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Which gamemode are you playing? Sandbox, career or science, with or without mods?

What gamemode are you playing? With or without mods?  

201 members have voted

  1. 1. What gamemode are you playing? With or without mods?

    • Sandbox
    • Career
    • Science
    • Modded
    • Without Mods

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Hey guys, I hope this is the right section to post this.

It's not a direct question related to gameplay, but I've really got no idea where to post this.

I wanted to ask you for your .. opinions? Nah. Read on.

I just wanted to make a little poll because I'm interested in which gamemode you're playing and why, and if you use mods, please write it down below. Please post why you play what you play :).


Edited by Volcanix
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Career, with a selected number of mods that make ksp a little bit more complicated, and a bunch of part mods for building more versatile rockets and spaceplanes. My own little space saga. Everything has gotten pretty funny lately for me. :)

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With 0.24 I have gone back to doing career games because, contrary to my expectations, it's not hard at all to maintain a healthy bank balance, and having silly contracts to do is entertaining. Besides, it's nice that when you do mount some complex mission to another planet, you can actually do science there instead of just pretending.

And I love mods. Especially mods that expand science available or provide new ways of getting it (Custom Biomes, DMagic Orbial Science, Station Science, etc.). The latter even has contract integration, and the new Karbonite resource thing lets you sell mined resources for cash. Yay!

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None. KSP has gotten pretty boring lately.

How can KSP ever get boring? :huh:

With 0.24 I have gone back to doing career games because, contrary to my expectations, it's not hard at all to maintain a healthy bank balance, and having silly contracts to do is entertaining. Besides, it's nice that when you do mount some complex mission to another planet, you can actually do science there instead of just pretending.

And I love mods. Especially mods that expand science available or provide new ways of getting it (Custom Biomes, DMagic Orbial Science, Station Science, etc.). The latter even has contract integration, and the new Karbonite resource thing lets you sell mined resources for cash. Yay!

Yeah, sometimes the contracts are a bit … Confusing. I mean, why do I need to test Small Gear bay on an escape trajectory out of kerbin? :D

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Yeah, sometimes the contracts are a bit … Confusing. I mean, why do I need to test Small Gear bay on an escape trajectory out of kerbin? :D

To make sure that your future interplanetary spaceplanes landing gear doesn't spontaneously explode (hey, it's KSP; spontaneous explosions happen all the time) as soon as it hits escape velocity, of course.

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Currently playing career with info/control mods. Though I suspect I'll be back in the sandbox soon; despite enjoying the new challenge of designing for cost I find science is still a grind and contracts are either something I would do anyway (free money!) or something that I don't enjoy doing (looking at you, part tests). I hope as career mode is expanded a way is added for players to gain funds for doing their own thing.

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To make sure that your future interplanetary spaceplanes landing gear doesn't spontaneously explode (hey, it's KSP; spontaneous explosions happen all the time) as soon as it hits escape velocity, of course.

Now it all makes sense ! :)

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Yeah, sometimes the contracts are a bit … Confusing. I mean, why do I need to test Small Gear bay on an escape trajectory out of kerbin? :D

Because maybe the brakes work. This is a science contract, it's about testing parts in various scenarios. It makes sense from that perspective.

"See, Jebediah, I told you it wouldn't work!"

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Career, modded (MJ, KER and B9 mostly)

I got back to KSP after a 0.23.5 hiatus (I was on Minecraft playing spree lol) and 0.24 really sucked be me back into the game.

I really enjoy the contract mechanics, they renewed my interest for the game. I've never really had cashflow challenges in my career, but I think that the balance that needs to be struck between "science" and "cash" kinda changes my way of playing and my mindset (it's not just "GATHER ALL THE SCIENCE!" anymore).

Plus, I really like the part testing bit in early game : I tended to treat it as some kind of mini puzzle game, looking for ways to test the part cheaply with a still mostly locked tech tree. Fun times...

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Career, because I started a brand new save for First Contract to get the full experience.

And slightly modded. KER for data, MechJeb because I can't do rendezvous on my own and don't really care to, and Kethane because I love the idea of it.

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Sandbox and modded for me. I like the idea of career mode and funding but I find the current contracts are not to my tastes, I realise its a first draft and all so I'm not bothered by this and will continue with sandbox for the time being. :)

Seems like most are playing career mode. Which mods are you using?

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Career; modded. Decided to try out more mods for the first time with this release. Learning FAR has been... different. RT2 makes creating satellite constellations fun and useful. Kerbal Engineer is awesome for seeing those 'under the hood' stats. EVE makes everything beautiful.

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Playing science mode, because I just started playing a few weeks back and I'm still getting the hang of making efficient vehicles that aren't way more expensive than they need to be. I also use Sandbox as a proving ground for building stuff with all the tech, to see what I need to research in order to do things I want to do.

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Career, modded. Third .24 career save; I started playing with revert on, then started again when I switched to hard mode, then started again when I installed TAC Life Support.






EVA Parachutes

TAC Life Support

TAC Fuel Balancer


Procedural Fairings

Procedural Wings


Hot Rockets

Edited by Wanderfound
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I tried career mode again for a while, but I didn't like it. By default, you get way too much money for the costs to matter. If you tweak the rewards from contracts, the game forces you to concentrate on recovery and other bureaucratic stuff, instead of building rockets and flying missions.

Now I'm back to sandbox with FAR and DRE, planning a big expedition to Jool.

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Career, with a selected number of mods that make ksp a little bit more complicated, and a bunch of part mods for building more versatile rockets and spaceplanes. My own little space saga. Everything has gotten pretty funny lately for me. :)

Exactly. RT2, DR, TACLS and forcing myself to "Hardmode" and the fun went throu the roof WHEEEE!!!

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Carreer, unmodded ... atleast for now. Not because I'm a purist, but because I've been playing slowly my first try to see how much you can milk out of the contracts in terms of money and science. At this point I'm with 6 million in the pocket, unlocked all the 300 sci techs and below and the gravioli one ...and I even still have to land in other body besides Kerbin ( I have a lander in Minmus SoI that will land shortly, but besides that, the only non-kerbin sci I have is from a munar flyby ) and I'm still in day 10 of the game... people talk that the money rewards so far are OP, but the science ones aren't much behind IMHO :/

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My main save is Modded Science; it was an old .23 career save, but some of the part packs I have make it kinda incomparable with .24 career, so I switched it to Science mode. I do have some modded and unmodded Sandbox and Career saves though, I'm just not really playing them as much currently... :)

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Seems like most are playing career mode. Which mods are you using?

Chatterer, Enhanced Navball, Kerbal Engineer, EVE, Astronomers visual pack. B9, Tantares, KW Rocketry, Habitat pack, NEAR. Kind of restrained I know and yes I could use all these in career mode. Its just I personally don't like the lack of variety in the contracts and I tend to choose the game mode that's opposite to what the majority do anyway. I'm weird like that.:D

Got my eye on FinePrint mod which I think when it has even more variety will eventually help fix my KSP career reluctance but I think Kerbals should level up in skills and they should have a really high recruiting cost to offset the rather large payouts I was getting. I did try career and I was rolling in funds and it just felt like the funds weren't making any difference to the game. There should be more risk/reward to it. Not just land on the Mun, collect payout, get flag planting mission spammed by Gene over and over, transfer to lander, plant flag, collect cash, rinse and repeat. Yes I do know I don't have to do these missions but it must be OCD or something because if its there I feel obliged to do it and I wasn't really enjoying that. ;)

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