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[0.25] Aligned/Formatted Currency Indicator


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  xEvilReeperx said:
This is very strange. Can you tell me more about what you were doing or provide any reproduction steps? Something has gone wrong in initialization or destruction or both. Any chance of getting the full log?

Blah, looks like I opened the game again and it overwrote that earlier log. Will copy my savefile and try to deliberately reproduce. Will edit this post once I've gotten it.

EDIT: Okay, bug definitely reproduces. Steps: Take an easy contract (in this case, test Skipper landed at Kerbin). Slap the engine on to a probe core, launch. Toolbar contracts menu fails to display ship as either "on Kerbin" or "landed", despite being both of those things. Switching to space center and back to the ship fixes this. Hit spacebar to stage the engine, contract reward not given. Switching to space center again and checking contract archives shows that contract is now completed, and is no longer listed in my toolbar contracts menu.

Full log, plus a list of my active mods: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mxbhuywfh5r32rd/log.zip

Edited by ArcFurnace
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  ArcFurnace said:
contract reward not given. Switching to space center again and checking contract archives shows that contract is now completed, and is no longer listed in my toolbar contracts menu.

The contract completion is the magic element that breaks it (only if you're using the "Calculator" widget style) due to a facepalm fail by me. Should be fixed in 1.1. The contract window not displaying active situation right isn't me as far as I can tell; things only went sideways when you received funds. Thanks for the detailed report!

  smunisto said:
I am sorry to not test it before I ask, but will it mess up with Editor Extensions? Both mods edit parts of the UI that are quite close to each other, so I am wondering?

Yep, they work together

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  xEvilReeperx said:
The contract completion is the magic element that breaks it (only if you're using the "Calculator" widget style) due to a facepalm fail by me. Should be fixed in 1.1. The contract window not displaying active situation right isn't me as far as I can tell; things only went sideways when you received funds. Thanks for the detailed report!

Tested version 1.1, seems to work now, so thanks for the quick fix.

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  LuisCorinthiano said:
This breaks my game. Tested with no mods 0.24.1 in both 32 and 64 bits

The green button saying "Recover Vessel" does not show anymore, and I'm also unable to revert a flight to VAB or Launch (options disappear)

I just tested v1.1 on KSP 0.24.2 32bit. I also had this problem with v1.0, but it seems to be fixed in the new version. I can also confirm (at least at first glance) it's playing nicely with both Editor Extentions and Kerbal Engineer Redux.

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Given the current instabilities, i'm waiting a few days before upgrading KSP. So, i wanted to compile this for 0.24.0, but the source references reeperCommon. I tried simply commenting it out, but when building get told that UIManager isn't available in the current context. So, it seems the source either is incomplete, or i have to reference something else than csharp and unity?

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Very strange issue - upon loading a craft in VAB the funds indicator tells me I have the same amount of funds as the cost of the craft. This can be reproduced with any loaded craft. The moment I press "New" to start building a new vessel my funds go back to their actual value.




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Most likely one of the procedural type mods that have variable costs is doing something the indicator isn't catching. Is this only on craft load or is the funds consistently wrong as you build your vessel?

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How the hell did I miss this?

This is one of my biggest bugbears. I'm amazed they even implemented it in this disjointed way (and then 'fixed' the commas in 0.25???). Mad. :D

Thanks. Immediate install.

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