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0.24 Rescue Mission - Get Kerbal aboard the vessel

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Im having problems with this mission.

I got to the poor lost kerbal, im sitting 5 meters from him but im not able to anyhow interact with him...

I got extra command pod on my ship so he can hop into but how?

I tried EVEing my pilot no interaction option neither... help :(

Edited by melisario
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Squad need to look at this, I could not work this out on my own.

Even going to the Tracking Station, you can see the kerbal in orbit, but "cannot switch to a craft you do not own", despite being 10m from him.

Amusingly, the first time I tried one of these missions, I did my speed matching burn too close and the rocket exhaust catapulted the poor kerbal away from me at high velocity!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  evilC said:

Amusingly, the first time I tried one of these missions, I did my speed matching burn too close and the rocket exhaust catapulted the poor kerbal away from me at high velocity!

That should have been funny, hahaha

I couldn't work out that alone, too. I never bothered to learn the keyboard short-cuts, so I got confused as I managed to literally touch him gently with the tip of the pod, but I couldn't switch to him and eventually he died (I use TACLS mod, he died without oxygen...)

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My first "rescue" involved use of a Claw, as I couldn't figure out the '[' ']' thing...

What do you know, I now have a kerbal sitting ON the VAB, still in need of rescue! Seems the contract system doesn't like retrieval by claw, he has to *ENTER* a capsule.

(command chair hotseat rescues suffer the same fate)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, so I am having the same issue, I am getting very close (<10m), but cannot take control of the Kerbal that needs rescuing.

I am able to switch to him with the bracket keys "[ and ]", but I cannot move him or even reorient him.

I was able to very slowly drift under him (<0.1 m/s) until I could hit "F" to grab on and then board.

Without RCS (not high enough in tech tree yet) getting that close without hitting him was a challenge.

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  4o66 said:
Ok, so I am having the same issue, I am getting very close (<10m), but cannot take control of the Kerbal that needs rescuing.

I am able to switch to him with the bracket keys "[ and ]", but I cannot move him or even reorient him.

You are most of the way there! After you take control of the Kerbal, press "R" to activate the jet pack. Then you can fly him around using WASDQE and get him back to the ship. Smalllll puffs. If you hold down "W" he'll go zooming away. You can also hold the left mouse button and drag the mouse around to make him rotate. Once you get close to the ladder, press F to grab on.

Good luck and welcome to the forums :D


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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys,

I avoided this type of missions first, cause I had the same problems as everyone (using the shortcuts). :rolleyes:

The first time I resolved the problem "my way"... after that I forgot to google about it...

So I tried it again with 0.25 and (of course) again had the same problem...

It's just to good to put down.


This was the way I solved it:

- First: Just bring a recovery Vessel nearby

- Second: Be confused, cause you are not able to control the Kerbonaut

- Third: Save and Quit to edit the savegame

- Go to <SteamDirectory>\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\saves\<SavegameName>\

- Open persistent.sfs with Notepad++.

- Search for "VESSEL" or use the Kerbal name (e.g. "Allison Kerman")

name = Allison Kerman
type = EVA
ref = [COLOR="#0000FF"]<CopyFromRecoveryVessel>[/COLOR]
ctrl = True
[COLOR="#FF0000"](probably this enables the control by switching [with shortcuts],
even though it is sth. like a "discovert unknown object" and not "owned")[/COLOR]
PART [COLOR="#0000FF"](edited to be a "part" of recovery vessel; probably not needed)[/COLOR]
name = kerbalEVA
uid = [COLOR="#0000FF"]<KeepUntouched>[/COLOR]
mid = [COLOR="#0000FF"]<CopyFromRecoveryVessel[U]Part[/U]>[/COLOR]
launchID = [COLOR="#0000FF"]<CopyFromRecoveryVessel[U]Part[/U]>[/COLOR]
sqor = 0 (Dont know - just copied)
sidx = 0 (Dont know - just copied)
DISCOVERY (probably this solved the problem, but I don't try it without the other changes)
state = -1
lastObservedTime = 0
lifetime = Infinity
refTime = Infinity
size = 2

Now I can control the Kerbal directly from Tracking Station. :cool:

I'll try the shortcuts next time :D:sticktongue::confused:



Edited by Eld0r
Adding information to CODE block
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  • 1 month later...

Thanks technicalfool ! [ and ] did the trick! I know this was already flagged as answered, but at the date of this post, writ Dec 2014, I was still struggling to find how to do this. I even joined the forum for it, but decided to do another search before creating a new post. And lo and behold: the answer surfaced! :)

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  • 6 months later...


I just did my first rescue attempt and got to the capsule and had this same problem. So instead of searching online, I thought maybe he was asleep so I had Jeb scoot over and bang on the hatch but no go. Again I didn't search online, instead I reverted to design put a cargo bay on, and with extreme difficulty maneuvered my ship so his capsule entered the bay and closed it. Returned safely to the surface and failed my mission. :(

Don't know if the fall was because he ran out of oxygen (it took a long time to rendezvous my second try) or because you have to switch craft and get him into your capsule. Just out off curiosity does anyone know if my awkward way can work if you get him in time work in 1.0 ?

Edited by Sonzaisuru
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