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Can't harvester just remove the kraken?


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If you think removing the kraken is easy, apply to squad , I'm sure they'd love you :cool:

But then what happens if its a multi-threaded kraken?, where squishing the kraken on one process thread makes it just means that it pops up on another unrelated thread and eats your ship there :(


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Squad seems incapable to fix and tinker their own game.

No multiplayer, they said.

Mod comes with MP, suddenly Squad is making MP.

No 64bit they said, limit of unity they said.

User figures out how to get 64bit and Wham! Ksp just got 64bit.

Now we are waiting for aomeone to make ksp multithreaded so that Bam! squad suddenly introduces multithreading.

And regarding kraken... Was a mod that reduced the kraken and Kablam! squad is able to reduce kraken effects...

See any trend here?

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Squad seems incapable to fix and tinker their own game.

No multiplayer, they said.

Mod comes with MP, suddenly Squad is making MP.

No 64bit they said, limit of unity they said.

User figures out how to get 64bit and Wham! Ksp just got 64bit.

Now we are waiting for aomeone to make ksp multithreaded so that Bam! squad suddenly introduces multithreading.

And regarding kraken... Was a mod that reduced the kraken and Kablam! squad is able to reduce kraken effects...

See any trend here?

How is Squad changing their mind on multiplayer a bad thing? It shows that they are listening to the community and the ideas and solutions that they propose.

64bit is a limit of unity, Squad never said no 64bit ever, they said themselves they had been working on it for a long time however they thought it too buggy for general release. Linux has had 64 bit for a long time. Once a user created a hack for 64 bit Squad decided that 64bit was ready enough in all of its buggieness for general release. I.e. Knew the community wouldn't flip out over the bugs in it.

I'm not understanding the bad side here, you aren't even taking into account devlopment priorities.


xcorps, did you just quote the same quote you are replying to?

Edited by Dodgey
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I mean it's just a bug so it shouldn't be that hard to get rid of.

“Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it himselfâ€Â

â€â€my father

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Squad seems incapable to fix and tinker their own game.

No multiplayer, they said.

Mod comes with MP, suddenly Squad is making MP.

No 64bit they said, limit of unity they said.

User figures out how to get 64bit and Wham! Ksp just got 64bit.

Now we are waiting for aomeone to make ksp multithreaded so that Bam! squad suddenly introduces multithreading.

And regarding kraken... Was a mod that reduced the kraken and Kablam! squad is able to reduce kraken effects...

See any trend here?

So they see what the fans want to do then adapt the game accordingly? Or they see a fan made fix and implement it? Because that's what I see in your statements.

As far as multithreading goes.....that's a Unity issue. Heck, most suggestions I have end up being Unity related so there's no point in suggesting them (multithreading, Mantle, etc) to Squad. It's not like Squad can recode Unity, but they can work with what they have available. For issues like Multithreading, you're better off whining over at Unity's forums. You might even get some cheese there. Squad might be able to do some multithreading, but they'll still be working within Unity's limitations.

All that said, someone technically could make a KSP "mod" that enables multithreading; only that "mod" would be a complete game engine designed to load up the current KSP game data.

Bugs or not, KSP is the best $15 I've ever spent. Does it crash? Sometimes, but, then again, most of my crashes are mod related. Still, KSP is the best way to find you've wasted 4 hours when you look at the clock "an hour" after you've been playing -- very few games have the ability to suck someone in for hours on end without the player even realizing it.

Unrelated, but has anyone else not been able to run 0.24 with OpenGL (using the -force-opengl command line switch). It just won't launch (Windows 8.1 64 bit, KSP 64 bit). For DX11, -force-d3d11, that seems to work just fine for me.

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Oh really? Cause I know a game dev who uses the same physics engine and has gotten rid of his krakens a long time ago.

- - - Updated - - -



print "Hello World";


look i wote bugfree code, but i am afraid as soon i add more functionallity to it, it start also to add more changes of bugs..

Ow it didnt compile for you.. Damn even these few lines can have bugs allready..

No piece of software is clear from bugs.. only some are so trivial you can consider them as just that trivial, noone will notice.

Some maybe be trivial but can lead to big unexpected results, and sometimes so hard to solve, the more complex code becomes the harder it gets.

Only those who have no clue what coding means, will keep saying its easy to solve why havent they..

Now i do see an distinct difference in Bugs, and bad programming, the first is hard to solve, the latter is shortage of several factors.

I know many Developers who releases alot of games riddled stiff with both, and are overhyped games in the Media get high scores etc, and even sold for the full price, and never get fixed.. And the masses flock to the stores to buy those games horrible broken games.

Of wich somee of them where even for 5 or more years in development, a few even more as 10 years, and still are release as buggy piles of crap.

