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I wouldn't spin-stabilize RCS missiles, since you might get some stability, but you already have that with the gimball on the engines automatically, and you loose the ability to steer it during the final meters to correct. I usually impact at about 45º to the target because I'm doing so... watch the direction the target starts moving up on the screen when you close in, turn hard that way, and you can actually turn misses into hits some times.

Didn't think of that.

Also, does anyone remember what the Victory class was based off of? I found the image in my documents and made me really happy to see how far the ship had come.


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Dammit, Rune, you stole my idea before I could get it onto the battlefield! :mad:

I was going to have a modular ship too. :(

But my ships wouldn't pull themselves back together... every ship was going to be made up of 5-10 fighters armed with devastating missiles. Once you hit the ship, it would break into these separate fighters and retaliate, hard.

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Dammit, Rune, you stole my idea before I could get it onto the battlefield! :mad:

I was going to have a modular ship too. :(

But my ships wouldn't pull themselves back together... every ship was going to be made up of 5-10 fighters armed with devastating missiles. Once you hit the ship, it would break into these separate fighters and retaliate, hard.

The "UKSN Infatigable" has been sitting in my skunkworks all this year, along with the also modular "UKSN Punchball", I'm afraid... just no one got the concept until now it seems!

Um... try the Spaceplane Hangar next time. :sheepishgrin:

It's a little bit... haphazard. :wink:

...And it was actually built in the VAB to get that 3x symmetry right. Yeah, the camera is a bit harder to work with, but sometimes that's worth it.

I have quite the mean corvette already built, symmetrical and armored and everything. But if I manage to lift another tank form the wreckage, I am actually gonna be able to fit back 90% of the weaponry, and 100% of the effective ones. The only problem will be fuel then, since I forgot to even out the tanks and the ones left don't have much.

Rune. I should have brought Klaws!

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A frigate engaged RIMS Terrier. It obliterated it's front but, unfortunately, it was left with what looked like an over-engineered drek killing missile and it's engines. The frigate then retreated to higher orbit.







I'm sure it's going to rise from the dead like the Victory and blow me to bits, again.


Edited by AlexanderTeaH
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Didn't think of that.

Also, does anyone remember what the Victory class was based off of? I found the image in my documents and made me really happy to see how far the ship had come.


Wow, props to you then, you're the only person ( I think) to make a strongly armored ship and at the same time make it still look like what it was supposed to. Wow.

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@RocketscientistV, it works now! Thanks.

I'm in the middle of it, yeah. And every docking feels a bit more awesome than the last. It worked, my secret weapon worked! Just like I meant it to, too. Believe me, I understand why zekes declared her dead. Lots of debris at the beggining of my turn.

Rune. Now finding the fuel tanks might be trickier. The are classed as debris, so lots of possible targets.

@ Rune, Firstoff i want to congradulate you on that salvage, but i must remind you when a ship's core part is knocked out the whole thing is dead. Spartwo will back me up on this; more than once my Dreks have been killed by the main part falling out, leaving the rest of the ship intact but useless to the rules.

4- A ship is considered dead when the original 'core' of the ship is incapable of fulfilling two of these three goals unaided from other ships or onboard weapons...

+Sustaining power


+Firing weapons.

5- Weapons can only be fired from the original ship core and must be used within the the same turn that they are fired.

Since your origional core is destroyed it can do 0/3 of those things, so Infatigable is not a ship :P not because her parts survived but because the main one didn't.

Edited by zekes
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@RocketscientistV, it works now! Thanks.

@ Rune, Firstoff i want to congradulate you on that salvage, but i must remind you when a ship's core part is knocked out the whole thing is dead. Spartwo will back me up on this; more than once my Dreks have been killed by the main part falling out, leaving the rest of the ship intact but useless to the rules.

