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Apple(iOS) vs Samsung(Android)


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Which one is better in your opinion? You are free to express your opinion, but don't just go raging "Apple sucks!" or "Samsng is cr**", you have to provide at least 1 VALID ARGUMENT.

I'll start:

I am an Apple fan. Yes, I am wilting this post on my 4 year old iPad which is still going strong.

I also currently have an iPhone 5s and an iPod touch, which was my first I-device.

I actually really, I mean really hate Samsung and Google now.

Here are my reasons for sticking on the Apple side:

Apple makes both the hardware, and the software for the same device.

This makes the software use the hardware much better. With Samsung, 2 separate companies make the hardware and the OS, and this results in some terrible things like screen stretch, incompatibility, lag etc.

Apple was always and is still considered cool and premium. The design is elite(made from actual metal) unlike the cheap plastic Android tablets you see.

Apple was the pioneer. Apple created the first smartphone with a capacitive multitouch screen.

Apple created the pinch zoom. Apple created the auto brightness. Apple created the worlds smallest and most eas to use MP3 player. Apple made the first computer with a UI for gods sake!

Apple created the famous iPad. Apple created the best editing software and so on.

What did Samsng invent? Only a massive screen on phones thanks to which you need a separate bag to carry the phone. Also you need surgery to get longer fingers to reach eac part of the screen.

Samsung is known for ripping off Apple. Most recent example:

Apple makes the worlds first 64 bit smartphone, also with a fingerprint scanner. A few months later, Smasung makes a smartphone with a fingerprint scanner too!

In my opinion, Samsung can't make smartphones, or tablets. They make good TV's and microwaves, but not tablets and smartphones.

Continuing on to Android...

iOS is still the most easy to use mobile OS in the world. Even a grandma can learn to use itin a few hours!

iOS gets the latest apps first. IOS has the largest app collection than any other store.iOS has a lot more exclusives. iOS has AirPlay-and eas to use streaming option. iOS has Siri-the closest thing you can get to an AI.

Finally, we don't see man Samsng stores. Apple stores always look cool. You are cool if you work in one too. Admit it:they are just plain awesome-design, structure, layout, simplicity.

thisnis why I love Apple, they keep everything simple. They make everything look modern.

Ad they don't make fun of opponents unlike Samsng which made 2 ads where they laugh at iPhones.

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After trying out both, I prefer Android. I don't like the closed, secretive approach of Apple, its many strange, definitely un-hightech shortcomings (many iPhones were shipped with unfunctioning speakers, some people claimed the iPhone gave them electric shocks) and the heavy censorship of the app store restricting it to featuring mostly "kiddie" apps, blocking out apps related to hacking, sexuality etc. that are a normal part of Google Play. They are overpriced fake-hightech gadgets in my opinion.

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  szputnyik said:
They are overpriced fake-hightech gadgets in my opinion.

Unless you get three free iPhones (5s) with your unlimited internet plan for only $30/month and it's connection and speed is pretty good. 'laska!

I never tried android yet, but I'd think I would prefer it over iOS. Although I could be wrong...

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In Europe, Apple products are more expensive than in the USA, and customer support for them is worse. For example, the nearest genuine Apple Store to Budapest with a Genius Bar is in Munich, while in Hungary only Apple retail shops exist.

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I've had a few iPhones and one Android phone. It was a Samsung Galaxy, and I'll never get another Android ever again. It was filled with worthless bloatware that could not be removed. It would crash constantly and I would have to reset it a few times every day, just to receive text messages. That phone caused nothing but headaches since the moment I tried activating it. I think a lot of the problems are caused by the fact that the OS and hardware are developed separately and then mushed together before being shipped.

One the other hand, all the iPhones I've used worked wonderfully. I've owned an iPhone 3G, iPhone 4, and an iPhone 5s. I have not problems with crashing or incompatibilities and the bloatware is minimal. Also my 7 year old iPod still works like a champ, so I'll be sticking with Apple for the foreseeable future.

