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[1.0.5] BetterTimeWarp v2.2 - Customizable Time Warp, and Lossless Physics Warp


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Better Time Warp

For KSP 1.0.5



Without Lossless Physics Warp: http://gfycat.com/ObedientFlawedArctichare

With Lossless Physics Warp: http://gfycat.com/DeepSkeletalKoala

1,000,000x time warp in low orbit: http://gfycat.com/GrandNervousGoldfinch



Better Time Warp is HappyFaceIndustries' first mod, which adds the ability to customize your time warp.

It has many of the same features as Time Control, and WarpUnlocker, but with a stylish UI and customization features.



  • Customizable physics and regular (On-Rails) warp
  • Lower-than-1 physics warp can be used to help with laggy, high part ships. It is also pretty good for cinematics
  • 0x time warp can be used to freeze time
  • Great for ion engines! 1 hour burn completed in 3 minutes at 20x physical warp.
  • Higher warp settings can be used in lower orbits
  • Lossless Physics, meaning that you can keep accurate physics simulation even at high physical time warp
  • Non-Intrusive UI, which can be disabled using F2
  • Can be enabled/disabled in the settings file, without uninstalling or deleting
  • Self regenerating settings file
  • Persistent time warp selections
  • Works in space center and tracking station
  • All planets get the same altitude limits for time warp: 0m for 1-1000, 100,000m for 10,000x, and 2,000,000m for 100,000x




  • Physics warp below x0.1 or above x100 is kind of buggy
  • Rarely, if using low (less than 0.1) physics warp on EVA, your kerbal will go flying off at about 7x light speed
  • More will be added to this list as they are found.



Download from SpaceDock

Or get it from CKAN!

Download (Github)


License (GNU GPL 3.0)


Edited by MrHappyFace
changed to spacedock
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Version 2.2

[*]Updated to 1.0.5
[*]Fixed spelling errors
[*]Fixed configuration error

Version 2.1

[*]Added persistent time warp selections.
[*]Added the GUI to the space center and tracking station
[*]Minor bugfixes
[*]1.0.4 support

Version 2.0

[*]Completely overhauled UI
[*]Added Lossless Physics, which allows you to keep accurate physics simulation even at high warp
[*]Scrolling on the UI no longer affects the camera
[*]The camera no longer is slow and laggy in lower time warp
[*]Fixed the issue where the button did not scale with the rest of the UI properly
[*]Fixed many more issues as well
[*]fixed some kraken related bugs.

Version 1.2

[*]Polished up UI
[*]1.0.2 support

Version 1.1

[*]Made UI disappear when pressing F2

Version 1.0

[*]Initial release

Edited by MrHappyFace
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  MrHappyFace said:


  • Physics warp below x0.1 or above x100 is kind of buggy
  • Rarely, if using low (less than 1) physics warp on EVA, your kerbal will go flying off at about 7x light speed
  • More will be added as they are found.

You might add more bugs as you develop, but i don't think it's a good idea to add more bugs as existing ones are found :P

Humor aside, i'm not too satisfied with the stock time warp settings, so this plugin is useful to me. Especially the slowmo could be useful as a workaround for overly responsive controls (until today, i couldn't find a way to really "finetune" movements with my joystick - and no, that key in the options to switch to sensitive controls barely does anything here).

Given the EVA bug, you might however want to by default disable <1x timewarp during EVA. Then have an option to enable it, if people want to risk losing their crew.

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  rynak said:

Given the EVA bug, you might however want to by default disable <1x timewarp during EVA. Then have an option to enable it, if people want to risk losing their crew.

It actually only occurs below 0.1 phys warp and usually only occurs on ladders, so I'll probably add limits. Also, you can stop time entirely using 0.0x timewarp, which is surprisingly stable... Just don't try negative timewarp.

