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[0.24] StillBetterThanSpyware - A mod to disable ModStatistics


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StillBetterThanSpyware 1.1 for KSP 0.24.0

Are you tired of:

  • Your data being collected without your being notified, for someone else's benefit?
  • A mod which just won't go away after you delete it's folder?
  • Being told you should just go through every mod you download to check it for ModStatistics, or to "just write a script to delete it every time you launch KSP"
  • Crashes in your other mods caused by Modstatistics?

Maybe StillBetterThanSpyware is for you! This is a clean-room reimplementation (to WINE/ReactOS standards, you know the ones who create reimplementation of Microsoft's APIs) of the ModStatistics API/Interface documented by fwb at GitHub, none of the original IP from fwb or Majiir is used in this implementation.

Download | Source | License (MIT)

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I opt out, and resume sending data to ModStatistics?

A: Just delete the 000_BetterThanSpyware directory in your KSP GameData folder. Unlike certain other plugins, we don't self replicate so there'll only be 1 copy of StillBetterThanSpyware in your GameData folder (unless you love it so much you install it twice).

Q: I'm a modder, and would like to include this plugin with my mod/addon/plugin.

A: Not really a question, but in the interest of preventing a plugin war, I would ask that you don't bundle my plugin with your distribution.

Q: Why is this necessary?

A: Myself, and several other players, have found it disturbing that someone would write a mod which collects (and uniquely identifies) information about a KSP installation. This seems to us to be a violation of several countries data collection policies (notably EU, Canada, and Mexico), and the manner of distribution (encouraging other software vendors to include the plugin in their bundle) is suspect, and reminiscent of spyware/crapware.

Q: I'm convinced, how do I install?

A: Simply download the latest release .zip from the download link, and extract to your KSP folder.

Q: How would you have implemented ModStatistics?

A: I'll summarize how I think ModStatistics should have been implemented (and maybe if Majiir had listened to the dissent leading up to the 0.24 release, would have implemented this way).

- ModStatistics should have not been bundled with other mods/plugins. This is the crux of the spyware/crapware allegation- the fact it's shoveled in with other software people do want.

- ModStatistics should present an Interface (like blizzy's toolbarmanager interface), and provide an API in the form of a wrapper (again see blizzy's excellent toolbarwrapper) for plugins which use ModStatistics, to register themselves with ModStatistics.

- ModStatistics should only collect hardware information after explicit consent of the user (see Steam Hardware Survey and their random sampling, opt-in protocol)

- ModStatistics should not generate a GUID for the install, or any other unique identifier for the installation- unless the user consents. This is how people handle 'Mostly Invasive' tracking cookies in the EU at least- Get. Explicit. Consent.

Update History

v1.1 - Change wording in popup dialog

v1.0 - Initial Release

Edited by ragzilla
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PopupDialog.SpawnPopupDialog("StillBetterThanSpyware", "WARNING WARNING WARNING\nModStatistics already started. Your personal information may be at risk.", "OK", false, HighLogic.Skin);

This line seems a bit...overblown. It will probably do more harm than good.

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This line seems a bit...overblown. It will probably do more harm than good.

If the user has StillBetterThanSpyware installed I'm assuming they don't want ModStatistics running. Theoretically that line should never get triggered unless someone creates a 000_ prefixed folder with a lower name than mine (which would be deliberately trying to circumvent this plugin based on the mod folder naming I've seen so far, most people don't need to insert that early in load order). It does seem somewhat alarmist in the light of day- I'll revise it once ModStatistics doesn't resemble spyware as much as it does right now.

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This whole "controversy" seems a bit...overblown

You know why this is happening now? Right after 0.24.0? Because people are going out and re-downloading their mods to get 0.24 updates, and finding crapware bundled along with it. It's the same sort of public backlash we saw when they started bundling the ask.com toolbar with Java, and Conduit with uTorrent.

Except in those cases they ASKED you during the install, they didn't just go ahead and install it. So we're more into Bonzai Buddy and WildTangent territory here.