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  Dr.Goodbytes said:
I've had a few iPhones and one Android phone. It was a Samsung Galaxy, and I'll never get another Android ever again. It was filled with worthless bloatware that could not be removed. It would crash constantly and I would have to reset it a few times every day, just to receive text messages. That phone caused nothing but headaches since the moment I tried activating it. I think a lot of the problems are caused by the fact that the OS and hardware are developed separately and then mushed together before being shipped.

One the other hand, all the iPhones I've used worked wonderfully. I've owned an iPhone 3G, iPhone 4, and an iPhone 5s. I have not problems with crashing or incompatibilities and the bloatware is minimal. Also my 7 year old iPod still works like a champ, so I'll be sticking with Apple for the foreseeable future.

Agree. I switched to the iPhone 5s from my iPhone 3GS which is probably the best iphone ever made. Despite being released in 2009, it still runs most things, it can be updated to iOS 6 and is still better than a Samsung galaxy s 1 or 2.

The main reason I don't like android is the unnecessary functions, poor usage of RAM(the iphone has only 1Gb, but it is used very efficiently), whereas the S5 has 2, but doesn't necessarily run faster.

Samsung only shows off numbers, like a slightly higher pixel density, bigger screen, more Megapixels, more mAh in the battery etc. Most of these numbers don't make it better over the iphone actually.

Sure, Apple releases a new iPhone only once a year, but they take the time to make a quality product, just like Squad takes their time to deliver a proper update. And once they hint they are releasing a new iphone, people make huge lines in front of Apple stores, 3D print speculated iphone designs etc.

Apple is releasing an iWatch this fall, and I am sure it'll beat the Galaxy Gear.

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  szputnyik said:
After trying out both, I prefer Android. I don't like the closed, secretive approach of Apple, its many strange, definitely un-hightech shortcomings (many iPhones were shipped with unfunctioning speakers, some people claimed the iPhone gave them electric shocks) and the heavy censorship of the app store restricting it to featuring mostly "kiddie" apps, blocking out apps related to hacking, sexuality etc. that are a normal part of Google Play. They are overpriced fake-hightech gadgets in my opinion.

How is Apple "secretive"?

When did Apple supply a faulty iphone? Electroshocking?

Are you kidding me? I'm sorry but your whole point is based on speculation and rumors.

You're not providing any facts to support your rant.

Apple has a reason for filtering the AppStore because it doesn't want it to be spammed with junk. Simple.

Sure, an Android offers more customization and a file system, but I don't want a PC in my pocket.

i just want a phone that works. A phone which I can speak to, one I can tell to call me 'master' and it'll call me that.

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Samsung aren't a great example of an Android vendor IMO. They layer too much bloatware over the top. We've got quite a few Samsung devices in our home (couple of monitors, Smart TV, Galaxy phone, Galaxy tablet and a Nexus 10). The Smart TV is good, and the Nexus 10 is great, but I'm only lukewarm about the Galaxy phone and tablet. The bloatware on the phone isn't to my taste, and the tablet has the same, and has also failed to get updates from Samsung so it's marooned on an old version of Android that leaves it looking pretty ropey compared to the Samsung-built Nexus machine that gets updates direct from Google.

Samsung are an excellent hardware company, but their software isn't as sharp IMO.

Stock Android from Google is excellent though, as are some of the ROMs like Cyanogenmod.

Apple, meh. Their gear is always a contender but I rarely buy it. I think the only Apple device we've gone for was an old Ipod Shuffle, and I ran a hackintosh for a while. Their gear isn't actually any better than the alternatives at the same price point and generally comes with a load of unnecessary restrictions. Being shackled to the horrors of Itunes (for example) has always been a huge turnoff for me.

Edited by Seret
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  Dr.Goodbytes said:
It was a Samsung Galaxy, and I'll never get another Android ever again. It was filled with worthless bloatware that could not be removed.

