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Portable Rover Components. New project from ASET. (up 29/07/14)


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Excellent production of the video in the topic start. Even better than the videos Squad makes. You obviously know what you are doing.

I like the project too, as everything ASET seems to be of quality. The only thing I am not too sure of is the look of the rover wheels, which rather remind me of what music artists have on their SUV's in hiphop clips.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have plans to abandon the use AdvancedAnimator in next update, all will be ported to the Firespitter plugin.

He has stated he will be doing just that already. Sadly, seems he's busy on other projects or just needs a break as PRC, MCS and other things are just laying around until he's ready.

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  • 1 month later...

I've edited the configs for the parts to remove AdvancedAnimator and use Firespitter instead. I've tested them and I can successfully build the rover just as in the video tutorial in the opening post. Should I PM alexustas and send them to him to be included, or can I post them somewhere. I'm not sure exactly how to go about this, so any advice on how to get these updates to people who want to try them would be most welcome.

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If anyone want to use this mod with out AdvancedAnimator plugin here is a patch for it to use Stock ModuleAnimateGeneric


%name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
%animationName = Deploy_RoverBumperAnim
%startEventGUIName = Deploy Bumper
%endEventGUIName = Retract Bumper
%actionGUIName = Toggle Bumper

!MODULE[ModuleAnimator] {}

name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
animationName = DeployRoverPlatformAinm
startEventGUIName = Deploy Platform
endEventGUIName = Retract Platform
actionGUIName = Toggle Platform

!MODULE[ModuleAnimator] {}

name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
animationName = KRoverCommSeatDeploy
startEventGUIName = Deploy Seat
endEventGUIName = Retract Seat
actionGUIName = Toggle Seat

!MODULE[ModuleAnimator] {}

name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
animationName = KRoverWheelRetractionAnim
startEventGUIName = Expand Wheel
endEventGUIName = Retract Wheel
actionGUIName = Toggle Wheel

Or you can download this and put it in KSP/GameDate anywhere in there you want. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/ASET_PRC_STOCKPATCH.cfg.zip

EDIT- But the solar panels don't charge the battery what did, I miss ?

Edited by Mecripp2
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Most do did you write a patch cfg or re-write the part cfg ? But yes post it or post a download for the patch.

And do you have a problem with the solar panels ?

I edited the part cfg by deleting the AdvancedAnimation module and put the FSanimateGeneric module in its place. The solar panels work and charge the batteries just fine.

Here are the modules. Just delete the AdvancedAnimator module (it will be the module definition with all of the comments within it) and replace them with the appropriate one below:


// KRoverWheel.cfg
name = FSanimateGeneric
animationName = KRoverWheelRetractionAnim
animSpeed = 0.25
startEventGUIName = Expand Wheel
endEventGUIName = Retract Wheel

startDeployed = False
startDeployedString = Start Deployed?

availableInEVA = True
availableInVessel = True
EVArange = 5

layer = 1
useActionEditorPopup = True
playAnimationOnEditorSpawn = False


// KRoverSeat.cfg
name = FSanimateGeneric
animationName = KRoverCommSeatDeploy
animSpeed = 0.1
startEventGUIName = Deploy Seat
endEventGUIName = Retract Seat

startDeployed = False
startDeployedString = Start Deployed?

availableInEVA = True
availableInVessel = True
EVArange = 5

layer = 1
useActionEditorPopup = True
playAnimationOnEditorSpawn = False


// KRoverPlatform.cfg
name = FSanimateGeneric
animationName = DeployRoverPlatformAinm
animSpeed = 0.25
startEventGUIName = Deploy Platform
endEventGUIName = Retract Platform

startDeployed = False
startDeployedString = Start Deployed?

availableInEVA = True
availableInVessel = True
EVArange = 5

layer = 1
useActionEditorPopup = True
playAnimationOnEditorSpawn = False


// KRoverBumper.cfg
name = FSanimateGeneric
animationName = Deploy_RoverBumperAnim
animSpeed = 0.25
startEventGUIName = Deploy Bumper
endEventGUIName = Retract Bumper

startDeployed = False
startDeployedString = Start Deployed?

availableInEVA = True
availableInVessel = True
EVArange = 5

layer = 1
useActionEditorPopup = True
playAnimationOnEditorSpawn = False

Again, this requires that you edit the part cfgs that came with ASET by deleting the original animation module and replacing it with the appropriate one above.

You can build the rover just as in the video in the OP. I took the parts to the Mun and encountered an issue with the rover flipping when I was deploying the wheels, and the wheels exploded if I dropped them instead of storing them, but this could be due to the settings I am using for the lower resolution surfaces on the celestial bodies. As I never used the parts with the original AdvancedAnimate plugin, I don't know if this is "normal" behavior.

Edit: MeCripp was kind enough to set all of this up in a ModuleManager config in the post below this one. If you prefer you can make a new config file that you can place in KSP/GameData to replace the AdvancedAnimation module with Firespitter's FSanimateGeneric. Thanks again to MeCripp for the ModuleManager config setup.

