now.

il let you know about the #4-#7 when ive watched all the doctor who. its a daunting amount of material to go through.

Edited by Nuke
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I don't like Matt Smith at all. Let's agree that the best Doctor of all time was the 11th Doctor played by Tennant.

But... but Tennant was #10 though :c

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New trailer :D

I really like the footage at :40 . A T-rex in London :D

I like this doctor, never saw a episode with him. But she is amazing. The best companion of all Doctor's!

By the way, i too love DW.


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I like the food old Tardis more, now it looks kind of cartoonish...

I like this doctor, never saw a episode with him. But she is amazing. The best companion of all Doctor's!

By the way, i too love DW.


Let's all agree that Donna was the worst companion of all. I agree, Clara is da best

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Sorry, guys. As much as even I love the Doctor, fan-threads were explicitly forbidden last year due to their tendency to become unruly and too wibbley-wobbley to moderate. Please see this thread regarding fan threads for context. For the sake of sticking to our own rules, I'm going to have to close this.

Hey all,

After much deliberation in the Moderation Team, we have decided that it's time for the closure of Fan Threads. Unfortunately, as the KSP Community grows, we need to be spending as much time as possible, concentrating on the KSP Community. That means that non-KSP Community threads, especially large ones, can go unmoderated which can lead to many issues.

Thanks and feel free to PM me any questions you may have.

Update: This also extends to Chat Threads, much for the same reasons as above. Chat Threads are defined as threads that have no central topic to discuss and revolve around speedy and brief posting. Thanks again.

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