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[WIP BETA] Nasa IXS Warp-ship for Interstellar


Cockpit Cabin Window Lights - Yey or Nay?  

55 members have voted

  1. 1. Cockpit Cabin Window Lights - Yey or Nay?

    • Yes!(downside is it turns both cabin AND cargo lights on/off. Pitch black bay if you forget.
    • No!(downside is looks like not much activity inside, and comm mod harder to see in darkness

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  S1000RRHP4 said:
It's already Christmas?:D

OH NO! it's tomorrow!!!;.;

Look really nice, could you the name of the music in the youtube vidéo plz?

The music is the theme from, appropriately-enough, the new Star Trek movies.

/I've already watched it like 7 times. I can't get enough!

//I think the cabin windows need to light up, tho.

///Still the only reason I am going to be downloading and installing KSPI soon.

Edited by MinorInconvenience
Added silly comments at the bottom
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  ozraven said:
Well you certainly rocked that. I'm not a KSPI user but, I might be adding it to my game for this. I'm also going to see if I can repurpose things via ModuleManager for use without KSPI.

I have pondered making a non-KSP-I version, since ive seen a lot of people who tried to make a verison of this ship in stock-KSP games.

All it would really take is changing the CFG files. But if i do it'll have to wait until after ive got this out of its beta. :)

  G said:

Also' date=' as far as the engineer idea goes, you could probably adapt the code from the stock science lab. The lab requires two kerbals to work, so I imagine you can use the same method to require a kerbal for the reactor.[/quote']

I thought that too, and looked at it's CFG, but there was nothing in the science lab file that seemed to indicate a requirement parameter, just a crew capacity. So im PMing Wavefunction after this to ask if he knows. It might be something tied in to the science module of KSPI.

  Gaalidas said:
Looks like you got the hatch working for the hanger-bay. I'm curious to know what that problem finally turned out to be, especially after I made that long post about alternatives.

It was 2 things Gaalidas, one was the airlock was EVER so slightly touching the collision box of the floor, as well as the airlock wall collision box, ...

...and the other was the fact that the airlock on my model is horizontal to the ground, unlike most airlocks on other models that are outside the hull and vertical to the ground. So basically i had to change my airlock's transform orientation in Unity by 90 degrees..... Bill Kerman was trying to exit the airlock either flat on his face, or flat on his back, and he wasnt having it hehe.

  S1000RRHP4 said:

Look really nice, could you the name of the music in the youtube vidéo plz?

As Minor said, both pieces of music are from the new Star Trek Movies. For details, the piano piece is called "London Calling" from Star Trek Into Darkness, and the latter piece in space is called "Enterprising Young Men" from Star Trek (2009)

They're my 2 favourite pieces of music from those films.

  MinorInconvenience said:

I think the cabin windows need to light up, tho.

I was wary of putting cabin lights on, for two reasons,

- They arent on stock parts, and i wanted this to be as stock like as i could for my first ever ksp mod.

- Adding cabin lights would mean i would have to have them on the same emissive (light map) as the cargo bay illumination. So that would mean you would have to click both on or off when in flight, and was wary of having people exit the ship into a pitch black cargo bay.

BUT, im also an easy-going person, so ill put a poll up and let you lot decide! :)

  WaveFunctionP said:
Just getting set up to stream tonight, I think you might find what is playing a bit interesting...

As i said to you last night, weeee! Thanks Wave. :) It's appreciated. PM incoming with one or two irritating questions to bug you about over my mod.

And now, for the Beta!

Edited by Stevie_D
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Okay, here it is - Beta 1 of 2!

IXS Class Beta 1


Keep in mind it is a beta. I'm still currently balancing the weights in relation to other Interstellar parts, and balancing the quantum engine so it isnt an overpowered be-all end-all solution.

Ill go into the feedback im looking for, and the reasoning behind the parts so far in a moment.

This BETA version includes-

- Command Module

- Main Hull/Antimatter Reactor and Container.