Edited by TheShadow1138
Adding reference to MeCripp's config
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Will have to play around with the ModuleAnimateGeneric to see if, I can get it to work and, I see somethings you have in FS that, I didn't use and you could have made a CFG like

// Patch by TheShadow1138


%name = FSanimateGeneric
%animationName = Deploy_RoverBumperAnim
%animSpeed = 0.25
%startEventGUIName = Deploy Bumper
%endEventGUIName = Retract Bumper

%startDeployed = False
%startDeployedString = Start Deployed?

%availableInEVA = True
%availableInVessel = True
%EVArange = 5

%layer = 1
%useActionEditorPopup = True
%playAnimationOnEditorSpawn = False

!MODULE[ModuleAnimator] {}

name = FSanimateGeneric
animationName = DeployRoverPlatformAinm
animSpeed = 0.25
startEventGUIName = Deploy Platform
endEventGUIName = Retract Platform

startDeployed = False
startDeployedString = Start Deployed?

availableInEVA = True
availableInVessel = True
EVArange = 5

layer = 1
useActionEditorPopup = True
playAnimationOnEditorSpawn = False

!MODULE[ModuleAnimator] {}

name = FSanimateGeneric
animationName = KRoverCommSeatDeploy
animSpeed = 0.1
startEventGUIName = Deploy Seat
endEventGUIName = Retract Seat

startDeployed = False
startDeployedString = Start Deployed?

availableInEVA = True
availableInVessel = True
EVArange = 5

layer = 1
useActionEditorPopup = True
playAnimationOnEditorSpawn = False

!MODULE[ModuleAnimator] {}

name = FSanimateGeneric
animationName = KRoverWheelRetractionAnim
animSpeed = 0.25
startEventGUIName = Expand Wheel
endEventGUIName = Retract Wheel

startDeployed = False
startDeployedString = Start Deployed?

availableInEVA = True
availableInVessel = True
EVArange = 5

layer = 1
useActionEditorPopup = True
playAnimationOnEditorSpawn = False

That way they can hightlight it all and save as a cfg and put it anywhere in KSP/GameData and there using ModuleManager. * if there using KAS.

Edited by Mecripp2
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Will have to play around with the ModuleAnimateGeneric to see if, I can get it to work and, I see somethings you have in FS that, I didn't use and you could have made a CFG like
// Patch by TheShadow1138

!MODULE[ModuleAnimator] {}

name = FSanimateGeneric
animationName = Deploy_RoverBumperAnim
animSpeed = 0.25
startEventGUIName = Deploy Bumper
endEventGUIName = Retract Bumper

startDeployed = False
startDeployedString = Start Deployed?

availableInEVA = True
availableInVessel = True
EVArange = 5

layer = 1
useActionEditorPopup = True
playAnimationOnEditorSpawn = False

!MODULE[ModuleAnimator] {}

name = FSanimateGeneric
animationName = DeployRoverPlatformAinm
animSpeed = 0.25
startEventGUIName = Deploy Platform
endEventGUIName = Retract Platform

startDeployed = False
startDeployedString = Start Deployed?

availableInEVA = True
availableInVessel = True
EVArange = 5

layer = 1
useActionEditorPopup = True
playAnimationOnEditorSpawn = False

!MODULE[ModuleAnimator] {}

name = FSanimateGeneric
animationName = KRoverCommSeatDeploy
animSpeed = 0.1
startEventGUIName = Deploy Seat
endEventGUIName = Retract Seat

startDeployed = False
startDeployedString = Start Deployed?

availableInEVA = True
availableInVessel = True
EVArange = 5

layer = 1
useActionEditorPopup = True
playAnimationOnEditorSpawn = False

!MODULE[ModuleAnimator] {}

name = FSanimateGeneric
animationName = KRoverWheelRetractionAnim
animSpeed = 0.25
startEventGUIName = Expand Wheel
endEventGUIName = Retract Wheel

startDeployed = False
startDeployedString = Start Deployed?

availableInEVA = True
availableInVessel = True
EVArange = 5

layer = 1
useActionEditorPopup = True
playAnimationOnEditorSpawn = False

That way they can hightlight it all and save as a cfg and put it anywhere in KSP/GameData and there using ModuleManager. * if there using KAS.

Thanks MeCripp for putting that ModuleManager code together. I don't have a lot of experience making configs for ModuleManager. I'll edit my post pointing others to the config you made so that they can update either way.

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Try'ed it and still the solar panels don't work :( maybe, I'm doing something wrong.

EDIT- Can see the power the panels are getting but still not charging the battery.

That's rather odd behavior. Try manually editing the Bumper's config. Maybe ModuleManager is doing something it shouldn't that's messing up the Solar Panel behavior. I'll double check mine just to make sure I wasn't imagining that it charged the batteries.

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Trying that now and put it in two installs and no power :(

EDIT- Whoops forgot to take out patch showed 2 buttons lol but it works that way :confused: I must be doing something wrong or MM is.

EDIT- Can you try the patch I made for ModuleAnimateGeneric and see if it works for u ?