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You know why this is happening now? Right after 0.24.0? Because people are going out and re-downloading their mods to get 0.24 updates, and finding crapware bundled along with it. It's the same sort of public backlash we saw when they started bundling the ask.com toolbar with Java, and Conduit with uTorrent.

Except in those cases they ASKED you during the install, they didn't just go ahead and install it. So we're more into Bonzai Buddy and WildTangent territory here.

I know exactly why this is happening...it's happening because a very select few people are getting their panties in a wad trying to be "privacy" crusaders where there is no cause. This is not a government spying on your everyday activities. This is a modder who has chosen to add usage statistics information into his (and some others, by that modders choice) mod, to figure out how people use his mod, the average system the mod runs on, what other mods are run with it, etc... to try to IMPROVE these mods.

Also, those installers you mention (Java, Yahoo, Google Chrome, PicPick...yeah, I can name a bunch with bundled add-ware too) are actual INSTALLERS...not just drag/drop folders right. It seems a bit easier to include/enable an opt-out in an installer vs. dragging and dropping folders. In that case (dragging & dropping), I'd say you as the user would be responsible for VERIFYING what you put on your computer (read: look through the folders).

Majiir included a warning about ModStatistics...it pops up right away when you load the game. Is it annoying to have to run around to set up a config to disable it? Perhaps. Is it being fixed as we speak to include an opt-out in the warning? All signs point to yes. You really are attacking and taking passive-aggressive digs at one of the best modders we have here in the KSP community. It's a shame really that this much fuss is being made of this ridiculous topic.

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You know why this is happening now? Right after 0.24.0? Because people are going out and re-downloading their mods to get 0.24 updates, and finding crapware bundled along with it. It's the same sort of public backlash we saw when they started bundling the ask.com toolbar with Java, and Conduit with uTorrent.

Except in those cases they ASKED you during the install, they didn't just go ahead and install it. So we're more into Bonzai Buddy and WildTangent territory here.

Dude, ModStatistics is not malware and people who think it puts their personal info at risk are quite frankly paranoid.

All ModStatistics does is track things like version numbers and ksp logs, nothing else. If you don't believe me you can check the freely available source code. Windows and most major programs do the exact same thing. Heck, even KSP itself tracks your data and sends it to Squad.

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You know, I get what you are trying to say, but it is just like the CurseForge situation that is going on. There are no winners in it so it's not worth it. If you want to opt out of ModStatistics, there is a one time thing that you type in and it's done. Also, you are agreeing to everything packaged in a mod at the time of download. And since you are doing so at the time of download, what you do with it on you computer is your business. So, in you making a mod to trash that one, right on. Took the harder approach. Bravo!

I don't like the idea of someone having any statistic from my computer, that I don't personally give them. That said, I know the mods that are being pumped out will not get better without statistics of how the average player uses that authors mod. Valuable information to the modder. Whether you allow them that information or not is up to you. Writing a program to combat it, overkill.

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Dude, ModStatistics is not malware and people who think it puts their personal info at risk are quite frankly paranoid.

All ModStatistics does is track things like version numbers and ksp logs, nothing else. If you don't believe me you can check the freely available source code. Windows and most major programs do the exact same thing. Heck, even KSP itself tracks your data and sends it to Squad.

I've checked the source, and it creates a Guid on first run which is used on subsequent runs to identify the installation of KSP. This is an issue with EU Privacy Directives (it's a Mostly Invasive identifier), and has been enough of a privacy issue when encountered in IPv6 to spawn an RFC to _prevent_ this kind of tracking of end users (IPv6 auto address assignment rules embed your MAC address in your IPv6 address, which allowed tracking of a user as they moved between networks).

Until it's explicit opt-in and not bundled with other mods, it's crapware.

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I installed ScanSatw/o modStatistics files... ScantSat don't works... If it's opitional, why this happens?

I use it and it works just fine. The problem is not in modstatistics.

And just for the record, I Fully support Mod Statitistics as a method to improve KSP mods!

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I know exactly why this is happening...it's happening because a very select few people are getting their panties in a wad trying to be "privacy" crusaders where there is no cause. This is not a government spying on your everyday activities. This is a modder who has chosen to add usage statistics information into his (and some others, by that modders choice) mod, to figure out how people use his mod, the average system the mod runs on, what other mods are run with it, etc... to try to IMPROVE these mods.

