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the most stupid challnge ever

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I don't think it's stupid. If one demands the simulation to be as realist as possibe *cough n-body physics cough* then I think that one should really avoid time acceleration. It really forces you to plan ahead, make sure you don't miss launch windows, etc. I'm not one of those people by the way.

I would be nice if Kerbal Alarm Clock had a feature that syncs the KSP clock with the real world clock and from then on never lets you advance past it. So you could come back from vacation and have KSP catch up with 1 week. Or have it catch up overnight/work days so you don't need a computer running KSP 24/7.

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Time acceleration is cheating to an even greater extent than Mechjeb. I'm sure that those who criticise the use of Mechjeb would never dream of using time acceleration, so this challenge is for them. I look forward to seeing their submissions.

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Cheat Engine.

You can use it to slow down or speed up applications. I used it to slow down Bejeweled Blitz (or whatever it was) on Facebook, and caused quite a few friends to get upset that I was always high scorer on their lists.

Edited by EdFred
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There is already a challenge to do this... forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/27127-KSP-Grandmaster%21-%28Land-on-every-body-of-the-Kerbal-System%21%29

Please use google to search before you post (it works better than the forum search) to see if someone else has already posted a similar challenge :wink:

I think you need to try some other people's challenges to see how they work before posting some more of your own, it will give you a better idea on how to best lay out the challenge, and it is expected that the challenge poster completes it first to show it can be done (in this case it can be done, but as stated, the challenge already exists, complete with rules and scoreboards and things...)

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Oh, but wait. There IS a way to do this happily in real time.

Does anyone here know of the old star trek enterprise mod? That could happily make a 25K D/V manouver in about 2 minuites.

If there is a ship that could do this in decent real time, it would be that ship.

But I agree-the challenge is terrible.

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He didn't specify if you could use mods are not, so I'll just mod a 100 kN thrust engine that has a specifc impules of 100,000, call it an antimatter engine, and hope my suicide burn is good enough that I stop somewhere in the SOI of the various bodies.

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Heh, no-one spotted my mistake yet! all good...

o.k, I give in, the challenge I linked doesn't include the 'without timewarp' rule... but I don't have YEARS to do these missions! you do realise that even WITH cheats/OP mods, the travel time is going to be rediculous?

Average travel time to Jool is about 3 years... wihtout waiting for the transfer window, which can add up to 2+ years, so a trip to Jool and back would take about 10 years Real Time!!!

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