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CactEye Orbital Telescope

Rubber Ducky

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Does this completely work with 0.25? If it doesn't, are there any fixes?

It works in 0.25 with a fix, posted in this thread a while ago. I gotta dig it up.

Edit: Here it is, on page 17, Raven posted a fixed .dll

You can also wait a while till the next release by Raven.

Edited by RainDreamer
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Hold on a second, how can Jool and Duna have that kind of illumination? They're further away from Kerbol than Kerbin so there is no possible planetary configuration where they do not have their lit side facing us.

That is a good question, and until you said something about it, I didn't think anything of it. But you are correct, Jool, Duna, and even Eve in those screenshots are displaying an incorrect phase (Eve was suppose to be showing a gibbous phase in that shot with its orbit). I've made note of it, and have been working on a fix. The reason they are showing incorrect phases is because of how the KSP sunlight source is set up; it appears to be (I could be wrong) setup as a directional light in Unity, which means that every planet, no matter the location, receives light from the same direction. Which means an incorrect phase is shown when viewed through the telescope.

Like I said, I am currently working on a fix.

Do this update works even with The Renaissance Compilation?


I do not know right away, but it should work without issue. Technically any mod based on Environmental Visual Enhancement should technically work with CactEye. I will be sure to test CactEye with the Renaissance Compilation to verify.

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The reason they are showing incorrect phases is because of how the KSP sunlight source is set up; it appears to be (I could be wrong) setup as a directional light in Unity,
Waaaait... Sunlight is the only light casting dynamic shadows, and it's directional? Neither spotlights nor omni lights cast shadows? Squad! You aren't using a Pro version of Unity, are you?
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Waaaait... Sunlight is the only light casting dynamic shadows, and it's directional? Neither spotlights nor omni lights cast shadows? Squad! You aren't using a Pro version of Unity, are you?

That's exactly what I thought in the last week or so of testing. I did find this in the Unity documentation just earlier. I do not know exactly how it relates to KSP though: http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/ShadowTroubleshooting.html

Finally, in Forward rendering path, only the brightest directional light can cast shadows. If you want to have many shadow casting lights, you need to use Deferred Lighting rendering path.
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I've found a compatibility bug with Remote Tech 2. If I use the Slim probe core for a vessel using and Remote Tech 2 mod installed it erease some Remote Tech 2 functions.

You should have a normal green connection but it gives a local control even if the probe is unmanned. I hope it can be useful.

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I've found a compatibility bug with Remote Tech 2. If I use the Slim probe core for a vessel using and Remote Tech 2 mod installed it erease some Remote Tech 2 functions.

You should have a normal green connection but it gives a local control even if the probe is unmanned. I hope it can be useful.

Did you edit or patch that probecore to use with RT2 ? or are you using MJ ?

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No edit, I've tried it alone

Have you try'ed something like

name = ModuleSPU

name = ModuleRTAntennaPassive
TechRequired = unmannedTech
OmniRange = 3000

PacketInterval = 0.3
PacketSize = 2
PacketResourceCost = 15.0

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Any news on the update?

The update is still a work in progress and in heavy development at the moment. At the moment, everything but the occultation experiment is working, and I'm debating on a beta release.

haven't had a chance to try it yet in .90, is it broken? :(

It does not seem to be broken at first glance. The only thing I've noticed is that you have to have SAS turned on for the target marker in the GUI to show up, which means you'll have to use a stock probe core instead of the slim core until the next update. Give it a try, if something doesn't work, let me know.

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The update is still a work in progress and in heavy development at the moment. At the moment, everything but the occultation experiment is working, and I'm debating on a beta release.

+1 on beta :)

Release early, release often is a good agile methodology ;-)

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