Also, those installers you mention (Java, Yahoo, Google Chrome, PicPick...yeah, I can name a bunch with bundled add-ware too) are actual INSTALLERS...not just drag/drop folders right. It seems a bit easier to include/enable an opt-out in an installer vs. dragging and dropping folders. In that case (dragging & dropping), I'd say you as the user would be responsible for VERIFYING what you put on your computer (read: look through the folders).

Majiir included a warning about ModStatistics...it pops up right away when you load the game. Is it annoying to have to run around to set up a config to disable it? Perhaps. Is it being fixed as we speak to include an opt-out in the warning? All signs point to yes. You really are attacking and taking passive-aggressive digs at one of the best modders we have here in the KSP community. It's a shame really that this much fuss is being made of this ridiculous topic.


affraid of your "precious" privacy: disconnect RIGHT NOW from internet, install a Faraday cage at home, dump all cellphones/"smart"phones/tablets/i-craps/..., close all facebooks and other webmails/forums/... accounts, or just go living in the wild, far from even a single power line.

Ridiculous :sealed:

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If you want to opt out of ModStatistics, there is a one time thing that you type in and it's done.

What about the user who doesn't have the knowledge to go in and edit a config file (because they're confused by the 'Open With' dialog), the ones who only know how to right click > unzip to their KSP folder? They just get their privacy rights violated?

Everyone that says "You can edit a config!" has incredible amounts of computer knowledge the AVERAGE user does not have. The fact you can talk intelligently about navigating to the folder, opening the file with a text editor (knowing what program to use in the Open With dialog) puts you head and shoulders above the majority of users on the Internet.

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Really? ModStatistics a malware? Wow, I don't know what happens if a virus enters your system ...

Seriously, ModStatistics collects Anonymously basic statistics, and paranoid users can always check out the source code so that they know exactly what gets sent.

You don't like the mod? Fine. Don't install it. Literally, look at the zip file of the mod that contains it, and don't install the DLL. There's no need for a plugin.

Also, ModStatistics sends your log file whenever there's a crash with a mod that supports it so the developers can find the bug faster.

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What about the user who doesn't have the knowledge to go in and edit a config file (because they're confused by the 'Open With' dialog), the ones who only know how to right click > unzip to their KSP folder? They just get their privacy rights violated?

Everyone that says "You can edit a config!" has incredible amounts of computer knowledge the AVERAGE user does not have. The fact you can talk intelligently about navigating to the folder, opening the file with a text editor (knowing what program to use in the Open With dialog) puts you head and shoulders above the majority of users on the Internet.

Except your whole argument is all shot to hell by 1 small fact:

Majiir posted exactly how to create the config and opt-out. Lack of reading ability or comprehension is no excuse.

Another issue with your argument is that people actually have the capability to ask for help. If one of these AVERAGE users doesn't understand how to do something...they can easily ask and an answer will be forthcoming. That's the beauty of an online forum, there are people available and willing to assist if there are questions or issues.

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how many times do people have to spell this out. To be fully anonymous no tracking data can be collected. Its partially anonymous, or pseudonymous. One thing it is not, is anonymous. Stop using this as a defense. Please for the love of god.

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Really? ModStatistics a malware? Wow, I don't know what happens if a virus enters your system ...

Seriously, ModStatistics collects Anonymously basic statistics, and paranoid users can always check out the source code so that they know exactly what gets sent.

You don't like the mod? Fine. Don't install it. Literally, look at the zip file of the mod that contains it, and don't install the DLL. There's no need for a plugin.

Also, ModStatistics sends your log file whenever there's a crash with a mod that supports it so the developers can find the bug faster.

It's non anonymous because it includes a unique ID for the KSP insall.

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I've checked the source, and it creates a Guid on first run which is used on subsequent runs to identify the installation of KSP. This is an issue with EU Privacy Directives (it's a Mostly Invasive identifier), and has been enough of a privacy issue when encountered in IPv6 to spawn an RFC to _prevent_ this kind of tracking of end users (IPv6 auto address assignment rules embed your MAC address in your IPv6 address, which allowed tracking of a user as they moved between networks).