A quick dose of Cyanogenmod would have cleared that right up. I had unremovable Vodafone bloatware on an HTC phone I had. Wiped that pretty much straight away. I'm now a big fan of the Nexus devices that don't have any of the bloatware that vendors try and layer on to differentiate themselves, it's pure Android, and very nice.

I think a lot of the problems are caused by the fact that the OS and hardware are developed separately and then mushed together before being shipped.

Possibly, but that's also the solution. You're free to run anything on the phone that you want. The nice thing about Android is that you've got the option to just take off and nuke the site from orbit. The phone you buy is just hardware, you're not any more stuck with the software on it than you are on a PC.

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Honestly, what a pants post !!!

The OP starts off a discussion between the relative merits of IOS and Android, and sensibly asks posters not to go into rant mode.

The OP then goes into total Apple fanboy mode in direct contravention of his own request to others !!!

Way to go pal !

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Nokia Symbian all the way here! :cool:

Why are you all looking at me like that?

Seriously between Android and Iphone, Android every time just for the reason that I can tweak, fold, spindle, mutilate, and kill it to my heart's content. Also I'm bit of iconoclast so that I refuse to join the Cult of Jobs. I'm sorry but the whole Iphone craze just made me run the other way, something about mindless drooling worship turns me off. Now rational admiration for the Iphone makes me admit having the OS and the hardware done in house works in it favour, just the whole culture of 'Genius Bars' and the elite sort snobery implied brings out the counter culture punker in me.


PS A brief moment of silence for Nokia please, now if Nokia had brought their hardware to the Android system...instead they have been devoured by that slobbering tentacled horror, the foulness that lurks the most sanity blasted of the many angled spaces, the endless maw that hungers to devour our minds and souls. Ia, Ia Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Micro$oft Redmond wgah'nagl fhtagn. :D

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  Simon Ross said:
Honestly, what a pants post !!!

The OP starts off a discussion between the relative merits of IOS and Android, and sensibly asks posters not to go into rant mode.

The OP then goes into total Apple fanboy mode in direct contravention of his own request to others !!!

Way to go pal !

Yea pretty much, since when was "cool" a valid argument to determine which is better. I haven't seen anyone compare battery life, structural soundness, sales figures, versatility, difference in design ambitions, difference in market audience, design ambitions (aims of products), cost, company ambitions ect. Did I miss anything?

I don't think that being first to design or do something makes your design inherently better, we learn from what we are shown and the mistakes made by others. Why does it matter if someone designed it first (out side of IP and copyright and patent issues) when determining which is better.

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  Dodgey said:
Yea pretty much, since when was "cool" a valid argument to determine which is better. I haven't seen anyone compare battery life, structural soundness, sales figures, versatility, difference in design ambitions, difference in market audience, design ambitions (aims of products), cost, company ambitions ect. Did I miss anything?

I don't think that being first to design or do something makes your design inherently better, we learn from what we are shown and the mistakes made by others. Why does it matter if someone designed it first (out side of IP and copyright and patent issues) when determining which is better.

Still though both Google and Smasung stole ideas from Apple. They patented everything straight away.

When Google released Android, Apple made 50+ copyright infringement claims instantly. Steve Jobs literally yelled and Larry Page on the phone like mad ranting about how they stole 50% of iOS.

Then Samsung hopped into the stealing game. Apple also filed a bunch of lawsuits against them(and won most of them). One time ey received as much as 2 million $ from Samsung after Apple won a case!

Sure, I can be an Apple fanboy, but Nike you I provide real facts.

Seret mentioned some kind of Android hack. We aren't talking about additional software you Ned to install to make Android run good. We are talking about e VANILLA version! Just the fact that you need to install special software to make Android run normally already makes it clear how poorly made Android is.

Also, what sets me off from Android is e naming of the OS version:cookie, jellybean, ice cream sandwhich?

