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Cira IV Official Release! 300 tonnes to Orbit!

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Because I never really had a special release for this ship, and it's just so amazing, I decided to make a page for it. Introducing the 1500 tonne, 300-tonnes-to-orbit Cira IV.

Cira IV Ultra Heavy Lifter

Designer: Zekes


Cost: $729,873.60

(KSP-24.0) Our New launcher! The Cira IV can take 300 tonnes OF PURE PAYLOAD to LKO.

Download: https://www./?79xc541f9j040f6


Edited by zekes
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That looks reasonably realistic :D well done! I normally hold to the rule of thumb that if my Saturn V can't lift it i have to do it multiple launches.. but something like this would save me a lot of time :o

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That looks reasonably realistic :D well done! I normally hold to the rule of thumb that if my Saturn V can't lift it i have to do it multiple launches.. but something like this would save me a lot of time :o

Yeah, it's really wonderful. 6 months ago I quit working on a modular Laythe base because it would take 6 ships to get everything over there, and I hate doing multiple transfer burns (times 6). But with this ship I can put it all there in one single launch.

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