Until it's explicit opt-in and not bundled with other mods, it's crapware.

So the only reason you think its bad is because a law says its bad? Not because there's something inherently wrong with it? What are you afraid that will happen if ModStatistics runs on your system?

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Really? ModStatistics a malware? Wow, I don't know what happens if a virus enters your system ...

Seriously, ModStatistics collects Anonymously basic statistics, and paranoid users can always check out the source code so that they know exactly what gets sent.

You don't like the mod? Fine. Don't install it. Literally, look at the zip file of the mod that contains it, and don't install the DLL. There's no need for a plugin.

Also, ModStatistics sends your log file whenever there's a crash with a mod that supports it so the developers can find the bug faster.

That's the problem here... I instaled ScanSat 6.1, removed modStatistics from it's folder before running KSP... ScanSat didn't worked...

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Majiir posted exactly how to create the config and opt-out. Lack of reading ability or comprehension is no excuse.

No, there is no excuse for this being opt-out in the first place. It should explicitly tell you what it does (without wrongly using the word "anonymous") and ask you to approve. That's the only acceptable solution.

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Really? ModStatistics a malware? Wow, I don't know what happens if a virus enters your system ...

Seriously, ModStatistics collects Anonymously basic statistics, and paranoid users can always check out the source code so that they know exactly what gets sent.

You don't like the mod? Fine. Don't install it. Literally, look at the zip file of the mod that contains it, and don't install the DLL. There's no need for a plugin.

Also, ModStatistics sends your log file whenever there's a crash with a mod that supports it so the developers can find the bug faster.

"Instead of installing a mod which blocks the objectionable mod, you should just go through EVERY mod you download, EVERY time you use it, and delete the mod you don't want!"

Or you know, use something which blocks the mod you don't want running. I've tried to address Majiir's reasonable request to not start a mod war with the distribution restriction on this plugin. So now you're all arguing that users should not have access to a plugin which prevents what some people feel is questionable behavior.

At least with StillBetterThanSpyware you get to choose whether to install it or not.

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So the only reason you think its bad is because a law says its bad? Not because there's something inherently wrong with it? What are you afraid that will happen if ModStatistics runs on your system?

I'm not afraid of running it. I've reviewed the source code in some depth.

A lot of laws are there for a good reason. This particular one is to respect one's right to privacy. This is something I hold quite strongly.

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how many times do people have to spell this out. To be fully anonymous no tracking data can be collected. Its partially anonymous, or pseudonymous. One thing it is not, is anonymous. Stop using this as a defense. Please for the love of god.

It's non anonymous because it includes a unique ID for the KSP insall.

What do you people think Majiir or anyone else will do with a Unique ID and an IP Address? Also, what do you think your UserID on this forum is? It's a UniqueID that is tied to the IP Address you are posting from. Anyone could get basically the same info from that as they could from Majiir's data...except you know, the helpful stuff from Majiirs data.

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A quick question for people who object to the existence of this plugin- how many of you are modders who stand to benefit from the statistics collected?

What do you people think Majiir or anyone else will do with a Unique ID and an IP Address? Also, what do you think your UserID on this forum is? It's a UniqueID that is tied to the IP Address you are posting from. Anyone could get basically the same info from that as they could from Majiir's data...except you know, the helpful stuff from Majiirs data.

Did a mod sign me up for the KSP forums without my consent? No, I went and clicked 'Register', and read the agreement, and decided that Squad's privacy policy was something I could live with. Where was the consent when I got modstatistics shovelled in with FAR (oh, yeah one or two lines in the OP which I'll posit most people don't read when updating during a KSP update).

Add onto the fact that ModStatistics, as it's currently implemented, crashes other mods by making assumptions about their .net version (which I don't think anyone blames Majiir for- can't test everything, but this mod does provide a workaround), it feels right to offer users an easy way to make the choice to not use ModStatistics.

Edited by ragzilla
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