- New Alcubierre Warp Ring and Warp Ring Electrical Generator

- Quantum Vacuum Thrust Engine

To come in Beta 2

- Crew Module

- Science Module

- 2 Fuel Tanks (LFO and Karbonite)

- 7 IXS versions of science equipment (Gravioli Detector, Thermometer, Magnotometer, Gamma Ray Spectrometer, Science Junior, Karbonite Detector, Communotron)

Dependancies :



If you have no understanding of the Interstellar mod, you might want to familiarize yourself with how reactors, generators and their dependant engines work before starting.

HyperEdit is also suggested if you want to easily test out warp jump to orbit capture burns with the Q-Thruster Engines by easily filling up the core.

I've given the ship enough antimatter in the tank to just achieve orbit and possibly get you to an orbital spacestation to fuel it up with said antimatter.

PLEASE NOTE - If you use the trusses to have fuel tanks (like i did in the video), and you fit a fuel-requiring engine, MAKE SURE to attach fuel-lines between the tanks and the MAIN HULL. Then it will flow evenly to the engine. If you do not, the tanks will go down one at a time and unbalance the ship's mass.

This is due to the fact that the truss system can only work using a top/bottom attachment system, and not radially attached to the main hull like normal ksp attachment.





I wanted to keep the customization sandbox of Kerbal whilst lowering the part count that slows peoples computers down. So this Command Module is a bit of a compromise of both worlds. It has a good, in-built SAS reaction that can rotate the entire ship at a reasonable rate, and also comes with 8000 Electric Charge, double the size of the best battery (since its further down the tech tree than the large battery). The size of the command module would lend you to believe it could accommodate both. And at end game KSP-I when things get very part-heavy, this should at least help lighten the load slightly without taking any of the customization of kerbal away.



The idea behind the main hull is to be an antimatter reactor (and originally a generator as well, but interstellar wouldnt let me make it both). But to be an antimatter reactor that is slightly -less- powerful and efficient than the one packed with Interstellar.

The PAYOFF however, is that it is lighter, and comes with the truss system that allows for an extremely modular customization system. (attaching things via the truss system then adds weight, balancing it back up to be heavy once more)

The reason i had to make a second Warp Ring a Generator is due to the fact that Interstellar wouldnt let me make this main hull both a reactor AND a generator (and would also not let me crossfeed either through a warp ring to the Quantum Vacuum Engine). So this is the current compromise.

Waste Heat is currently turned off on it, but i will be bringing it in as a slow rise. The story being the other pro to this is it has built in heat vents at the back, not as effective as shoving a ton of heat radiators onto everything in sight, but enough to give the ship a long life before you need to go back to Starbase, dock up, unfuel your antimatter, and give your reactor a rest.



I'm very wary of QV engines. Whilst they work in RL in their early tests, their capabilities arent fully known. And whilst running off basically thin air, have the capability to unbalance things.

Whilst i love near future technology in game, i dont want it to take the challenge out of the game. So getting this engine right is important to me.

Being used in conjunction with the Warp drive, it should be there to make attaining orbit from a warp jump possible, but not be used for every situation with regards to the rest of the game.

So i'd like a drawback, possibly overheating, possibly the length of time it takes to work its magic. This is where playtesting and feedback will mean most to me.

How easy is it for you to use for its purpose of exiting warp and slowing yourself down?

How do you feel it should be best limited?

(obviously please test it first before responding, thanks) :)


Final Word

I'll have the other parts ready probably before next weekend, so by then ill hopefully have the tweaks i make to these parts finished with the feedback, and ready to put them all together for Beta 2.

Thanks for taking an interest and helping me out folks, its appreciated. I really put my time, heart and soul into it when i do something like this to make it the best i can, and be as professional as possible, so if you want to buy me a drink as thanks or show appreciation for my enthusiasm, then just click for paypal!


Edited by Stevie_D
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  Stevie_D said:

As Minor said, both pieces of music are from the new Star Trek Movies. For details, the piano piece is called "London Calling" from Star Trek Into Darkness, and the latter piece in space is called "Enterprising Young Men" from Star Trek (2009)

They're my 2 favourite pieces of music from those films.

