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I Just Had An Epiphany


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Lots of stuff has happened to me over the last few weeks and i didnt have as much free time as normal. Today, i was just about to release a video into my little youtube channel. All that was left was adding music.

Then my computer crashed. I lost all progress on my video.

Based on past experiences, everytime i try to make videos, bad stuff happens.

Then it hit me: What if i am just not meant to make videos? What if i am being stopped from making them for some strange reason? What if i am simply overreacting?

Maybe i really am not meant to make youtube videos. That would seem likely; i'm not exactly good at making them. Plus, i'm stuck in a dilemma over wether or not i want to put in the effort to show my creativity to the world?

Anyone had something like this happen to them?

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  quasarrgames said:
Then my computer crashed. I lost all progress on my video.

Based on past experiences, everytime i try to make videos, bad stuff happens.

Then it hit me: What if i am just not meant to make videos? What if i am being stopped from making them for some strange reason? What if i am simply overreacting?

You're overreacting. There is no cosmic force trying to stop you from publishing footage of a video game you like to play.

Really, what you have to do is just learn from this and move on. When working on something like this, save often, so if your computer crashes you lose the last fifteen minutes, not four hours.

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  quasarrgames said:

Then my computer crashed. I lost all progress on my video.

Based on past experiences, everytime i try to make videos, bad stuff happens.

I've been making videos since I was in high school some 14-15 years ago. I've lost many, many hours to video editor crashes, hard drive failures, losing USB drives and in one case, a house fire. Stuff happens, you just get better at backing stuff up as you get more experiences. SAVE OFTEN! Triple backup every completed video if you can. That is a horrible feeling to see all that work go POOF, but just remember you learned while making it so next time you'll do it better. Oh, and make videos only if you have fun doing so. Doing something for popularity just leads to disappointment, doing something because you enjoy it means you're happy no matter what.


(I lost about an hour or more of video in a VE crash when doing the Kerbin Cup 3rd round just a few days ago. Still happens to me. At least I saved!)

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Like Xacktar said, don't let this discourage you, just think of it as a lesson about saving*. Really, you should consider yourself lucky that you had this problem with a video you made as a hobby and could just make again without any real problems. It's not like you lost a school project or something, then you'd be pretty screwed.

*Most video programs, or at least all the ones I know, autosave periodically. Are you sure you lost everything? Either way, saving manually is still important.

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As a KSP and other games YouTuber I can give you this advice.

If you are having fun making videos, then keep working through the issues, your personality and enjoyment of the game will come across - and it makes all the difference to most people.

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You will lose video / files / saves / hardware. That's a fact. You pick up the pieces and move on.

I had a catastrophic hard drive failure between episode 4 and 5 of my current running series, saves missing an all the footage gone, it was frustrating and I was tempted to end all this youtube business right there.

I'm currently in episode 21, this sunday episode 22 is going to be released and I'm 2 / 3 episodes shy of finishing the series. If you are having fun, don't let a little set back take you down.

P.S.: Where I can watch your episodes? Put a link in your sig dude!

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If you are on Windows 7 or 8, get an external drive. The Backup and Recovery utility can take Virtual Machine (.VHD) snapshots at scheduled intervals. And it actually works very well (surprise). Future problem solved.

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I've been using plain old Windows Movie Maker for creating the just of my videos but when I first got OBS, Movie Maker had problems loading video. It wouldn't save any clips if they where under around 13 seconds. So basically everything. I updated and that fixed the problem. If anyone has a better free video editing program please point me to it!

If you like making videos, keep doing it. It's a tip for myself and it has brought me nothing bad in the long run *knocks on wood*.

EDIT!!!!! .24 is out.

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  roosterr said:
If you are on Windows 7 or 8, get an external drive. The Backup and Recovery utility can take Virtual Machine (.VHD) snapshots at scheduled intervals. And it actually works very well (surprise). Future problem solved.

The Windows backup utilities have been solid for a while now. Windows Defender is pretty good, too, though not really a good solution as your primary defense, since it's got a massive target painted on it for coming installed with Windows.

If only we can get Microsoft to make a half decent web browser. I'm not sure we can ever trust the company responsible for IE 6 with that task, though.

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