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plz plz plz even made this:


- - - Updated - - -

Seriously I'm getting 150 with a turreted Shrew.

I want to crush your shrews. I want to unleash my tanks upon the world. Set up and we can have a TURRET battle. (plus u can have bragging rights on zekes)

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If you want, we could have a limit of two guided missiles per turn, for this battle only? Not sure what to do about I-beams though, since my ships do not have any you would have an advantage if they were not restricted.

Nevermind, I didn't know the rules anyway. so who takes the first turn?

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sdj64, My turn would take some time cause every time I load a quicksave or revert to the tracking station or space station my game crashes, so my every move requires a restart of the game (I've tried a fresh restart, my computer just couldn't handle it even at low quality) So forgive me for a slow turn every time.

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My new Fighter-Bomber Rocket Plane, composed of three engines, the third engine at the bottom can be fired as a missile-torpedo either guided or unguided but still accurate, yes she is maneuverable and fun to play with. Can only be landed vertically or with parachutes.

Looks a little bit like a viper from battlestar.

Heres my destroyer's craft file zamovinar. http://www./download/cd5naa6569at85w/Destroyer+X.craft

Edited by CrypticCross345
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sdj64, My turn would take some time cause every time I load a quicksave or revert to the tracking station or space station my game crashes, so my every move requires a restart of the game (I've tried a fresh restart, my computer just couldn't handle it even at low quality) So forgive me for a slow turn every time.

Can we postpone our battle for now? my game keeps crashing. if you like you could post your own test on my ships.

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Hello everybody! I'd like to announce a return from *other mods, especially planet mods* that I hope to re-design some of my assets and hopefully have a battle with any who are interested. Though, I shall collaborate with whom wishes to take on the "Caphrean Republic"-apologies for my absence (and probably my wording) of the previous engagement, sometimes I'd be better off being all-stock.

Though, beware, this may take me some time (hours to days) to create my older assets. Anyways, I'm open for any battle of your choosing-just give me some time and patience. Thanks!

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Hello everybody! I'd like to announce a return from *other mods, especially planet mods* that I hope to re-design some of my assets and hopefully have a battle with any who are interested. Though, I shall collaborate with whom wishes to take on the "Caphrean Republic"-apologies for my absence (and probably my wording) of the previous engagement, sometimes I'd be better off being all-stock.

Though, beware, this may take me some time (hours to days) to create my older assets. Anyways, I'm open for any battle of your choosing-just give me some time and patience. Thanks!

I'm open and willing. However, I as well need to rebuild some of my fleet, though it mostly involves locating some old ships and copying them to my current install. :)

(The Spirion needs a complete redesign... :( It wasn't very effective, though it could have been some crappy shooting. Eight I-beam missiles to destroy a single ship...

But the Kiternyae and the Pride of Kalzore will be fully operational.)

Give me a couple minutes to get you the tonnage, but it'll be around 100 tons, and 3-4 ships.

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I'm open and willing. However, I as well need to rebuild some of my fleet, though it mostly involves locating some old ships and copying them to my current install. :)

(The Spirion needs a complete redesign... :( It wasn't very effective, though it could have been some crappy shooting. Eight I-beam missiles to destroy a single ship...

But the Kiternyae and the Pride of Kalzore will be fully operational.)

Give me a couple minutes to get you the tonnage, but it'll be around 100 tons, and 3-4 ships.

Ok, thanks, will this be a fighter battle/Corvette engagement? Or a land battle?

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Corvette engagement.

Here's the gist of what you'll be up against. :)

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Armament in order of image:

Pride of Kalzore:

8 I-Beam Missiles

6 Explosive Tip SRB Missiles


8 I-Beam Missiles

2 SRB Armor Plate Missiles


8 I-Beam Missiles

(16? I can't remember. :()

EDIT: Yep, 16 missiles.

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The Turbine Drive is now feasable - Tested in a makeshift airplane, it manages to, at only 105 parts, provide the thrust needed to keep the 28 ton plane airborne.

The turbine is hidden away inside the cargo pay (which currently has texture problems)


That texture problem is Kronal Vessel Viewer acting up. I know because someone told me so there, karma is satisfied. :)

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I don't have the saves anymore! ;.;:mad:

I'll have to rebuild those ships from scratch... :( Might take longer than expecte-


*checks Mediafire*

HA! I've still got the .craft files!!! YEAH!

Phew, almost blew a gasket there, those ships were hard to build.

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Corvette engagement.

Here's the gist of what you'll be up against. :)


Armament in order of image:

Pride of Kalzore:

8 I-Beam Missiles

6 Explosive Tip SRB Missiles


8 I-Beam Missiles

2 SRB Armor Plate Missiles


8 I-Beam Missiles

(16? I can't remember. :()

EDIT: Yep, 16 missiles.

Looks powerful. My Zephyr Gen 2 (Child of the Gen 1-that was weak) may be over-engineered (it weighs 17 tons at 144 parts, and it looks like 5 of them would fit in your corvettes :P) I will probably have a rather difficult time I guess, though I have yet to engineer my ships, the Zephyr is all I have at the moment, though I just thought of re-joining this thread an hour ago, actually. But, I'd be happy to put our designs to the test.

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Looks powerful. My Zephyr Gen 2 (Child of the Gen 1-that was weak) may be over-engineered (it weighs 17 tons at 144 parts, and it looks like 5 of them would fit in your corvettes :P) I will probably have a rather difficult time I guess, though I have yet to engineer my ships, the Zephyr is all I have at the moment, though I just thought of re-joining this thread an hour ago, actually. But, I'd be happy to put our designs to the test.

Yikes, only 17 tons? Hmm. Well, let me transfer my vessels and I'll check the masses. I don't think I'll be using the Pride of Kalzore for this one, but maybe 2 Lykotaek classes (The second ship) vs 3-4 of your ships?

(You seem to have a slightly unfair advantage of 2:1. :) But hey, what the hell, right?)

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