Oh, and I forgot to compliment you on a good job syncing the musical cues to the action on screen. So... good job!

  Stevie_D said:

I was wary of putting cabin lights on, for two reasons,

- They arent on stock parts, and i wanted this to be as stock like as i could for my first ever ksp mod.

- Adding cabin lights would mean i would have to have them on the same emissive (light map) as the cargo bay illumination. So that would mean you would have to click both on or off when in flight, and was wary of having people exit the ship into a pitch black cargo bay.

BUT, im also an easy-going person, so ill put a poll up and let you lot decide! :)

Understand completely. Although I guess I am hoping now that Porkjet's SP+ mod is going to become stock, that lighted cabins will too... (his cockpits and cabin have lights).

Now off to try the beta (need to figure out KSPI, too, so it will take a while to get up and running...)

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Since kspi experimental has tweakscale, I played around with scaling on the IXS. Not that that is something that should be included with you part files. I just wanted to see what they felt like bigger.

5 and 10m!

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Verdict: I like bigger, in fact I'm not sure that there is a big enough. :P

I love the model. You've done great work. I am hope you'll be able to sharpen up the textures a bit, the pixelation is visible and a bit distracting, and if I might suggest to tone down the blacks a bit and make the smoother. if I were suggest a color reference I'd look at parkjets colors and contrasts. I don't mean to be disrespectful, the ship is much better that I could have done and the idea itself is something that I would have never thought of.

As far as balance it concerned, .12 will be removing many upgrade mechanics including radiators, reactors and generators. Your reactors is about 40 times as powerful at the am reactor in .12, not that it matters. You can't cool a reactor with the radiators you have ni .12. :P

I'll be happy to work with you to get the part files the way you want them when .12 releases. :)

here's a video is me messing with scale: http://www.twitch.tv/m/620757

Edited by WaveFunctionP
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It looks great! Few critiques/suggestions:

-The round flags on the hull really don't look good. There's no transparency, so most flags look just awful.

-Make a docking clamp for the size of the large parts. That way people can assemble this in space.

-Some extra attach points on the core would be cool. On the two tubes that stick out around the solar panels and the large black holes on the core.

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  WaveFunctionP said:
Since kspi experimental has tweakscale, I played around with scaling on the IXS. Not that that is something that should be included with you part files. I just wanted to see what they felt like bigger.

5 and 10m!


Verdict: I like bigger, in fact I'm not sure that there is a big enough. :P

I love the model. You've done great work. I am hope you'll be able to sharpen up the textures a bit, the pixelation is visible and a bit distracting, and if I might suggest to tone down the blacks a bit and make the smoother. if I were suggest a color reference I'd look at parkjets colors and contrasts. I don't mean to be disrespectful, the ship is much better that I could have done and the idea itself is something that I would have never thought of.

As far as balance it concerned, .12 will be removing many upgrade mechanics including radiators, reactors and generators. Your reactors is about 40 times as powerful at the am reactor in .12, not that it matters. You can't cool a reactor with the radiators you have ni .12. :P

I'll be happy to work with you to get the part files the way you want them when .12 releases. :)

here's a video is me messing with scale: http://www.twitch.tv/m/620757

That bigger scale does look a lot more "right" to me. But I'm generally just pretty excited for this part set. Especially that command module. I just can't get enough command modules.

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Im going to agree, been playing with this for a few hours and I think it needs to be bigger. To the point that you should be able to have a few shuttle craft in that hanger at the front for dropping in on your planet/moon bases.

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I think the hangar works fine for Kerbals plus very small vessels. Rescaling the command module would make the windows far too large.

For landers and shuttles, something in the main body of the ship might suit better. I recommend looking at allista's Hangar mod - it could do with a new model, but would suit this perfectly.

