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Kerbal Model Rocket launch + a little bit of cinematics


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Excellent video, but...

Is every cinematic now going to feature this song? not saying "i don't like it", of course...

Probably. :) It does work so spectacularly well with KSP (or other spaceflight) videos though. And it still gives me goosebumps, despite hearing it goodness knows how many times now.

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Hello! I made this video.

Here's the original thread, posted all the way back at the end of March. It includes some information on the rocket. I might revive that thread, as it is evident that many people are still interested in my rocket launches. :)

Strainborm, thanks for featuring this video, though it would have been nice if you could have tracked me down before posting this. If you type in "GoPro Kerbal" or some similar term into the search box on the top right, you'll find all of the places that I've posted Kerbal rocket video on the forum. Just a note for the future, nothing personal.

Thanks for all of the compliments from all of the great people here on the Forum. I literally only used M83's Outro because it was the only music I had on my computer that worked sufficiently well with the video that I shot. (I probably won't use it again in any of my videos, as I am well aware of it becoming cliché.)

Edited by UpsilonAerospace
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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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