Are they kids wanting sweets or something?

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You do realize that Apple is going patent mad right? They tried to sue Samsung over the basic shape of the first iPhone and the i9000 galexy s, the basic shape, a rectangular box.

Android has nothing to do with Samsung, as was mentioned they are separate which means if you don't like android you can swap it out for another os. That's a plus. If you don't like IOS but you like the hardware then tough luck. If you don't like android then blame google, it has nothing to do with Samsung.

Again it doesn't matter who came up with it first if you are looking at who has the better product. If Apple comes up with a good idea that works well is everyone else ment to just ignore it and continue working of what they were doing?

Also really? Your argument has stooped so low as to go after the name of the OS?

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  SpaceXray said:
Sure, an Android offers more customization and a file system, but I don't want a PC in my pocket.

This, right here, is the primary sticking point and the primary difference. iOS is a powerful multimedia engine with device management functions. Android is a broad-use operating system, with every good and bad thing that entails. I, for instance, don't want a mediaplayer I can make calls on in my pocket. I can get a decent noname mediaplayer and a decent phone separately for much less. I want a personal computer - not necessarily a PC, but a personal computer.

Curiously, I don't have a Samsung smartphone, seeing as I wanted something cheap to replace my... er, Nokia 6670. So I have an LG smartphone with Android. As far as Samsung, I am typing this from an ATIV Tab 7 in laptop mode, purchased for less than a iPad would cost me, and with far more functions, seeing as it has a Wacom stylus sensor and runs Windows 8.

Apple is stuck in its own furrow. They have good devices and decent software, but they are keeping both bound together and closed. Samsung and Android are not bound together, and are much more flexible as a result.

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  Sean Mirrsen said:
This, right here, is the primary sticking point and the primary difference. iOS is a powerful multimedia engine with device management functions. Android is a broad-use operating system, with every good and bad thing that entails. I, for instance, don't want a mediaplayer I can make calls on in my pocket. I can get a decent noname mediaplayer and a decent phone separately for much less. I want a personal computer - not necessarily a PC, but a personal computer.

Curiously, I don't have a Samsung smartphone, seeing as I wanted something cheap to replace my... er, Nokia 6670. So I have an LG smartphone with Android. As far as Samsung, I am typing this from an ATIV Tab 7 in laptop mode, purchased for less than a iPad would cost me, and with far more functions, seeing as it has a Wacom stylus sensor and runs Windows 8.

Apple is stuck in its own furrow. They have good devices and decent software, but they are keeping both bound together and closed. Samsung and Android are not bound together, and are much more flexible as a result.

Keeping the OS and the hardware bound together is actually good. For example, apps on iOS can fully utilize the hardware, use the compass as a metal detector, use the volume buttons in games as controls, using the fingerprint scanner to verify purchases, even use the flash as a flashlight/timer signal/ gun light/SOS blinker. The list keeps going on.

one of e coolest things thought is AirPlay. You just press a button and your display instantly appears on your TV without any wires.

Pan additional perk of iPhones and iPads is the massive range of accesories. Since the release step of devies is big(1 year), companies have time to make an accessory before a new model gets released. The accessories range from cases to custom telephoto lenses, tripod mounts, game controllers, Hal 9000 docks, holders, sound systems, robots etc.

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  SpaceXray said:
Keeping the OS and the hardware bound together is actually good. For example, apps on iOS can fully utilize the hardware, use the compass as a metal detector, use the volume buttons in games as controls, using the fingerprint scanner to verify purchases, even use the flash as a flashlight/timer signal/ gun light/SOS blinker. The list keeps going on.

one of e coolest things thought is AirPlay. You just press a button and your display instantly appears on your TV without any wires.

Pan additional perk of iPhones and iPads is the massive range of accesories. Since the release step of devies is big(1 year), companies have time to make an accessory before a new model gets released. The accessories range from cases to custom telephoto lenses, tripod mounts, game controllers, Hal 9000 docks, holders, sound systems, robots etc.

