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Kill a crew member + detect number of crew

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That would be the easy way out. I'm trying to learn how to code C# in KSP, and i'm asking for help on the things I'm completely stuck on.

but I figured it out.

using UnityEngine;

namespace BASIK_Life_Support
public class LifeSupport : PartModule

public PartResource oxygen = null;

public void Update(ProtoCrewMember member)

PartResourceList prl = part.Resources;

foreach (PartResource wanted_resource in prl)
if (wanted_resource.resourceName == "Oxygen")
oxygen = wanted_resource;

if ( oxygen.amount <= 0)
member.seat = null;
member.rosterStatus = ProtoCrewMember.RosterStatus.Dead;

oxygen.amount -= (0.2 * part.protoModuleCrew.Count);

I hope it works

Edited by kineticPull
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That would be the easy way out. I'm trying to learn how to code C# in KSP, and i'm asking for help on the things I'm completely stuck on.

but I figured it out.

using UnityEngine;

namespace BASIK_Life_Support
public class LifeSupport : PartModule

public PartResource oxygen = null;

public void Update(ProtoCrewMember member)

PartResourceList prl = part.Resources;

foreach (PartResource wanted_resource in prl)
if (wanted_resource.resourceName == "Oxygen")
oxygen = wanted_resource;

if ( oxygen.amount <= 0)
member.seat = null;
member.rosterStatus = ProtoCrewMember.RosterStatus.Dead;

oxygen.amount -= (0.2 * part.protoModuleCrew.Count);

I hope it works

Asking for help is more of the easy way out than figuring it out from someone's code.

But two things about that: first off you are manually removing resources, do /not/ do that. Use part.RequestResource() to remove resources. Second, you are removing 0.2 units every /frame/. Multiply the amount by second with TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime to have it behave correctly.

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