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KSP Community CubeSat


Ultimate Mission?  

105 members have voted

  1. 1. Ultimate Mission?

    • LEO Only - Keep it safe
    • Sun-Earth L1
    • Sun-Earth L2
    • Venus Capture
    • Mars Capture
    • Phobos Mission
    • Jupiter Moons Mission
    • Saturn Moons Mission
    • Interstellar Space

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Mmmh didn't tought about the whole biological risk. Tether on the other hand might work.

I just failed my 1st year in engineering (let's all blame ksp for it :D ) and I live in Europe (belgium), but I can do part of the job (already launched a baloon with a temperatur captor, pressure captor and O2 cpator into high athmosphere (6km) with a friend. We does get back to earth the data but heck if I know where it is).

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What is the required temperature for the plants and bacteria to not die in space? And how much would a heater that can withstand apace cost?

20° (we should use a really small easy plant (Java moss for exemple (need a bit of water tough)))

The heather wouldn't be pricy cuz it would be inside the inflatable part, so no space grade thingy).

After some reflexion. Wouldn't it be way more easy to just have a sheet of inflatable material ?




OstuffO I




I being inflatable.

SO we just have to manage 1 bar of pression

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Drunken Hobo, you say that inflatables are fantasy? I mean seriously, it's not a new propulsion system, it doesn't require any expensive communications systems, and it can fit in a 1U CubeSat!

Has there ever been an inflatable module on a CubeSat? I can't find any, and the only example of plants on a CubeSat that I can find is are single spores on Nasa's SporeSat.

Has there ever been a CubeSat that uses ion thrusters for propulsion? I can only find concepts & future missions, not any that have been launched or are currently active.

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Neat, so our inflatable plan is coming smoothly. Also, how would we analyse the moss, and should we do things like seeing how the moss behaves under diffrent temperate and pressure levels?And I wonder whay K^2 thinks of our inflatable idea.

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What is the required temperature for the plants and bacteria to not die in space? And how much would a heater that can withstand apace cost?

Depends what kind of bacteria and what kind of plant. Heating is not a problem. Getting rid of heat is.

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Has there ever been an inflatable module on a CubeSat? I can't find any, and the only example of plants on a CubeSat that I can find is are single spores on Nasa's SporeSat.Has there ever been a CubeSat that uses ion thrusters for propulsion? I can only find concepts & future missions, not any that have been launched or are currently active.
It's probably possible for us to put biological matter on the mission so we can study it, and we dropped the ion propulsion idea.
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What is the required temperature for the plants and bacteria to not die in space? And how much would a heater that can withstand apace cost?

Heater? Check me if I'm wrong here Sandy but the direct sun temp at the Earth moon distance is 121 degrees C (250 degrees F[ not to mention what the air temp inside a sealed.... something does in direct sunlight]), and then 45 min. after sunrise the temp will plunge to -156 C (-250 F) as we move to the night side, so heaters and a chiller.

Wait... :confused: I, I can see the future... The mission report's coming in.... Unfortunately I think it's a failure. Unless you can find a better way.

Not trying to be mean, just funny.

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The advantage of that moss is that it die dried if u don't supply it in water. So, if our inflatable break, that die.

IF we can put biological matter on it, we would get our green life form in orbit. That actually sound awesome, or it's just me ?

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"Wait... :confused: I, I can see the future... The mission report's coming in.... Unfortunately I think it's a failure. Unless you can find a better way.

Not trying to be mean, just funny."

Well. Said like that...

Can we cool it like a fridge or forget about moss at all ?

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Maybe Java Moss are secretly Kerbals... DUN DUN DUN Dundundundun!!! :sticktongue:

Anyway, are we allowed to put moss on our CubeSat? I think we are. And also, ahould we see how thw moss acts under diffrent temperate and pressure levels?

Edited by Nicholander
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"Anyway, are we allowed to put moss on our CubeSat? I think we are. And also, ahould we see how thw moss acts under diffrent temperate and pressure levels?"

That die. That can withstand 0 to 40 degree but 120 sound not so promising :D

Okay. Let's just monitor O2 and pressure (except if someone can get a light geiger ? )

That would already need some hard work.

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So, is that the basics of the inflatiable done? Is there anything more we need to discus about it? Also, I think we should put some bacteria in there as well, and see how they react to the moss in a micro-gravity enviroment. And I need to get some sleep, so I'll be offline for a bit.

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I think we should ask NASA if we can use their mothballed or scrap rocket parts (SRB's, fuel tanks, rocket engines) to cobble together a real life Kerbal rocket.

This would be a volunteer project using parts that they were going to scrap anyways. The project would have a low chance of success but it would be a great experiment in terms of cost savings using off the shelf, garbage parts and still may give some useful scientific data.

Also it's right in line with Kerbal rocket launch philosophy.

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I think we should ask NASA if we can use their mothballed or scrap rocket parts (SRB's, fuel tanks, rocket engines) to cobble together a real life Kerbal rocket.

This would be a volunteer project using parts that they were going to scrap anyways. The project would have a low chance of success but it would be a great experiment in terms of cost savings using off the shelf, garbage parts and still may give some useful scientific data.

Also it's right in line with Kerbal rocket launch philosophy.

You can't be serious... This thread is so ridiculous. Go ahead: Call NASA. I am sure they have tons of mothballed old rocket parts that they give to anybody who asked nicely.

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I think we should ask NASA if we can use their mothballed or scrap rocket parts (SRB's, fuel tanks, rocket engines) to cobble together a real life Kerbal rocket.

This would be a volunteer project using parts that they were going to scrap anyways. The project would have a low chance of success but it would be a great experiment in terms of cost savings using off the shelf, garbage parts and still may give some useful scientific data.

Also it's right in line with Kerbal rocket launch philosophy.

No one will ever be allowed to do something like that. Do you seriously think NASA would allow fooling around with vehicles capable of delivering a warhead?

The things you'll hear on this thread...

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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