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F22 RAPTOR Inbound!

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hello guyz. This is my first thread.

Im razbitz, little ....... live in korea. I eat communist everyday. :(

last night, I wanna make some nice plane. so I played KSP.

My goal is Beautiful Air fighter F22. I used B9aero pack's MK2 cockpit & turbo jet engine with procedural wings mod.

and here











finally, I can make this plane fly. looks good uh?

but I have some important problems with it.

procedural wing's can't make valance of the center of lift.

I had to edit mass of parts, and use infinity fuel cheat.

If I make valance, I have to change wing's shape or remove vertical and horizontal stabilizer.

If I add stabilizer, center of lift has move into tail section.

I wanna make F22 without edit or cheats.

It getting harder and harder.

thanks for read.

and I must sorry for my bad english.

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thanks for your reply.

btw, can you teach me any tips or some skills about this problem??

first when I add procedural wings, I mean any wings, center of lift slightly lean front. and It make fly unstable. Im going crazy.

and the other one, is the stabilizer problem. can you help me?

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thanks for your reply.

btw, can you teach me any tips or some skills about this problem??

first when I add procedural wings, I mean any wings, center of lift slightly lean front. and It make fly unstable. Im going crazy.

and the other one, is the stabilizer problem. can you help me?

Unless the wings are angled down at the front, I'd expect any lean in the CoL to be caused by the tail section. Non-vertical tailfins act as wings, and having part of your lift generated from the top rear of the plane is going to tilt your CoL a bit.

Anything that looks too much like an F22 is likely to be somewhat unstable. Modern fighter planes are built that way on purpose, to enhance manoeuvrability. If it wasn't for all the fancy fly-by-wire computerised avionics stuff, they'd be completely unflyable.

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