Edited by Mecripp2
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Trying that now and put it in two installs and no power :(

EDIT- Whoops forgot to take out patch showed 2 buttons lol but it works that way :confused: I must be doing something wrong or MM is.

EDIT- Can you try the patch I made for ModuleAnimateGeneric and see if it works for u ?

When I use the patch you made it will not charge the batteries. When it's on the Kerbal's back before you store it on the platform, if you right-click the bumper it will show all the stats on charge level, whether the panel is receiving sunlight, and the power flow rate, but once I store it on the rover, the battery level will not show up on right-click, nor will it show up on the command seats, which also have batteries. It's almost as if storing the parts makes the part "forget" all the modules attached except the animation module. I'll play around with it too and see if I can help figure out what's going on here.

EDIT: I found a fix that lets the bumper solar panels charge the batteries. I'm not sure what ModuleManager was doing, but if you change the one for the bumper so that it replaces the ModuleAnimator instead of deleting it then adding the FSanimateGeneric it will charge the batteries in the bumper and the seat as expected. This fix also works for your ModuleAnimateGeneric patch.

Fixed ModuleManager config:

// Patch by TheShadow1138


%name = FSanimateGeneric
%animationName = Deploy_RoverBumperAnim
%animSpeed = 0.25
%startEventGUIName = Deploy Bumper
%endEventGUIName = Retract Bumper

%startDeployed = False
%startDeployedString = Start Deployed?

%availableInEVA = True
%availableInVessel = True
%EVArange = 5

%layer = 1
%useActionEditorPopup = True
%playAnimationOnEditorSpawn = False

!MODULE[ModuleAnimator] {}

name = FSanimateGeneric
animationName = DeployRoverPlatformAinm
animSpeed = 0.25
startEventGUIName = Deploy Platform
endEventGUIName = Retract Platform

startDeployed = False
startDeployedString = Start Deployed?

availableInEVA = True
availableInVessel = True
EVArange = 5

layer = 1
useActionEditorPopup = True
playAnimationOnEditorSpawn = False

!MODULE[ModuleAnimator] {}

name = FSanimateGeneric
animationName = KRoverCommSeatDeploy
animSpeed = 0.1
startEventGUIName = Deploy Seat
endEventGUIName = Retract Seat

startDeployed = False
startDeployedString = Start Deployed?

availableInEVA = True
availableInVessel = True
EVArange = 5

layer = 1
useActionEditorPopup = True
playAnimationOnEditorSpawn = False

!MODULE[ModuleAnimator] {}

name = FSanimateGeneric
animationName = KRoverWheelRetractionAnim
animSpeed = 0.25
startEventGUIName = Expand Wheel
endEventGUIName = Retract Wheel

startDeployed = False
startDeployedString = Start Deployed?

availableInEVA = True
availableInVessel = True
EVArange = 5

layer = 1
useActionEditorPopup = True
playAnimationOnEditorSpawn = False

The above config should fully convert the parts to Firespitter's FSanimateGeneric and correct the issue with the panels not charging the batteries.

P.S.: What I said above about the GUI not displaying correctly, it was because I stupidly forgot that you have to board the rover before it will show the charge level.

Edited by TheShadow1138
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No way and that fixed it lol will try, was fixing to ask if you was getting this error when grabbing the bumper funny it's just the bumper.

[ERR 18:15:03.873] Resource System Error: Requested resource (id: 0) does not exist

EDIT- lol I copyed the patch wrong at first and spent hours fighting it all good works like a charm.

EDIT- Both patches tested and work if you want to use the rover with the Stock ModuleAnimateGeneric https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/ASET_PRC_STOCKPATCH.cfg.zip

And If you want to use Firespitter TheShadow1138 has made you a nice patch https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/ASET_PRC_FS_PATCH.cfg.zip

Edited by Mecripp2
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EDIT- lol I copyed the patch wrong at first and spent hours fighting it all good works like a charm.

Good to hear. Only thing I can figure is that the animation module not related to the solar panel must come before the DeployableSolarPanel module, and the way we were doing it before ModuleManager was adding the new module at the end after the SolarPanel. I'm not sure, but like you said, it works.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...
Rise, my minion! Rise! Mwhahahahahahah! Okay, enough necromancer.

I'm currently trying to convert this mod to use KIS instead of KAS since KAS's inventory stuff is going to be deprecated by KIS. Link to my post in KIS in case anyone wants to help out.

Yes, this is an amazing idea.

fyi I can't help, I was just saying that this was a good idea.

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I just made the config changes to use the firespitter plugin and I am happy to say i am very pleased to see this little guy back up and running

Would you mind posting the changes you made to the config. I would love to just use firespitter instead of some older dll.

Got it thanks Mecripp

Edited by Svm420
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Deltac looks like you tried a different way then, I did may we can both play around with it and get it to work ?

Here, I posted what, I have for KIS using this it don't work like KAS did so, I'm guessing, I missed something http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/113111-0-90-Kerbal-Inventory-System-%28KIS%29-1-0-2?p=1827607&viewfull=1#post1827607 If I get it work right will post a patch.

Edited by Mecripp2
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