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KSP Community CubeSat


Ultimate Mission?  

105 members have voted

  1. 1. Ultimate Mission?

    • LEO Only - Keep it safe
    • Sun-Earth L1
    • Sun-Earth L2
    • Venus Capture
    • Mars Capture
    • Phobos Mission
    • Jupiter Moons Mission
    • Saturn Moons Mission
    • Interstellar Space

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So the electrodynamic tethered propulsion is a stretch goal. So what should our base mission do? You said some basic instruments and a camera, but do you have any ideas which are achievable for the base mission and unique/interesting?

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when was the last time some one got High Def images of the far side of the moon? and get that as first mission? will give us a chance to test navigation and rad hardness

also for launch see if we can tag along with one of the Google Lunar X Prize teams...

Edited by B787_300
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A mission like that would be much too expensive. First we would need at least a 3U and then a GTO launch and that's even more expensive. Then we would need tougher equipment and the cost would go way up.

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We can always stuff a tiny jeb inside the craft we may not be able to get pictures of him inside but we will know he's there.

Hahaha :D

But seriously, what can we do up there in LEO that can be done with our main funding goal? Maybe something similar to ArduSat (Another KickStarted CubeSat) where people can submit code in the Ardunio computer language and do science with the CubeSat. That's just an idea.

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If we do end up with a small thruster on board we can always take suggestions on maneuvers we can do. Not all of them will be feasible but we can do small things like a slight plane change or apoapsis increase. The engine would probably be a stretch goal after or before the tether depending on the cost of each.

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cpast, you can also do it with a smaller 2U, and as how I described maybe a 1U.

No you can't. 1U and 2U sizes are strict - there is a 3U+, but no 1U+ or 2U+. If you want a 2U, you must fit within the 2U box, and do not get any space outside that box.

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Well, okay, if we ever want to have an electrodynamic tethered propulsion we'll need a 3U, or maybe we can fit it in a 2U. Anyway, on the topic of what the base goal should do, what are some of the experiments and instruments we could put on it, that are not insanely expensive and compact?

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I just did a quick price check and with a few solar panels a basic computer and a bare bones 20w battery and a few other systems it's going to cost around 60k that isn't counting the launch costs ~50k and the ground station.

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Both of those are possible. As kickstarted cubesats tend to be done by companies or universities. We could always put together some stuff ourselves like the rotation system. All we need are 3 small motors and a few algorithms. The cubesat probably won't stay up long enough for it to start having to burn off excess rotation anyway.

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We don't need to get a 1U at all. 0.5U exist.

We need non amovible solarpanel, however it would be impossible.


2200 $

2W. (someone can say if it's enough ? )


1600 $

One smartphone modified 500/ 1000 $

500 $ for the inflatable module and the test module (not spacegrade tough)

We are at 5k for the sat.

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I don't know what K^2 will think of the smartphone CubeSat, and I think that we still should do 1U, we can fit more systems and experiments in it.

The problem is that spacegrade computer are at 2.5 k $. That's quite pricy.

IF we can get a ride to LEO for less than 10 k $ and IF we can have a ground station for 5k$ dollar or less, it would be possible.

20k to 25k $ is reasonnable for a quickstarter.

So. Does someone know if we can get either of them or both ?

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Whole new mission goal inspired by the original inspiration for KSP. We have a cube sat with 5 Jeb Kerbin figures, each with an Estes motor attached. We get a lift into a polar orbit. We fire the Estes motors of so that a Jeb kerbin figure burns up over each of the 7 continents.

Edited by EpicRootHairCell
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Also an ominidirectional antenna has an optimal orientation and a blind one. Plus if you want to do something like the tether experiment you don't want your satellite to randomly spin around, right?

Well. omni got like a large range and now, most smartphone have gyroscope inside. And the tether experiment sound a lot too hard for our 1st mission.

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I just did a quick price check and with a few solar panels a basic computer and a bare bones 20w battery and a few other systems it's going to cost around 60k that isn't counting the launch costs ~50k and the ground station.

Most of the components are absurdly overpriced. Only a few should be purchased from specialized cubesat vendors. It should be possible to fit within $10k for a unit with solar power, comms, and attitude control. Propulsion would be extra. Of course, if propulsion is basically the experiment we want to do, then there's that.

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