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Your 0.24 mistakes


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Do you mind sharing your design? I've not had much luck or experience with space planes and this intrigues me.

In case anyone else is interested:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/jhgl6sva73ntcum/Kerbodyne%20D7%20Heavy.craft for the Kerbodyne D7 Heavy.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/o7z87n1i1zqlv3n/Kerbodyne%20Overshoot%20VTOL.craft for the Kerbodyne Overshoot.

All stock parts.

Both planes have abort systems, the D7 also has emergency brakes. The underpowered VTOL rockets on the Overshoot are for Mun landings; they shouldn't be used in atmosphere. The D7 Heavy can lug a full orange fuel tank; attach it to the docking port at the front of the cargo bay, put some radial decouplers along the sides of the bay and run lots of struts from the decouplers to the cargo. Watch the cargo as the plane drops onto the runway to check that it doesn't wobble too much. Keep the RCS off unless you need it.

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Jebediah is now beginning an extended visit to the Mun...

He got his lander down OK, but he does not have quite enough DeltaV to get back into orbit as it was originally designed for a mission to Minmus. :P

It's actually not a bad thing to leave a Kerbal on Mun for an extended period, as you'll periodically get more contracts to do things at Mun. You may find that one day you have Jebedia standing there surrounded by several flags :)

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In case anyone else is interested:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/jhgl6sva73ntcum/Kerbodyne%20D7%20Heavy.craft for the Kerbodyne D7 Heavy.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/o7z87n1i1zqlv3n/Kerbodyne%20Overshoot%20VTOL.craft for the Kerbodyne Overshoot.

All stock parts.

Both planes have abort systems, the D7 also has emergency brakes. The underpowered VTOL rockets on the Overshoot are for Mun landings; they shouldn't be used in atmosphere. The D7 Heavy can lug a full orange fuel tank; attach it to the docking port at the front of the cargo bay, put some radial decouplers along the sides of the bay and run lots of struts from the decouplers to the cargo. Watch the cargo as the plane drops onto the runway to check that it doesn't wobble too much. Keep the RCS off unless you need it.

What he fails to mention is that you need to install mods to get space planes to fly correctly. Dev team hear me! This is the number one .24 fail. I shouldn't have to modify the game to make a stock portion of it work correctly.

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I went to land on Ike from orbit with Mechjeb. Because it didn't automatically warp, I did, and because it didn't unwarp, I did. A few minutes too late. Jebediah and about 3,000 Sciences, as well as 100,000 Kerbunds worth of rockets and machinery were smeared across the surface of Ike.

Jebediah went to Ike to explore in peace, but he must now stay there...

... To rest in a trillion pieces.

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What he fails to mention is that you need to install mods to get space planes to fly correctly. Dev team hear me! This is the number one .24 fail. I shouldn't have to modify the game to make a stock portion of it work correctly.

Yup, mea culpa. If you want to fly spaceplanes, you need FAR; it's that simple. The stock aero model is ridiculous.

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my biggest error was playing it...now i can't stop! someone help me! :confused:

Welcome to the Anonymous Kerboholics ;)

My Error was to the the BACC SRB in low orbit, and i put it in the last stage, forgot to have a last stage that could

  1. Change Apo/Periapsis
  2. Move the vehicle around

Now I have a Kerbonaut on a Orbit around Kerbol..... wait I play with TACLS... so I have a dead Kerbonaut as a Satelite around the Kerbol sun.

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Well, I have launched vessels that were supposed to test parts, but didn't get to the required height, and I have had probes run out of power before I could do the tests :P

All in all I wasted a lot of fiunds on part testing so far.

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I finally have a fail to add, was playing my new career mode save (New as of the update) and took contracts to explore Duna and Ike and so as not to run out of fuel I designed a Tug with it's own guidance, some batteries and PVs and a docking port and put that into low kerbin orbit. Then I designed a nice compact lander with all of the available science gathering telemetry I currently have access to and rendezvoused with my tug. Brought that to Duna and put it into a nice obit to gather orbital science data. It was after generating my crew report that I realized I had forgotten to put an antenna on it.. I managed to make two separate space craft work as one to get to Duna with plenty of fuel to spare and I forgot to put a freakin antenna on it... I could have gathered quite a bit more science had I been able to transmit things like crew reports, eva reports and some of the other repeatable tests. Instead I had to return to Kerbin with only the amount of science my control module could house. No big loss as I still cleared around 1200 science and was delighted to find that I could make it from the surface of Kerbin to the surface of Duna and back without having to fuel hack or reload quicksaves so I will use a similar design when I return. This time with an antenna and perhaps a slightly larger tug. just frustrating going all that way with such ease and forgetting the most basic of parts.

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Early in the game launched a mission to orbit Kerbin... decided i had enougb dV left for a munar free return... ended up on the way back with my periapse JUST too high to re-enter in the first couple of orbits, then TAC reminded me that i had no energy or solar panels installed. RIP Jeb :( your steel coffin will orbit in your memory.

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I launched my $200k Moho landing probe, with 6 sets of science equipment but forgot to attach either antennas for transmission or parachutes for recovery.

It was a no-save no-load scenario.

Why not one set and a kerbal? Eva to the various measuring devices and remove data, store that in your CM and get more. If you still need more storage then add a mobile processing lab to your Orbital stage. Surely you have some sort of LEM in orbit if you've gone that far, otherwise how do you plan to get home? Recovered science is worth more and even if it's a 100% failure, if you've sent Bill, Bob and Jeb, they will reappear in your roster after a short while.

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Well, I have launched vessels that were supposed to test parts, but didn't get to the required height, and I have had probes run out of power before I could do the tests :P

All in all I wasted a lot of fiunds on part testing so far.

I found that too, it seems like the tolerances for the part testing are really tight on a few of them. It's not as simple as "Go up, on your way back down, test this parachute" no, you have to be at a specific altitude and at a specific speed range. I finally lost my patience with those contracts and moved on to the more interesting and valuable contracts that actually allow for exploring other planets and moons where the science is more plentiful :)

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