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BC-304 Daedelus from Stargate


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finally finish it. check the readme or ask here for info, needs the impulse drive for it as its a large ship, might be able to make it fly w/o it, didn`t try, ship is not heavy

curse said they had a hard time reading this, I`m French so don`t mind my English, hope u like as its a big ship.

**** 1mjydaedalus readme

*** custom made daedalus from stargate, took me 2 weeks to make.textures or not the best as i`m not that good


***** Installation = install in kerbal space program folder = c/steam...etc

***** To use = u need impulse driver by philotical =USS Voyager & LCARS plugin (v0.4) forum

***** LCARS plugin u will need, ship is prob to big for rockets we got,added rockets, it got 5 cargo bay

1 in front, 2 big and 2 small in the back.first cargo bay in the front got a animated door

the other 4 in the back all have animated door, there is a ramp to get on the cargo bays. might be tricky for

low lv cars, as it might clip with the bottom.

***** Can cary a full crew and up to 114 total kerbal.room in cargo bay to carry a lot of planes vehicle

and is 33 % bigger then normal plane

***** It is made of 20 k polygon, i got a med computer, and had 3 daedalus together at the kerbal base, it did start

to lag bit, it can be reduce a bit with the textures, as they could be 256x256, as there 512 x512 = 1 mb each

***** u can add stuff on the daedalus, but nods placement are not fix up yet.The ship there is a few seems u can see

the lights a bit. will fix it up in a update.

***** driving the ship = u need the impulse drive, also don`t take off to fast, as in 5555 ms it will break what u added

on the ship

link v1

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link v2

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v3 is out check below to see it

v4 is out and will be the final for a bit until I figure out how to add the nods at the right place

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Edited by NathanKell
no license; links removed
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Finally released - well done..

Downloaded - will test right away.. :-)

Edit - First feedback:

the saved ship contains parts that are not stock..

[ERR 04:07:01.358] [shipConstruct]: Trying to load 1mjyDaedalus - No AvailablePart found for B9.Structure.P8.Surface.Clear

[ERR 04:07:01.359] [shipConstruct]: Trying to load 1mjyDaedalus - No AvailablePart found for B9.Structure.P4.Surface.Clear

Additionally, may I suggest to put that craft-file here:


instead of a save, wich I don't even have in this install..

now since th ecraft file does not work here, it will take a while until I figured out how to assemble..

be back later...

Edited by philotical
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Ok - here's the report..

I try to be short and blunt - please don't assume I don't appreaciate the ship just because I complain a lot - the ship is great - but still, all I found is listed here..

It flies, it crashes but it's complicated to assemble..

As there are no nodes, and surface attach does not produce the results I've expected..

The bridge barely comes out of the hull, the doors do not gladly cooperate aswell..

I guess that will get better when you add the nodes..

The voyager has one large node in the center, all parts go there afaik.

That is really helpfull for the assembly in my opinion..

Might that be a good idea here too?

Or is it intended, that the bridge is hidden with 70% of it's mesh? not sure about that..

I love the texture and the hull is great..

Is that custom made texture or did you use the famouse Greeble-texture? Just curiouse

but I was a little shocked about the 33Mb..

in my career game, I'd had no chance to install that - too big.

My lack of knowledge about the deadalus made it also impossible to find a good spot for the engines..

For guys like me - no stargate expert - some nodes would really help.

Oh - did you realize, that the door opening animation shifts the center of mass for about 50 meters?

Is that intended? It's somewhat strange actually..

All in all, I hate the fact, that the CargoBay code in the plugin is not done yet..

Your hangars are looking soooo inviting lol

I need to get started on that part now..

LCARS configuration:

1. you might have realized, that there is no cargoSpace and no CrewCabins displayed in the ShipInfo-Panel!

This is probbably due to the weight of the ship.

LCARS does use the dry-weight (totalMass-ResourceMass=dryMass) to calculate the available space for cargo and crew.

It seems, your ship has a dry weight that is too low to get some cargospace assigned..

try to fine tune the weight and resource amount - that should help

2. Your EC generator is set too high now..

The power system will start to overheat your ship from start.

The Value where it's too hot starts 590'000+ units.

if you keep your generator below that, you are fine..

The new default values I've sent to starvision for the next update are:

name = ModuleGenerator
isAlwaysActive = true
name = ElectricCharge
rate = 80000
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 50000000
maxAmount = 50000000

The powersystem is a beast - be carefull when tuning those values..

Those are the minimum..


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The license you have listed on Curse is All Rights Reserved. Is that indeed the license you want this to have? If so, you need to place it in the first post and in the download; forum rules require this; otherwise we will have to remove the download link until you comply (I have not yet done so because I understand that as English is not your first language you may be somewhat unclear as to the rules).

If you need help selecting a license, refer to this guide.

Congratulations on a neat mod!

