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Who owns Squad?


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From the Polygon article about KSP and it's partnership with NASA, they refer to Harvester as a "employee" of Squad. That surprised me, since I always envisioned Harvester as the sole owner of Squad. So who really owns Squad? Is KSP a seperate "branch" of squad while the rest of the company focuses on marketing?

Just wondering.

EDIT: Got the answer. Thanks. Mod close.

Edited by NASAFanboy
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Squad is a marketing company. Harvester is an employee of theirs.

As I recall he went in to tell them he was quitting to make a space flight game. They said "Hey whoa whoa let's not be hasty. Tell us about this game!" and then started paying him to make said game.

That's what cracks me up the most when people start complaining about the bad job Squad does with publicity, publicity is literally their job.


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I vaguely remember something in the press that said that while Squad is a marketing company, but the owners are thinking of spinning off the marketing side because marketing in Mexico City is apparently not a fun field to work in. I might be remembering it wrong, or their plans may have changed, but yeah.

EDIT: Also, seriously, the kind of company that responds to an employee saying "I quit, I want to do games" with "Well, we don't do games at all, but I see no reason we can't try it out; wanna stay on and have us fund it?" just sounds awesome.

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Squad is a marketing company. Harvester is an employee of theirs.

As I recall he went in to tell them he was quitting to make a space flight game. They said "Hey whoa whoa let's not be hasty. Tell us about this game!" and then started paying him to make said game.

That's what cracks me up the most when people start complaining about the bad job Squad does with publicity, publicity is literally their job.


This is actually a really great story.

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