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Rarely, if using low (less than 1) physics warp on EVA, your kerbal will go flying off at about 7x light speed

That explains why Jeb just flew into KSC (Came in really fast too, almost didn't survive. I'm talking about the rocket I was launching, not Jeb. He's practically immortal y'know.) babbling about having tea and crackers with a space squid... come to think of it, he looked a bit older than he did this morning when he took off for a fling around Minmus...

...Yeah it sorta makes sense now.

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- - - Updated - - -

  Justin Kerbice said:
There is a tiny but quite annoying issue: your arrow button is on the same layer as the 'no UI' one (when you use F2 key), so it appears on screenshots !
Uploading fix soon.

Edit: Uploaded fix!

Edited by MrHappyFace
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Thanks for the time warp addon, but:

1) If you set up larger UI in the game settings, then arrow button is overlaping with the game UI. It would be good, if the button will be movable.

2) After using Quickload, custom warp is reset to the default. After each use Quickload is necessary to activate custom settings manually. It's tiring and annoying.

P.S. I apologize for my poor English.

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  RiÄÂrd said:

Thanks for the time warp addon, but:

1) If you set up larger UI in the game settings, then arrow button is overlaping with the game UI. It would be good, if the button will be movable.

2) After using Quickload, custom warp is reset to the default. After each use Quickload is necessary to activate custom settings manually. It's tiring and annoying.

1. I did not know that was an issue, I'll try to fix it.

2. That is fixable, I'll fix it.

I'll try to upload a fix for both of those tommorow or the day after that

  Halaberiel said:
Does this work with .24?


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Sigh, this mod is making all my ships explode. Everything is great, use the ultra warp for the first time, slow down to normal, ship blows up. Switch to another ship without changing anything, it explodes. All my ships are now bugged. Removing the mod fixed the problem.

Edited by Halaberiel
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I love this. I will be phasing out Maximum Warp with this mod now.

I tested Time Control and this mod to see how they performed (obviously separately), and I like this mod better because the Cheaty Warp works way better than Time Control's HyperWarp. The GUI is also nicer.

I have one request though - please make HyperWarp active by default so the average person doesn't have to change the settings and activate them.

In case anyone's interested, the warp values I found that I liked were:

  • Physics Warp: 5x, 25x, 125x, 625x
  • Rails Warp (stolen from the MaximumWarp plugin): 10x, 100x, 1,000x, 10,000x, 100,000x, 1,000,000x, 10,000,000x

I assume that it's impossible to allow for more than four physics warp values, so how about making a keyboard shortcut (maybe Y) for switching between standard physics warp and speedy physics warp?

Edited by Andrew Hansen
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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Are there any instructions to get this working in 1.0.2 and greater? There is no GUI next to the warp bar and no instructions as how to use this mod (it loads, without error).

Having increased physical warp would be great for ion probes, better than waiting for 20 minute burns.

Can anyone write a patch?

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Just updated it to 1.0.2. I thought that, because no one has posted here, or seen this thread in weeks, it had been abandoned, but I guess not. Anyways, it's now on Kerbalstuff and CKAN if you want to download it. (or just read the OP)

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Great to see that this mod is still being maintained.

I have a feature request. There is another mod called Time Control that features high physical warp but without sacrificing physics accuracy. It's called hyper warp. But unfortunately it is no longer maintained.

I would love to see this feature implemented in BetterTimeWarp. :)

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There is another mod called Time Control that features high physical warp but without sacrificing physics accuracy.

By looking at the TimeControl source code, it looks very simple to code, it would just have to decrease the physics simulation timestep, but it would be very CPU intensive because your computer would have to simulate more physics at a faster rate.

I'll definitely add this in a future update though. :)

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Another update!


  • Completely overhauled UI
  • Added Lossless Physics, which allows you to keep accurate physics simulation even at high warp (this is the featurefrom TimeControl that @acerola requested)
  • Scrolling on the UI no longer affects the camera
  • The camera no longer is slow and laggy in lower time warp
  • Fixed the issue where the button did not scale with the rest of the UI properly
  • Fixed many more issues as well 1f419.png

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