The accessories are the bane of the product line, I think. They're neat on the level of USB doodads you can plug into your computer, but ultimately that's all they are. And the practical upshot of them is that when you inevitably upgrade to a new device, you have to buy them all over again because they no longer fit your device. Android-based doodads at least have the decency to not be device-specific. Like this gamepad/mouse/multimedia controller I have here. Works for anything running Android, from a cellphone to a tablet to a TV.

Android-based devices may not have the same hardware all around, but that's the beauty of it. Android runs on anything. Just like an OS, for any hardware doodad there are drivers. And unlike iOS, people are free to try and come up with new ways of using them.

Keeping the hardware and the software bound may be good from a quality and stability standpoint, but the OS does not evolve without the device, and vice versa, whereas Android constantly improves because of how many devices use it.

And AirPlay probably only works with compatible devices. I can name a few Android-powered TVs that offer similar functions, for instance LG's Smart TV series. Really, the thing with Android is that it's an open system, so there's a high chance of somebody noticing something interesting that can be done with it, and just making it work because he can.

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  gpisic said:
The amount of malware in the Google appstore is by far greater then in Apples appstore. Apple has strict rules which they enforce pretty good for putting apps into their store.

Well, sure. Having to pay for each and every app you want published, after developing it using the only Mac setup allowed, and payed for the API, I think that malwares creators are a bit tired. But I still think that having a free, cross-platform IDE using one of the (if not the) most powerful languages (Java) instead of a proprietary copy of C that you'll need to learn all over again, and a free API, is better. Yay Google!

Also, a developer account costs 20$ and you can put as many apps as you want. And after 4 years of browsing the Google Play store (and before, the Android market), I never came across any malware.

  SpaceXray said:
Still though both Google and Smasung stole ideas from Apple. They patented everything straight away.

When Google released Android, Apple made 50+ copyright infringement claims instantly. Steve Jobs literally yelled and Larry Page on the phone like mad ranting about how they stole 50% of iOS.

Then Samsung hopped into the stealing game. Apple also filed a bunch of lawsuits against them(and won most of them). One time ey received as much as 2 million $ from Samsung after Apple won a case!

Sure, I can be an Apple fanboy, but Nike you I provide real facts.

Seret mentioned some kind of Android hack. We aren't talking about additional software you Ned to install to make Android run good. We are talking about e VANILLA version! Just the fact that you need to install special software to make Android run normally already makes it clear how poorly made Android is.

Also, what sets me off from Android is e naming of the OS version:cookie, jellybean, ice cream sandwhich?

Are they kids wanting sweets or something?

Nah, nah. Apple started yelling at Samsung when they started using Android because they were making more profit then them (well, this is all sayings on my part, it may be not the original thought process from Apple, but looking at the number it seems pretty obvious to me).

They yelled at Samsung (and not Google) for the Pinch zoom, the keyboard, the one tap share, etc. while this was all on Android and not Samsung. Or, if they wanted to do things right, they would have to yell at Motorola, Sony, HTC, etc. and put the whole world against them. It is only when everyone saw that they were yelling at the wrong person that they started claiming copyrights on Google directly.

But, don't start me on the "they stole things". Please, The first GUI with mouse interaction that Apple made was stolen from a little company that patented it, and Apple just ate them to gain the patent. (This is why Windows had to use double-click by the way, because the single click was patented by the company that lated was earned by Apple. Now that the patent is not actual, Windows can use single-click (this is an option in Win7 and 8 BTW, but isn't activated by default))

Android is an open source project, owned by Google, so that a BIG point to me. I'm not a Google fanboy (oh wait, maybe I am :D), but the fact that Android has support from Google services natively is a thing that I love, and the fact that it is open source is a thing that I love too.

