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[Early development, 0.24] Kopernicus Planetary System Modifier

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I thought the reason Sentar was in such an inclined orbit was so that its rings could be easily visible. If its orbit had low inclination, the rings would always be edge-on to the Sun and would appear dark. It comes back to the problem with axial tilt not being modifiable..

Yep, that is why Sentar is in that orbit. Much better screen shots.

I tried Teknomans idea but someone (astrophys-something) dinged me for not having the rings around the equator. I think the "right" way to do a tilted Gas Giant would be a script that would transform the GG mesh to make it look like its tilted and rotating. No one will ever land so it doesnt matter if to the physics engine.

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Let me guess - it was something about non uniform gravity and that particle's orbits would gradually be pulled towards an equatorial orbit or something.....

Yes! It was gobbledygook just like that! Stopped me cold. And well.. thats why Sentar is where it is. Still I liked it. Fun to watch it orbit the sun with high time warp.


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Krag, I noticed in PF's source that there was an attempt to add engine effects around accession as a comet tail. I'm guessing it ended in hilarious buggyness?

Edit: (avoiding a double post here) for the rings, could you guys try something a little better that a flat, textured disk. I noticed that ksp includes Space Graphics Toolkit, so could you maybe use their SGT_Ring class?

Edited by MrHappyFace
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Krag, I noticed in PF's source that there was an attempt to add engine effects around accession as a comet tail. I'm guessing it ended in hilarious buggyness?

Hi MrHappyFace. May I call you Mr:)? Mr:) lets not derail this thread with ancient history. Ask on the PF:CE thread and I will answer (maybe). <I would add a happy face but it seems I have ran out>


Edited by Kragrathea
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If this is what you want to do - then do it! Kopernicus is meant to give the community the ability to make whatever systems they want! You don't need our permission!

That being said, I only have one comment on the idea. I'd rename GP2 to Sentinel - mainly to differentiate from the Sentar expansion PF provided (which we will make available as a separate package - unless someone beats us to it ;) ). Going with the theme of the farthest planet known to kerbal antiquity, the mythos could be that it stood as sentinel on the edge of the solar system.

The only problem is that I have no idea how to create heightmaps and colormaps due to my lack of artistic skill. Also I really like the name Sentar(it has a nice ring to it, and sounds like a kerbalized version of Saturn), but if other people are going to use it when porting over the PF expansion, I guess I'll have to change it(or maybe not. If I do my own modded playthrough and post it on Youtube, I'll call it Sentar in the series).

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I'm currently working on it, hopefully we will have a partially functioning version by Monday for testing. This probably won't have all the features, as there are a lot to cover. Whatever the state, I'll push Pre Alpha 3 on Monday.

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Definitely looking forward to this being released, even in an alpha state. Currently PF on the win64 bit client borks a couple of my mods, and Kopernicus floats there serenely with no issue whatsoever, though I have yet to travel to it :D

I imagine if this mod is as straightforward to create planets for as PF it'll have the same massive following, which I look forward to.

I'm curious as to how these new planets will react to things like Ferram Aerospace. I play with Ferram / Deadly Reentry, and it'd be cool to have planets that are automatically compatible with those mods (I imagine Ferram works off things like atmo scale height, which would probably make it automatically compatible already).

There are a lot of mods with hardcoded planet data though, as you've discovered already. :P

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I'm curious as to how these new planets will react to things like Ferram Aerospace. I play with Ferram / Deadly Reentry, and it'd be cool to have planets that are automatically compatible with those mods (I imagine Ferram works off things like atmo scale height, which would probably make it automatically compatible already).

We'll make sure to support these, since Kopernicus is partly to support RSS and RO, and you need FAR and DR for RO. I wouldn't expect problems. I need to try Kopernicus on my RO installation and see what happens...

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We'll make sure to support these, since Kopernicus is partly to support RSS and RO, and you need FAR and DR for RO. I wouldn't expect problems. I need to try Kopernicus on my RO installation and see what happens...

That's fantastic. The only other thing I could hope for to make this even more awesome is the ability to use premade PF:CE packs with this mod. Even if it required a lot of manual edits to make them work, I honestly wouldn't care. I just want more plernerts. :)

As soon as this gets done I am making all types of tricky planets again

Pretty pleeeeeeeeeease do. Ascension was so much fun to get to and Thud was gratifying to finally land on and take off from. The more difficult planets that can be made, the better. Kopernicus seems to be even less restrictive than PF:CE was by the sound of it. Instead of just cloning things and messing with values, being able to create celestials from scratch is going to make the outlandish ones even better. As long as this mod continues to be 64 bit friendly I don't even care how much RAM it uses. More stuff to go to > everything else.

I wanna see some really wacky hard to get to and play with planets as soon as this mod is ready for showtime :D

Also don't hate me... I forgot to remove Kopernicus before trying to fix my PF install again, and I'm quite surprised nothing broke :P


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That's fantastic. The only other thing I could hope for to make this even more awesome is the ability to use premade PF:CE packs with this mod. Even if it required a lot of manual edits to make them work, I honestly wouldn't care. I just want more plernerts. :)

Pretty pleeeeeeeeeease do. Ascension was so much fun to get to and Thud was gratifying to finally land on and take off from. The more difficult planets that can be made, the better. Kopernicus seems to be even less restrictive than PF:CE was by the sound of it. Instead of just cloning things and messing with values, being able to create celestials from scratch is going to make the outlandish ones even better. As long as this mod continues to be 64 bit friendly I don't even care how much RAM it uses. More stuff to go to > everything else.