This rule essentially says that... so Infatigable is not a ship :P

Errr... so the TWO crewed pods don't count as "parts with power, propulsion and weapons"? I mean, it was classed as a ship when I loaded the save even. That would make no freaking sense, the root part was a fuel tank without control pods on. As in all my military ships in this save. By that metric, if you build around you main weapon, you can ditch all the ship around the missiles and still classify that as a ship, yet if you fire it that would count as ramming and you would not only break rules, but also kill the rest of the ship when you detach, maybe even instantly lose the "ship" itself if it is a dumb torpedo. It also means I could throw a whole ship at you and not call that ramming, because I disconnected the root part at the last second. I call stupid rule stupid.

Rune. Come on! I brought crew along just for this, and the whole bridge section was unharmed!

Edited by Rune
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Errr... so the TWO crewed pods don't count as "parts with power, propulsion and weapons"? I mean, it was classed as a ship when I loaded the save even. That would make no freaking sense, the root part was a fuel tank. As in all my military ships in this save.

Rune. Come on! I brought crew along just for this.

Yeah i know, root parts suck :P But that's the way it's always been....

Example: War eagle destroying my drek via a shot at the rear


I forgot to take a picture of the over all damage but lets just say it has a its back it broken and now paralyzed

If we were role playing, you might have been able to say she is alive.



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A frigate engaged RIMS Terrier. It obliterated it's front but, unfortunately, it was left with what looked like an over-engineered drek killing missile and it's engines. The frigate then retreated to higher orbit.







I'm sure it's going to rise from the dead like the Victory and blow me to bits, again.


*Quiberon, apart from the 'Victory' itself all the ships in the class are name after British victories. That specific one was named after the Battle of Quiberon Bay

Also, speaking of 'Victory', meet the Victory Mk-III, With a Vengeance!


Edited by Megalodon 720
Comma? What comma?
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*Quiberon, apart from the 'Victory' itself all the ships in the class are name after British, victories. That specific one was named after the Battle of Quiberon Bay

Also, speaking of 'Victory', meet the Victory Mk-III, With a Vengeance!


that is absolutely gorgeous :D How's the armor? I love the simple shape.

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that is absolutely gorgeous :D How's the armor? I love the simple shape.

The armour is similar to the Mk-II but is slightly stronger, it's also difficult now to blow off large chunks of armour.

I've also ditched her .5 meter rounds in favor of 8 anti-capital ship missiles.

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I do think that the rules need another look. :/ There are plenty of broken rules.

Yup, I'm thinking if zekes insists on applying this idiocy, I'll drop a design here where the "core" is totally not part of the ship and about 0.625m in the longest axis, and challenge you all to hit it, then show myself the door. In that particular cheaty case, you wouldn't be able to attack the rest of the ship as long as it is unconnected from the "core part", because "it isn't a ship". Hell, I could drop the root on transit and get there with a "dead" ship immune to being killed this way.

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Yeah i know, root parts suck :P But that's the way it's always been....

Example: War eagle destroying my drek via a shot at the rear

I like that pic for some reason.

It shows the elegance and beauty of the Salvation while at the same time displaying her raw firepower

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"parts with power, propulsion and weapons"

Yes, yes, and no. Nothing was ever said about RCS, it's just really slow. What you did is within the rules.

EDIT: Wait were the pods the control core? The core isn't the actual starting point hence the '' but it's instead the main centrepoint of the ship where the transition from weapons to fuel to armor is made.

Edited by Spartwo
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Yup, I'm thinking if zekes insists on applying this idiocy, I'll drop a design here where the "core" is totally not part of the ship and about 0.625m in the longest axis, and challenge you all to hit it, then show myself the door. In that particular cheaty case, you wouldn't be able to attack the rest of the ship as long as it is unconnected from the "core part", because "it isn't a ship". Hell, I could drop the root on transit and get there with a "dead" ship immune to being killed this way.

Well, i think we COULD change it (if everyone really hates it) to allow it, but for this battle the old rules still apply. Personally I'd love it if it changed because it would mean a lot of ships would be so much stronger.

Yes, yes, and no. Nothing was ever said about RCS, it's just really slow. What you did is within the rules.

But it does say ORIGINAL part.

Also, BATTLE UPDATE W/ RocketScientistV

Leaving HMS Revenge.




Mother and fighter


Back in the mothership


PERSIST: https://www./?i4t7azwim8dhwia

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