Now, Android natively runs beautifully (I suggest you to test Nexus devices, these are the best to experience the power of Android), CyanogenMod is a project that makes it possible for some devices to run newer versions, or even modified Android versions (because open-source). It is absolutely NOT mandatory, it is just a plus that geeks like me love. For some reason Samsung didn't want to roll on the 4.4 KitKat version to the Galaxy S3 and S3 Mini, so that's why I put CM11 into it, to have KitKat, that is the best of all the Android versions.

About Android versions, too. YOu don't like Android because it is named after confectioneries? So I can legitimately hate iOS versions because they only put a number after them, right?

The only thing that I like with iOS is the graphics. iOS 7 is simply beautiful. But I'd rather have a working Citroën 2CV then a grounded Lanborghini, for that matter.

The price, also, and I'm not stopping on phones here. Why? Why would you make me pay 2 grands for a computer that can be only be used for basic gaming (Haha, Minecraft and KSP under 150 parts), when I can make a PC that can run Watch_Dogs in 1080p 60fps, for the same price ? Or have 2 laptops the same configuration for less than that? I guess I pay for the extremely slick design the remaining $1200 ...

The phone, because we're on that. Never I've seen an ad that brags about the specs of the phone (except for the Retina display, which didn't quite needed a proper name), but rather for the design, that "it is cool to have an iPhone". I know for a fact that I never seen a Samsung phone with a smashed display (and mine survived 100+ falls screen first), but I've seen several falls of iPhone and iPad that went all smashed.

But that's the only good thing I have to tell about Samsung itself. I probably hate as much Samsung as I hate Apple, but not for the same reasons. Primarily, they just ruin my Android experience with their TouchWIZ thing and all the Samsung thing that are bound and cannot be removed unless rooted. In fact, I removed everything Samsung related (well, except the phone itself, but only because I have it and it works for now). My next phone will probably be a Sony one. So this post is more on the iOS versus Android than Samsung / Apple post.

Android is more popular over the geeky communities, because of it's flexibility, and the fact that you can have total control over it. Once rooted (takes some things to do but it is easy enough and safe enough, but it wasn't made for "basic" users in mind), you have absolutely total control over it, and it becomes even better (when you're a geek like I am ^^). iOS on the other hand, does not allow you to do things manually, there's always an "Apple" something to "help" you do it: iTunes is probably the best example. I never quite understood why the heel you need to go through proprietary software, convert to proprietary lossy format (when , if converted from MP3, makes the music even worse), when you could just open the SD card on the device and put your WAV, OGG or MP3 (or whatever) files directly in there. Maybe the default player will not support the formats, but VLC is here, and Poweramp, while not free, is the best of all the Android players out there.

BUT, don't take me as an absolute Apple hater. I won't get mad at you for using an Apple product, you have your own reasons, and I have my own reasons (mostly above) not to use Apple products.

EDIT: Wow I had things to say on this subject :D

Edited by SolarLiner
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Though I think Apple has really great design and quality, I think they are a little too pretentious.

I watch their Keynotes every so often, and I notice this wave of smugness coming from the speaker, like Tim Cook, or formerly Steve Jobs, and other project designers who speak. They always seem to jab the competition, or joke on them, in a way that reminds of how wealthy people may look at less-sophisticated poor people.

I think this is passed onto those who are devoted Apple consumers too, because many times I've heard/read those types calling Android users trash, or that they have no taste. Now, don't get me wrong, I've heard Android users call Apple users bad things, it just seems less common to me, and I'm the type of person who tries to keep up to date on tech no matter what the company.

I've had a 4S and thought it was a great phone, but when my contract ended, I to an HTC One, which I like, but also dislike certain things about it. The main reason I switched though, was due to what I described above. This anger over ripping off one company or another makes me very hesitant to go back.

Just so you know though, I usually use Windows for my desktop, but I really love Macbooks a lot, and honestly think they are the best overall laptop.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents.

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