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[1.1.3] Surface Experiment Pack - EVA science for KIS/KAS (v1.4.2 6/30/2016) *Now with less explosions*


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I'm using in .90 without any problems. Also if you edit the configs to remove the command module stuff from the parts they no longer bounce out of position when placing them on the ground. Just get the part, run experiment, attach to ground, then get data without any issues. :)

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I'll speak to Albert about this mod. We might be able to continue it, but he’s been rather busy lately.

I did some work on it a few weeks back, attempting to integrate it with the DMagic Module Science Animate, but the results were a unmitigated disaster, mostly due to the fact I'm not a very good programmer.

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I asked Albert about adding it to CKAN and he agreed. I've sent a pull request off to the CKAN team so should be available soon.

But yes, the mod needs a little TLC; and I'd love to see where Albert was going with it. Unfortunately with the license the way it is, people can post patches and make tweaks in their own copy, but not create and distribute an updated mod.

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  Dunrana said:
I'll speak to Albert about this mod. We might be able to continue it, but he’s been rather busy lately.

I did some work on it a few weeks back, attempting to integrate it with the DMagic Module Science Animate, but the results were a unmitigated disaster, mostly due to the fact I'm not a very good programmer.

I haven't looked at that for a long time, it probably just needs a few things updated.

What was needed here? Just something to allow it to be activated on EVA?

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First of all, I can report that work is continuing on this mod!

I’d really like to figure out the .cfg so that the munar surface experiments could be run from EVA.however, I’m not really that great (read: Truly Terrible) at config files.

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Right now they can be as long as you don't attach them to the ground first, so it is at least a stop gap measure and also fitting that one would set up the experiment then place it which within the limitations of the game does seem applicable :)

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  Dunrana said:
First of all, I can report that work is continuing on this mod!

I’d really like to figure out the .cfg so that the munar surface experiments could be run from EVA.however, I’m not really that great (read: Truly Terrible) at config files.

You went and stole my big announcement! :(

Ah, well. I guess that's what twin brothers are for. :)

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  Z3R0_0NL1N3 said:
Are these parts useful for other moons and even other planets outside of the Kerbin system?

Yep! I'd like to eventually get it set up so some of these parts only produce science on moons or planets without an atmosphere, but for right now, they'll work on any planet with a surface. The outer planets mod support has to do with 20-some lines of custom science report text for the OPM moons.

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  micha said:
Great stuff - and I see you've uploaded the mod to KerbalStuff as well! So the CKAN file is superfluous now..

Sorry about that. My antivirus got a little overzealous and ate my copy of Dropbox, so KerbalStuff was the next best hosting option I had available.

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  AlbertKermin said:
Sorry about that. My antivirus got a little overzealous and ate my copy of Dropbox, so KerbalStuff was the next best hosting option I had available.

Not at all - it's better off on KerbalStuff since CKAN will automagically update whenver you release a new version. Didn't know you were about to! Btw, it's working great - happy that the retro-reflector is working again!

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It’s a known bug, but the output log would be appreciated. We’re still not sure what’s causing it.

Albert Kermin is having a little trouble with his computer right now, so he asked me to ask if the bug is occurring with all the instruments, or just the retroreflector and ion detector?

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  Dunrana said:
It’s a known bug, but the output log would be appreciated. We’re still not sure what’s causing it.

Works fine for me (all parts). But I do have Stock Bug Fix Modules and various other extra mods installed.

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I MAY have found a work around for the explode on attach bug.

My latest experiments indicate it doesn’t occur if you turn on Allow part clipping in editors in the debug menu. I may be wrong.

I will say that a permanent fix for this bug is number one on the list of things to do for this mod.

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Sorry for not being around for a few days. My keyboard broke.

  RainDreamer said:
Wow, why haven't I seen this before? EVA science! Now I can actually make my scientist do things on EVA when my pilot plant flags and my engineer building stuff!


  Overjay said:
Wooo, updated!

Also, will be there more experiments?

I'm working on textures for a Solar Wind Spectrometer at the moment!

  micha said:
Works fine for me (all parts). But I do have Stock Bug Fix Modules and various other extra mods installed.

I'm thinking that it's probably a result of one of your mods, since I was noticing this bug doing some of my tests, as well. After working on the problem for a bit, I think it's being caused by my poor choice of collision mesh on the Ion Detector and Retroreflector.

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Haven't progressed in the current play through enough to try it myself, but curious if there is any anticipated problems with Kerbal Inventory System? Especially as it was announced KAS will be incorporating to use KIS rather than the current system in the future.

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