I seriously doubt that KSP even have such issues at all, in fact i find it one of the better developed games in where some major compagnies could take example in.

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I'm picturing HarvesteR looking through the codebase and saying "Oh, there's RandomlyFreakOutAndCauseBugs(). Guess I'll just take it out and be done with my day." If bug-checking were as easy as that, programming would be trivial; however, given that HarvesteR didn't explicitly and intentionally write bugged code, he can't easily just remove it.

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Can we remove all the... er, "misinformed" "debugging is easy" posts by people that never touched a single line of codes, and only have this one left on first page?

This is awesome.

Edited by Vanamonde
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So they see what the fans want to do then adapt the game accordingly? Or they see a fan made fix and implement it? Because that's what I see in your statements.

As far as multithreading goes.....that's a Unity issue. Heck, most suggestions I have end up being Unity related so there's no point in suggesting them (multithreading, Mantle, etc) to Squad. It's not like Squad can recode Unity, but they can work with what they have available. For issues like Multithreading, you're better off whining over at Unity's forums. You might even get some cheese there. Squad might be able to do some multithreading, but they'll still be working within Unity's limitations.

All that said, someone technically could make a KSP "mod" that enables multithreading; only that "mod" would be a complete game engine designed to load up the current KSP game

yes, players fix things that squad implements.

It makes me believe that the squad team has reached their limit. They are not capable to do much more with the unity engine.

Not that the unity engine does not have more to offer, just that they are incapable to do anything more.

And the multithreading was half a joke. But I would not be surprized if someone in this community managed to do that.

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Just for your information, "The Kraken" was the communities name for a bug where the ship's controls would drift around on their own when you moved fast enough. this tended to be a problem when you were out in the sun's SOI. And there was no reason to do that because there was no planets, and that's why It didn't get fixed until planets were added. And it *was* fixed. Harv used the pretty neat trick of centering the universe around the player to take advantage of the most accurate region of the space of floating point numbers. I'm not sure who coined the name for the bug, but it definetly came from Something Awful. And it was definitely fixed, and Harv wrote a whole blog post about it. SO QUIT CALLING EVERY BUG THE KRAKEN.

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This thread is kind of hilarious in a very sad way.

Yep, this...

But more on-topic, does the original poster know which of the following Unity uses to end a command: ],}, or )?

If not, you are not qualified to say how easy some code is to trawl through looking for THE SINGLE DIGIT/CHARACTER out of place... it's like those stupid "Spot the 'C' in a field full of 'D's and you will have lucky luck all year 'cos the chinese neighbour said so" games... meh, it's bad enough managing to put [/img (without closing bracket) in a Mission Report for a Challenge, then having to trawl through the naked code loking for the one slightly-out-of-place gap...



Unless it's the Hell Kraken. that one is still a Kraken! :wink:

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If not, you are not qualified to say how easy some code is to trawl through looking for THE SINGLE DIGIT/CHARACTER out of place... it's like those stupid "Spot the 'C' in a field full of 'D's and you will have lucky luck all year 'cos the chinese neighbour said so" games... meh, it's bad enough managing to put [/img (without closing bracket) in a Mission Report for a Challenge, then having to trawl through the naked code loking for the one slightly-out-of-place gap...

Thats an easy challenge

Having to de-bug interupt handlers on embedded systems is fun... especially when the said crash over writes the entire memory leaving no trace as to why it went wrong

Then anaylsed the code and found that 1 yes ONE route through one handler would result in that handler taking 66 milliseconds to process, and the interupts were arriving at the CPU every 64 milliseconds, instant crash as the the CPU went into a recursive loop with the interupts.


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Oh really? Cause I know a game dev who uses the same physics engine and has gotten rid of his krakens a long time ago.

I'd love to know what game this is? Is it nearly as complex as KSP? Not saying it's impossible to remove bugs from a game, just saying, things can be in a different order of magnitude.

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Sorry if this offends, but I literally lol'd when I saw this thread.

Because no offense, seriously, but saying things like "it's just a bug" is a clear sign you're either a troll or have a lot to learn about game development and programming. As has been explained by my fellows above, the Kraken is sort of like cancer: it's not one issue with a simple cure, rather it's a whole family of similar issues that has perennially vexed everyone's best efforts to treat them. The nature of the Kraken is such that we're unlikely to ever "fix" it.

In fact, in a general sense, the Kraken isn't limited to KSP except insofar as its name. Space Engine, Minecraft, and many other games have similar issues with floating point imprecisions over long distances or at high speeds. I even had something like the Kraken eat a timer I wrote once out of about 20 lines of C++, resulting from my use of Unix time, which becomes very imprecise when converted to a floating point value due to the large number of seconds since the Unix epoch. [/tangent]

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