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New update, tried a contract, and now no money.

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I updated the game to 0.24, and then I went into the mission control and accepted the basic jet engine one, and now I have no money to launch anything. I have 395 (credits?) so im assuming I have to go into the save file and manually edit it back up to 10,000 or something.

It also says

Test Basic Jet Engine: Incomplete

Kerbin: Incomplete

Landed: Incomplete

What do I have to do to complete those?

And Im also having trouble creating a successful plane that doesnt flip when i take off or fall over immeaditely.

I also am not that far into the spaceplanes in the tech tree so i dont have very much.

Edited by Mtshaw113
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Something we're all learning rather suddenly is that you should only accept contracts you think you can complete.

For parts you can activate by staging (e.g., engines, decouplers, parachutes), you need to activate them for the first time in the listed conditions. In your example:

Basic Jet Engine (will be experimentally available even if you haven't researched it yet)

Kerbin: test it on Kerbin, rather than another celestial body

Landed: start it while still on the ground

Other contracts will include altitude and speed ranges, which make testing much more ... interesting. :D

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Landed contracts are really easy. You don't even have to get it to fly or anything. You just need to activate the engine while you're on the ground. If you put the throttle to minimum you don't even need a parachute because it won't get off the ground.

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How did I run out of money though?

You lose money two ways:

(1) Launch a craft that doesn't earn its own launch costs back (it explodes in midair, it doesn't complete any contract, it doesn't return to Kerbin for recovery etc.)

(2) Fail a contract, upon which you have to pay a penalty fee. Contracts are failed by either not completing the objective(s) by the deadline, OR by canceling an already accepted contract.

So yeah. If you accepted all contracts you could, and then timewarped for a year without doing anything, you might be going bankrupt. Or if you decided that you didn't want those contracts anyway and cancelled them, you get the same result.

(Note that rejecting a contract BEFORE accepting it does not cost you anything.)

If the game still has contracts to offer you, you generally get an advance payment for accepting a contract. You could use that to complete an easy contract, such as the jet engine ground test - it's literally a case of adding the part, going onto the launchpad, and pressing spacebar. You don't even need to bring fuel. Once you completed that contract, you'll get more money, which can help you complete another contract, and so on.

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