I wanna see some really wacky hard to get to and play with planets as soon as this mod is ready for showtime :D

Also don't hate me... I forgot to remove Kopernicus before trying to fix my PF install again, and I'm quite surprised nothing broke :P


Hah. I hadn't tried it yet but I figured it would work.

We'll be writing a conversion script for PF:CE planets unless someone beats us to it.

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Hah. I hadn't tried it yet but I figured it would work.

We'll be writing a conversion script for PF:CE planets unless someone beats us to it.

:D Making my day here then. PF borks so many things in my install right now I can't even use it, and this would load existing PF planets in a way that's probably 99% sure not to bork things, since it's actually sticking a planet in the system, rather than photocopying one, duct-taping it to space, and hoping it sticks :D

The only problem I currently see right now is that Kerbal Engineer doesn't show custom planets, though that isn't a Kopernicus issue and I believe one of you (or someone in this thread somewhere) did a pull request for that particular change.

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The only problem I currently see right now is that Kerbal Engineer doesn't show custom planets, though that isn't a Kopernicus issue and I believe one of you (or someone in this thread somewhere) did a pull request for that particular change.

Cybutek has already merged that pull request into KER 1.0 and also modified the whole reference body UI to better support systems with many more bodies (and more complex arrangements). A new version hasn't been released yet but I doubt it will be very long...

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:D Making my day here then. PF borks so many things in my install right now I can't even use it, and this would load existing PF planets in a way that's probably 99% sure not to bork things, since it's actually sticking a planet in the system, rather than photocopying one, duct-taping it to space, and hoping it sticks :D

The only problem I currently see right now is that Kerbal Engineer doesn't show custom planets, though that isn't a Kopernicus issue and I believe one of you (or someone in this thread somewhere) did a pull request for that particular change.

In the interim, here is a build of 1.0.3 with the changes I had made. The GUI is the old version attempting to adapt :)


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Is the mod capable of generating normal maps?

Also Downloaded the mod and how can i make some planets Is it like PF which is Config editing do I need Visual Studio or something.

I just need to know where the Config or whatever is I can figure out the rest.

Man i Sound like a noob..

Edited by Dooz
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Is the mod capable of generating normal maps?

Also Downloaded the mod and how can i make some planets Is it like PF which is Config editing do I need Visual Studio or something.

I just need to know where the Config or whatever is I can figure out the rest.

Man i Sound like a noob..

Do us a favour and read the thread.

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Do us a favour and read the thread.

I guess he wants all the things now :)

I'm curious how the test Kopernicus was made too but I won't push it :P I'm perfectly happy having the test planet to mess with till this is ready.

I installed scansat since I'm playing with karbonite, and it immediately detected Kopernicus, though Karbonite resources are based on grayscale PNGs, so obviously there's nothing on Kopernicus till I make one. Karbonite's author is already talking about procedurally generating them though, so that's pretty cool.

Now to see if I can break Kerbal Alarm Clock.. Pretty sure it can't calculate arbitrary transfers to and from planets it's never heard of. :D

In the interim, here is a build of 1.0.3 with the changes I had made. The GUI is the old version attempting to adapt :)


Ah, you are a sir. Thanks for that. It bugged me I couldn't see my TWR for the new planet because engineer got all confused.

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Awesome work. Mod is looking good. Got annoyed after PFce started acting up all of a sudden on the new 24.2 and was happy that this not only fixes that, but fixes the issue of the planets being copies of other planets in the solar system (had issues with custom biome plugin, giving custom planets the wrong biome).

I know you have said about biomes for kopernicus, but will they be similar to biomes on minmus and mun? Like having areas like "Great flats" and stuff? If not, I'll have to look into creating my own biomes for the coming custom planets.

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Awesome work. Mod is looking good. Got annoyed after PFce started acting up all of a sudden on the new 24.2 and was happy that this not only fixes that, but fixes the issue of the planets being copies of other planets in the solar system (had issues with custom biome plugin, giving custom planets the wrong biome).

I know you have said about biomes for kopernicus, but will they be similar to biomes on minmus and mun? Like having areas like "Great flats" and stuff? If not, I'll have to look into creating my own biomes for the coming custom planets.

Biomes are made using a texture map, so there are no biomes unless you create them. Kopernicus will probably have a config system specifically for creating your own biomes. Im pretty sure you just make a map with different areas of color, then assign each color to a biome.

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Biomes are made using a texture map, so there are no biomes unless you create them. Kopernicus will probably have a config system specifically for creating your own biomes. Im pretty sure you just make a map with different areas of color, then assign each color to a biome.

yep! The properties entry of the configuration has a field called "biomeMap." This will be passed the name of a texture representing the biomes. Then there is essentially a list of biome entries which take a name, science multiplier, and the color that biome is in the texture


biomeMap = GameData/YourAwesomePlarnetPack/YourAwesomePlarnet/Biomes.png
// A lowlands biome
name = Lowlands
value = 1.0 // science multiplier
color = 0,0,1,1 // use blue color (colors are in r,g,b,a format)

// a highlands biome
name = Highlands
value = 1.2
color = 1,0,0,1 // use red color
InSpaceLow = 6
[I]other situations
[/I] }

the science received from an experiment = biome multiplier * situation multiplier (from science values) * experiment base science. We've also made sure the configuration structure plays nice with module manager. No modification of the kopernicus core configuration should be necessary.

Edited by Teknoman117
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