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I would just like to thank you for this mod especially the command module, its great as it looks brilliant and functions well. All through I don't use interstellar so am only using the command module it seems to fit well with the near future packs and is the perfect size of manned maneuvering units, which reminds me of 2001 a space odyssey ship the discovery. Thanks again also sorry to criticize but I agrea with some people that the round flags don't look great especially with the Kerbal space program flag. Thanks

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Well ill certainly be taking the feedback on board folks. However, the one thing so far that you've mentioned that i wont be changing is the scale. As i've said a couple of times now, im trying to make it as stock-alike as possible, and that means using the biggest size the base game allows me, and that's currently 3.5m parts. It's true that if you study the actual IXS it is about 5 decks tall, and this is 3, but thats the "kerbalization" i talked about in fitting it to stock parts. If Squad ever come out with larger parts, ill be more than happy to rescale the command module to it's authentic size. Even then, the real IXS concept's hangar is 1.5 decks tall. Not enough for shuttles or interior space ships, so i wont be going overboard like that.

The round flags were shoved on because that's what the IXS has, but, as i mentioned... kerbalization! They dont work as well with some flags as they do with others (some look great!), but the fact the transform doesn't handle them all well means that is something i'll be changing.

And i was intending to release the command module as a seperate non-KSPI file on its own MrMCP, so that'll be out soon as a release of it's own after the tweaks from feedback are added. :)

I've already started fiddling with the light map in preperation for cabin window lights, since it's glaringly obvious which way the poll is going heh.

Edited by Stevie_D
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Hey, for the flags, what you *could* do if you want to keep the round aesthetic would be to do them in a particular way which might work. Basically, cut a rectangular shape into the center of the circle. This shape would be mapped as a regular flag. The polys on the edge that round out the rectangle you would map to the edge pixels of the flag. I'm not sure if it's clear (I can draw a picture :P), but it should result in a non-deformed, non cut off flag in the centre of each circle. As long as the flags don't incorporate painted texture, they would stretch well so that the edges would just be coloured like the edges of the flag texture.

If you want both cabin lights and docking bay lights separate, you could split the mesh into two objects (cargo bay area and rest) and make two animations in Unity, one for each set of lights (object). Use two ModuleAnimateGeneric (or one ModuleLight and one ModuleAnimateGeneric), one for each animation. This seems to work most of the time :P

Edited by Nertea
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Wow. How did this pop up without me noticing? Very nice. I look forward to a finished product.

The QV Engine is a bit of necessity since you can't really fine tune your warp on and off within KSP. Even if you could do all the math you're still going to under or overshoot your warps with a button press or click on the warp drives.

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Thanks for the advice Nert! You're my saviour in thinking up solutions to these niggles i come up with. Guess that comes with experience modding KSP. :) Ill get on trying that out tomorrow!

So for the cockpit cabin lights addition, i wanted to test lighting animation on a different model in unity before i fiddled with my base Command Module unity save.

The result was me spending a couple hours to create something i wanted even before i started the IXS - a drydock.

I tried making one before, as you can see here using b9 parts...



Problem was, as awesome as it is, even using the least amount of parts possible to make it, (even used tweak scale to make small parts large), it was still part count heavy... which slows the framerate down more than poly/tri count does.

So i thought id kill 2 kerbals with one re-entry, by whipping up my dream IXS drydock model and use it to test lighting animation.

Whilst i havent actually implemented the lighting on/off animation yet, i wanted to test the model actually worked as intended - what with so many lights used on one model. The result was surprisng! - When i got to 2.3km away, it loaded -instantly- no hesitation, nothing. It was like there was no 2.3km barrier.

I also made a smaller, normal sized one at the same time, for ships that don't have whopping great fat warp rings(mainly so the connector to other nodes works and docking platforms stay the same size despite the smaller ribcage).

Neither are textured, save for the lights, so ill probably texture it when i take time outs from finishing the crew /science modules for the IXS.

Ill also do the same as the Command Module as well, and package a separate version of it for non-KSP-Interstellar users.

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Whoa...that drydock...

That's exactly what I miss in Extraplanetary Launchpads. Any chance you could make that compatible? :D

Btw, I love your IXS Enterprise. Can't wait to unlock it in my career mode :)


  colmo said:
Do check out the Hangar mod. You're headed that direction anyway.


Or with that one.

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