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My largest ship: the Kraken Obliterator is only about 500 parts and weighs at around 80-90 tons. It has some resilient armor against I beams however. Also what are your ships made of? Mainly structural panels of wing panels? I use a composite armor of wings and panels along with structural fuselages. It does contain 3 guided lv909 rockets however. But they usually don't cause much damage

Depends, my frigate class ships use almost 100% structural panels, and have medium quality armor protection (not immune to ibeams, but by no means are ibeams super effective just aiming at midsection. You pretty much need to aim at weakspots such as the engine, or weapons mount to do catastrophic damage to it without extreme luckshots (every ships ive ever come across can always be massively crippled with even 1 ibeam rocket if you get very very lucky and hits its root part). Still, of all my ships it is the best when it comes to armor (hull is ONLY 210 parts, weapons add like 100-200 depending on loadout to that), and its probably one of the best ships ive come across if you take (protection)/(part count+mass) ratio under consideration, no drek, but its less then half the part count of the smallest dreks, and ive had some test runs where it took more then 3 of zeke's super 5t torps to actually obliterate it (by that i mean cut it in half). Still takes massive damage though from those super torps. Btw, frigate is like 65ish ton depending on weapons (and i can make it lighter if i dump some fuel when i deem the range of 4000dV to be overkill).

My corvette (new one that is) uses a structural core with all its armor composed of wings, this is lightweight and adequate against anything but sustained fire (or capital ship weaponry). I consider this to be a more practical ship, carrying as much ammunition as the frigate (it has more internal space actually for torps), and still having enough armor/redundancy to take a salvo or two of ibeams before being destroyed completely. Im actually redesigning a 3rd generation corvette, which should be a tad better. The corvette is 50t roughly, although with a full load of Tripedoes ive managed to get it above 60t.

Almost all of my capital ships use some sort of armored core, as from experience, ive found it far better to take damage to the external armor, and loose stuff like fuel tanks, then the alternative of having a single good shot cut me in half. That said, only my frigates and higher have any form of actual protection, and teh corvettes are more support ships intended to bring weapons to teh battlefield, or when that doesnt work, act as cannon fodder :D. My 2nd generation corvette (class-I) uses like 70% wings, with just an armored spine, whereas the new corvette im working on (class-II) uses a armored core and has wings covering non-essential stuff like fuel tanks, weapons, engines, ect).

My current 2 primary weapons are Tripedo-S (guided 0.9t thing) and Tribeam missiles (unguided weak but high velocity), both of which are anywhere from mediocre to decent depending on target's armor layout and your attack vector. The Tripedoes are a single 48-7s pushing around .8t of mass, lightweight but still effective in large numbers (10 parts a piece, fully guided, accurate enough to actually focus on a particular portion of the ship (such as rear, front, ect), but not accurate enough to reliably hit any particular weakspot reliably). The Tribeams are basically 3 Ibeams around another core ibeam and 8 separatrons pushing it, the lightest somewhat effective missile ive managed to come up with, and it has gotten me some surprising levels of damage. This thing can get respectable velocities, and is very deadly to wing armor/fuel tank core builds, but its far from useful against a properly designed capital ship (with a structural core), and against those the only thing you can do is fire multiple salvos hoping to score some critical hits on important components such as engines/ammo storage. In general, while i know these two weapons are kinda meh, they are both below 1t, and are still able to do do quite some damage given multiple hits to teh same section of a ship (unless i get very unlucky and the physics trolls me). Ive even managed a very very lucky 1 shot drek kill with the Tripedo-S on it, but that was before when the S model was 2t heavy, now i doubt itd touch a drek. Tripedo-M and the very massive H can do way more dmg, but are way to heavy to have any fun with (ok, the H can 1 shot obliterate a drek 12P 90% of teh time, then again, a 10 ton missile tends to do that and isnt much fun to use). The trick to the Tribeams and Tripedo-S is to have many of them, and focus fire a specific portion of teh ship for guaranteed damage, although how much it will be is still based on luck/how well you aim.

