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[.25.x] RealRoster - Editor Crew Tab Fixed


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[...] unless Jeb is a sick space-holic.

i thought that was canon.

Unreleated quick note: this mod has made my engineering and flight much more fun. between this mod and Final Frontier, i finally have a roster of rounded, qualified kerbonauts. I stuck the orange suit crew on science station 1 in LKO because i felt sorry for them sitting at the top of the roster every launch and always getting passed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all,

I decided to mod this mod as an exercise in getting my feet wet in the world of KSP Modding. I really hope Enneract doesn't mind! I got it to support Blizzy's Toolbar. Blacklist is handled via simple click to add/remove. I thought it was cleaner than manually editing the cfg file.


Anyone interested?

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Hello all,

I decided to mod this mod as an exercise in getting my feet wet in the world of KSP Modding. I really hope Enneract doesn't mind! I got it to support Blizzy's Toolbar. Blacklist is handled via simple click to add/remove. I thought it was cleaner than manually editing the cfg file.


Anyone interested?

yes. this is a thing i could find useful. Do a pull request into En's source (assuming you can find it, i can't), or, given that he's not been around since 12th August 2014, 21:04, it might just be time to take advantage of the WTF-ever pseudolicense and just make a new fork.

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Hello all,

I decided to mod this mod as an exercise in getting my feet wet in the world of KSP Modding. I really hope Enneract doesn't mind! I got it to support Blizzy's Toolbar. Blacklist is handled via simple click to add/remove. I thought it was cleaner than manually editing the cfg file.


Anyone interested?

I'm enneract, and this is my favorite mod in this thead.

My initial reasoning for not doing this in the first place was that I wanted the mod to be as vanilla-like as possible, and 'just work', rather than adding yet another config window.

This is great, though!

I'm updating the OP to point at this and credit you. I don't have a KSP dev environment set up right now, but I'm in the process of doing so to update for .25, and expect your additions to be rolled forward into the update.

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Instead of a random selection, how about round robin? At least as an option?

I've been thinking of trying to do this, actually. The reason why I decided against it initially was mostly due to the weird way KSP handles crew assignment, persistence of data across scenes, and making this behavior logically consistent.

That being said, I heard something about .25 having a better record of which crew had done what. After I do the initial .25 compatibility update (which I am in the process of doing now), I'm probably going to implement another mode or two based around assigning crew based on their individual experiences. Something like an experienced mission commander and some newbs... or something. Need to work out the details.

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If somehow possible I'd love to see a mandatory crew selection on first launch of a vessel (which is then persistend for all Kerbals not on another mission at the time of launch).

Reasons I'm asking for this:

  1. I'm using FinalFrontier, so I actually do want specific Kerbals on specific missions and vessels
  2. Sometimes I'm sending empty crew-holding-parts and they get filled automatically if I forget to remove the Kerbals
  3. I play without reverting, so if my should-be-empty crew part is full or the wrong Kerbal is on board I'm terribly pissed and have to abort the mission at high costs (in case I don't check in time like on the launchpad where I could recover easily)

As I said, no idea if possible but it would be great!

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If somehow possible I'd love to see a mandatory crew selection on first launch of a vessel (which is then persistend for all Kerbals not on another mission at the time of launch).

Reasons I'm asking for this:

  1. I'm using FinalFrontier, so I actually do want specific Kerbals on specific missions and vessels
  2. Sometimes I'm sending empty crew-holding-parts and they get filled automatically if I forget to remove the Kerbals
  3. I play without reverting, so if my should-be-empty crew part is full or the wrong Kerbal is on board I'm terribly pissed and have to abort the mission at high costs (in case I don't check in time like on the launchpad where I could recover easily)

As I said, no idea if possible but it would be great!

I don't understand what you are asking for.

Im assuming the GUI rc2 version also doesnt work for .25?

No, neither version will work. Just fired it up, and it looks like there were some nontrivial changes to the way crewing works.

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If you click the launchpad and select a crewed rocket design, you can manually assign your crews. This is default game behaviour. Knowing which one of your kerbals is Jeb #2 is merely a task of memorizing names from the FinalFrontier roster.

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Oh man, enneract, are you about to update? I'm so excited.

It is on the to-do list. I can't give you a timeframe, though, other obligations are keeping me busy. I'm sorry :(

I started work on it, and it isn't a simple change. Squad screwed with the way that crewing and the editor works. I have it building and doing the initial crewing, though it isn't getting the correct crew back in yet.

If you click the launchpad and select a crewed rocket design, you can manually assign your crews. This is default game behaviour. Knowing which one of your kerbals is Jeb #2 is merely a task of memorizing names from the FinalFrontier roster.

If Kerbals are being duplicated by this mod, that is a bug. I have not seen this happen, nor have I had a report of it happening, though.

He's asking for a window to pop up when you launch that lets you assign crew. Maybe with the crew slots starting unpopulated. I'm not clear on that part.

I think that he is asking for crewing to remain consistent between saving and loading the vessel. I can think of a way of doing it, but idk if I am comfortable with it. Probably not going to happen, though I need to think on it some more.

Edited by enneract
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