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tynathan for the heads up, didn`t know about the copyright thing, I usually make most stuff resourses, will go change or fix it

ty guys for the reply, phil, will go check it out, yes I need to figure out how to add nods, no idea at the moment. but all is set up good in my game, will go check a new game with only the mod added, u said the mod got dependency as [ERR 04:07:01.358] [shipConstruct]: Trying to load 1mjyDaedalus - No AvailablePart found for B9.Structure.P8.Surface.Clear

[ERR 04:07:01.359] [shipConstruct]: Trying to load 1mjyDaedalus - No AvailablePart found for B9.Structure.P4.Surface.Clear

odd as I don`t got any other stuff added, but got tons of mod,, also for cfg I use a modified voyager one, as its similar size and seem to work good with it, not that great at cfg, just starting to figure out stuff

would need a kind soul to fix up the cfg for it :), will prob add a update tonight or tomorrow wne I check it out. my file runs really good, but it might be because I got lots of mods to help out, as in bridge is down on the deck?, also for the textures, I just google and cut,past,add layers,etc to it, so yes I do add some custom textures, nothing major.biggest part of it it takes forever to match up the textures, so they fit good.

Spork-of-Doom , np let me know how it runs, will prob add a bit more control to the ship

Azimech reason I did built this, its hard to built a huge spaceship, almost impossible with the pieces from stock ksp.

nli2work ty, glad u like it

ooohhhh right forgot I added 2 pieces to hold the control and bridge part, ops, will go change them to stock.

v3 coming up, fix the bridge and control room, attach to ship, looks better, change the craft file, added it to ksp/ship folder, made a light version, 1/2 the size of the textures. still nodes to fix

link to v3


link to v3 light


Edited by mjy
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open part cfg of the ship:

> GameData\1mjy_Daedalus\1mjydaedaluship where it say

name = 1mjydaedalus8


EDIT: HOLD ON - I didn't see version 3 - maybe you fixed it allready for the better than this here..



and copy paste all this in there and save..

name = 1mjydaedalus8
module = Part
author = MJY

// --- asset parameters ---
mesh = 1mjydaedalus2.mu

// --- node definitions ---
node_stack_bottom01 = 0.0, -2.33518, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 30
node_stack_top01 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 30
node_stack_top02 = 0.0, -3.08451, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 6

// --- editor parameters ---
TechRequired = experimentalRocketry
entryCost = 250000
cost = 850
category = Pods
subcategory = 0
title = Daedalus
manufacturer = MJY inc
description = Built to Defend the earth at all cost.

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1

// --- standard part parameters ---
[B]mass = 10000[/B]
dragModelType = Default
maximum_drag = 1
minimum_drag = 0.5
angularDrag = 0.5
crashTolerance = 800
maxTemp = 5000
fuelCrossFeed = True
breakingForce = 1000000
breakingTorque = 1000000

// --- SAS parameters ---

// --- internal setup ---
CrewCapacity = 117
vesselType = Ship
name = Daedalus

name = ModuleCommand
minimumCrew = 1

name = ModuleLight
lightName = spotlight
useAnimationDim = true
lightBrightenSpeed = 2.5
lightDimSpeed = 2.5
resourceAmount = 0.04
animationName = LightAnimation
useResources = true
// --- Engine Stuff ---

name = Oxidizer
amount = 990000
maxAmount = 990000

name = LiquidFuel
amount = 500000
maxAmount = 500000
name = ModuleGenerator
isAlwaysActive = true
name = LiquidFuel
rate = 500000000

name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
animationName = 1mjyanimdoor5
startEventGUIName = Open Door"
endEventGUIName = "Close Door"
animSwitch = True

name = ModuleGenerator
isAlwaysActive = true
name = ElectricCharge
rate = 80000
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 50000000
maxAmount = 50000000

name = LCARS_ImpulseDrive
name = ElectricCharge
rate = 0.1
name = LCARS_ShuttleBay
volume = 450
name = LCARS_CargoBay
maxTonnage = 200
name = LCARS_CloakingDevice
name = LCARS_StructuralIntegrityField
name = LCARS_FuelTransfer
name = LCARS_CrewQuartier
name = LCARS_TransporterSystem
name = LCARS_WeaponSystems
name = LCARS_PhotonTorpedo
name = LCARS_TractorBeam
name = LCARS_SensorArray

name = ModuleSAS
name = ModuleSAS
name = ModuleSAS
name = ModuleReactionWheel

PitchTorque = 5000000
YawTorque = 5000000
RollTorque = 5000000

name = ElectricCharge
rate = 0.01


your ship had a dry weight of 1.5t

now it has 100000t

more fitting..

I also exchanged the power generator and added the missing LCARS modules..

now it has all..

You 30meter door has a weight of 300Kg..

that is way too light..

you should try to give them realistic values, than the ship mass will reach a believable level..

fine tuning the cfg will do your ship a load of good..

Nodes: try to google for "KSP part welding tutorial"

The guy who wrote that, explains quit well how to lace nodes..

with this advise, I was able to change certain stuff in stock parts and so on..

I'm not a node expert - was just able to shift them a bit..

but this tut will give you a good start to the topic..


Yeah v3 is much better tuned :-)

Was a good idea to put the bridge right on the hull..

Edited by philotical
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v4 is out if any needs, will be the final until I get the nods figured out.

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Edited by NathanKell
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v5 is out and is compatible with .24, fix up the cfg file for economy. so it can work in .24, u need only basic rockets to unlock it, fix up the craft file it had 2 items on it that didn`t need to be there.


**** link removed until license provided ****

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Still seeing no license added to the first post, under the rules of Addon posting I have removed the links.

The forums require you to put a license in your opening post and in the downloadable file. Addons without licenses are to be removed.

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