If you want to use some 909 rockets im fine with that (my Tripedo-S is a guided 1250mm round, although its so light i push it with a 48-7s, which can get it up to 250m/s before it hist a target, and above 300 with minimal fuel loaded). Btw, how heavy are your 909 missiles? Ive found a direct correlation between weapon mass and the amount of damage it does with a good hit, and this is why i proposed a low mass weapons game, where the odds of any 1 shot kills are very low, and most if not all craft with an armored core would be able to take a few hits before kaput. Ive also done tests, and any weapon below 1t is impossible to make super lethal (regardless of composition, you just dont have the mass to induce enough forces/torques to tear the joints apart on a properly strutted craft, best you can hope for is doing damage to weaker parts, or destroying a panel or two here and there (wing armor is another story, against that even a 1 ton shell is able to do damage if you aim it right).

Also, one thing ive learned after experimenting with various armor setups, is that wings are very underrated but can be superior to the structural panels for certain applications. For example the barrel (the thing that stored a large number of shells in the front of ships, similar to the drek series style) can be made of wings (as a direct hit to that area will more likely then not take out the barrel AND the ammo inside it, regardless of what you use to armor said barrel. Same for things like auxillary systems, stuff thats non-essential. Actually i place most non-essentials outside the hull (or farther away from teh core), it acts as pseudo spaced armor, and if i have to take hits, id very much rather tank a hit to some non-essential crap then loose valuable parts of my ship (the loss of spaced junk actually slows/stops many enemy projectiles saving my inner core from destruction).

After messing around, ive swapped large amounts of teh armor in my frigate into this type of armor, as its lighter and larger (now the primary missile bay is longer allowing me to bring a total of 16 missiles instead of the previous 12). I still keep the core and inners as structural panels, but the outer layer is now supplemented via wings, and it also helps vs Ibeams to a certain degree, and ofc using those largest ones you dont gain too much in terms of part counts, and depending on who you ask, wings may or may not look nicer then panels. Im also reclassifying ships and making many redundant/ect. My new corvettes actually use the new frigate hull made with heavy wings, and teh frigates themselves use structural panels (i consider a frigate to be similar to a corvette in size and general role except for better armor/guns and less mobility).

Edited by panzer1b
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Depends, my frigate class ships use almost 100% structural panels, and have medium quality armor protection (not immune to ibeams, but by no means are ibeams super effective just aiming at midsection. You pretty much need to aim at weakspots such as the engine, or weapons mount to do catastrophic damage to it without extreme luckshots (every ships ive ever come across can always be massively crippled with even 1 ibeam rocket if you get very very lucky and hits its root part). Still, of all my ships it is the best when it comes to armor (hull is ONLY 210 parts, weapons add like 100-200 depending on loadout to that), and its probably one of the best ships ive come across if you take (protection)/(part count+mass) ratio under consideration, no drek, but its less then half the part count of the smallest dreks, and ive had some test runs where it took more then 3 of zeke's super 5t torps to actually obliterate it (by that i mean cut it in half). Still takes massive damage though from those super torps. Btw, frigate is like 65ish ton depending on weapons (and i can make it lighter if i dump some fuel when i deem the range of 4000dV to be overkill).

My corvette (new one that is) uses a structural core with all its armor composed of wings, this is lightweight and adequate against anything but sustained fire (or capital ship weaponry). I consider this to be a more practical ship, carrying as much ammunition as the frigate (it has more internal space actually for torps), and still having enough armor/redundancy to take a salvo or two of ibeams before being destroyed completely. Im actually redesigning a 3rd generation corvette, which should be a tad better. The corvette is 50t roughly, although with a full load of Tripedoes ive managed to get it above 60t.

Almost all of my capital ships use some sort of armored core, as from experience, ive found it far better to take damage to the external armor, and loose stuff like fuel tanks, then the alternative of having a single good shot cut me in half. That said, only my frigates and higher have any form of actual protection, and teh corvettes are more support ships intended to bring weapons to teh battlefield, or when that doesnt work, act as cannon fodder :D. My 2nd generation corvette (class-I) uses like 70% wings, with just an armored spine, whereas the new corvette im working on (class-II) uses a armored core and has wings covering non-essential stuff like fuel tanks, weapons, engines, ect).


