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Interplanetary Name-Calling


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If it has one moon...

The planet: Teivos

The moon: Noinu


Planet: Detinu

Moon: Setats

That'd be nice.


I see what you did there General Rarity.

Planet: Demeter

Moon: Persephone

Other Moon: Hades

Mythology is the best source for names.

Edited by Lundmunchkins
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I know I'm being kinda weird, but...

what would you name a planet you discovered?

Give planet details if your heart desires...

A little background on this for the interested... :)

Naming of celestial objects is a privilege formally granted to the International Astronomical Union (IAU), accredited by the United Nations and its member states. The IAU acknowledges that anyone can call any object whatever they like, but aims to establish an internationally recognized and standardized naming convention. This includes both scientific designations (the unique, automatically generated and often cryptic string of numbers, letters and add-ons that is given to each object upon its first discovery) as well as popular names (like 'Ceres' or 'Moon'). If you want to name any celestial object in a way that sticks (i.e. actually makes it into star maps and the like), the IAU are the guys to phone about it. Anyone else claiming to have this capability is trying to scam you.

Concerning popular names, the IAU has an extensive list of naming guidelines for anything except local planets (because those have all been named already). The names that are valid for any given object generally depend on what type of object it is; i.e. dwarf planets are allowed different names than, say, near-Earth asteroids. The same link also includes naming guidelines for objects outside of our solar system - again, without planets. Though in this case it is because the IAU has a dedicated page about naming exoplanets.

All non-scientific conventions are merely suggestions (although fairly strong ones). On the flipside, any name submitted to the IAU - even if it fits perfectly with all suggested conventions - is merely a suggestion as well, subject to approval by the organization. In some cases, multiple acceptable suggestions may later be put up for public vote. Once approved and finalized, the name can then be used in an official fashion instead of the scientific designation. This is how for example the trans-neptunian object "2003 UB313" became to be known by the much more palatable name "Eris". The name is internationally consistent; even in Japan, they call it "エリス" (the syllables e-ri-su, where the trailing u is largely silent). The wikipedia article on Eris actually gives a good overview of how such a naming process usually goes.

Planet: Demeter

Moon: Persephone

Other Moon: Hades

Mythology is the best source for names.

One of the major guidelines of the IAU is that the names must not already be taken, in order to prevent ambiguity. While you could use Hades, the other two are unfortunately already occupied (by asteroids).

The IAU provides this database where you can enter a name and see if it turns up a result. If you get no result, then that name is fair game for naming new celestial objects. Provided, of course, that you can convince the IAU to like it.

Edited by Streetwind
fixing typo
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Here's mine!

Planet: Horendos.

Description: Rocky, has rings, thick atmosphere, large, life supporting, 47% covered in water.

Moons: Eres, Polo, Pateon, Ytiba, and Boon.

Mother Star: Yaria

All names are made up, so, yeah. Great job guys! Good imaginations!

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