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.24 Preview Vids are on Youtube


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We're close, but not quite "a few hours" close. Not just yet. We're still pushing out some new builds. Unlike last time, the fact that these videos are coming out now means that it's no longer a matter of weeks.

I'll hope for a matter of days then. :)

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What. The. Hell.

The ship had to be rotated once on the launchpad, not inside the effin' VAB.

So now we have to pan the camera around the ship every time?

Am I missing something?

Because this just seems to be silly.

It actually makes a lot of sense. The way the rocket is oriented on the launch pad makes sure that pressing right makes the rocket go right, left go left, up go away from the camera and down towards the camera. This helps new players get a sense of how the control setup works.

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^ This. While at first I thought "randomly generated kerbals spawning? :( !!!" But then I thought about it.. Well it makes sense if I'm not the only one launching rockets...

Putting the stranded kerbals in broken spaceships would make more sense in terms of the background, but having them free floating would make gameplay easier.

Shame that we won't be able to recover other people's spaceships for the scrap value though.

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Putting the stranded kerbals in broken spaceships would make more sense in terms of the background, but having them free floating would make gameplay easier.

Shame that we won't be able to recover other people's spaceships for the scrap value though.

Ohhh nice idea pirate...ummm...salvage other people's spacecraft and ransom....ummm....sell back to them. :)


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The 20th would be fitting, but Moon landing shmoon landing I want it MEOW!!!

Even better, tomorrow - it's a Tuesday (historically the day for new releases) and on 15th July 1975 (incidentally, also a Tuesday), the last Apollo mission (and Saturn rocket) was launched.

Edited by ObsessedWithKSP
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Even better, tomorrow - it's a Tuesday (historically the day for new releases) and on 15th July 1975, the last Apollo mission (and Saturn rocket) was launched.

The glorious First of June err Fifteenth of July! (we hope)

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It actually makes sense, because now you'll get your rocket on a launchpad exactly in the same position as it was in VAB view. That won't be very useful for a simple rockets, but it allows an easier building of Delta IV-esque designs.
It actually makes a lot of sense. The way the rocket is oriented on the launch pad makes sure that pressing right makes the rocket go right, left go left, up go away from the camera and down towards the camera. This helps new players get a sense of how the control setup works.

No, it doesn't make sense.

The only sensible thing would have been to match the rotation of the ship from the VAB to the launchpad, not the other way around.

I dare you to tell me you're more comfortable building ships facing sideways instead of front.

At least in the past there was the option of turning the ship 90° before launch to have it facing east, or just leave it facing north in the case you had enough control/torque to rotate it during ascent.

Now I'll have to start every new ship design by rotating myself.

Edited by Francesco
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To pass the time, I've been playing 0.13.3.


So far, I've been having fun!

Yes, this was the Mun, and it and Kerbin had terrain no higher than 600 meters. I tried landing on the Mun vertically with the big long stage, but the engine broke off. When I realized I was tipping, I staged to the next bit, where that engine snapped off. I then fell over safely and begun using the rcs jets to make this a rover. I got about that far before the terrain broke the Command Pod off.


Here's my "rover" continuing on.

Edited by GregroxMun
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I can’t handle the anticipation. Checking back every five minutes isn’t helping either. I think I may just go cold turkey and check again on Friday expecting a pleasant surprise. I think it’s healthier this way.<o:p></o:p>

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