My guided missiles are merely fueltanks with a rocket and nosecone strapped on them.


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My guided missiles are merely fueltanks with a rocket and nosecone strapped on them.


those work plenty when you know where to hit them (engines, weapons, ect). My Tripedoes use wheels to improve lethality, but they are EXTREMELY lightweight, and thus suffer the problem of having to rely on impact damage, and not overloading enemy frame. This makes them ideal precision weapons, easily capable of obliterating any engine (provided i can 1 hit it and 2 dont get screwed by physics derping and exploding my entire missile for no reason with no dmg to enemy ship). As for my other primary weapon, i use kinetic drones, which i consider somewhat unique in that they are purely powered by RCS thrusters, and are low velocity, but absurdly accurate, able to hit a single probe core or the like with ease, and are reuseable a large percentage of teh time. Ofc against any armor they are worthless, so not a anti-capital ship weapon. Most of my ships carry 10ish Tripedo-S and 2 drones, but i do swap stuff around when needed. My new missile frigate though has like 30 ibeams (just simplistic 4 engines short ibeam), so id like to test if thats just useless or actually viable (i mean 30 bloody ibeams have to do something). I also use Tribeam missiles, whcih are heavier/more engines then the firgates ibeam missile spam, but tend to make little sense from a part count perspective, and i usually stick to just the classical long or short ibeam with sepatrons fired in larger quantities, or my relatively recently developed Tripedo-S or kinetic drones.

Anyways, im pretty close to having a fiull complement of ships, and id be glad to have a battle then, and see how bad my designs really are :D (only so much i can prove shooting at em myself).

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A Maelstrom Alpha and Tank after doing a beachead and landing at "Hawk Island" near Sparrowhawk during the Second Krakenary War. (formerly KRAKEN KORPS)


A KRKN Maelstrom AlphaTank Group hitting a Zokesian giant Ratte Tank.


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I just finished another new ship, the MSS-3 Paladin.




It's definitely more usable than my previous 900-or-so part ship, while sporting a sleek, well-armored hull, and a good set of weapons.

Also, while digging through some old files the other day, I found this:


It's too bad KSP's not too good with high partcount ships, as that'd be quite formidable.

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After doing some more digging through the piles of craft files saved on my HDD, I found one of several craft from back when I started participating in KSP ship combat!


This one, the Hawking-class Battlecruiser, was my first proper capital ship. At the time, it's hull was actually pretty decent.

I think I might have to refit this one for nostalgia's sake...

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Hello everyone!

I've recently been getting into naval combat in KSP, and I thought this would be a good place to introduce myself to you all. I've been orchestrating my own space battles for a fair while, but only more recently have I started creating and using tanks and boats. I hope that you guys can help me get started in this field, as I enjoy using KSP for this kind of thing immensely.

Here's an example of what I've been up to. :)

Edited by SuperHappySquid
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Hello everyone!

I've recently been getting into naval combat in KSP, and I thought this would be a good place to introduce myself to you all. I've been orchestrating my own space battles for a fair while, but only more recently have I started creating and using tanks and boats. I hope that you guys can help me get started in this field, as I enjoy using KSP for this kind of thing immensely.

Here's an example of what I've been up to. :)

Hrmm, naval battles you say :)

I could try getting into it, but my ship-building skills are relatively poor.

Just don't try to battle zekes or andrew, their ships will poop on yours :(

Andrew can split ships in half and zekes will split computers in half with his behemoths

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So... while I go make some naval vessels, is anyone up for a battle?

I was thinking: /pol/ (:P), 3 ships, max tonnage per ship is 200, no K-drive, -bomb, -etc., and landing is allowed if you can pull it off.

Ships would be 2 light, 1 heavy.

Standard rules would also apply.

I'll set up if someone wants to go first.

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Yes, I can tell from his very fancy screenshots that zekes takes pride in his huge vessels, although I question their practicality. ;)

- - - Updated - - -

Yeah, yeah. Check you out with your fancy behemoths. :P

Seriously though, stunningly beautiful ships you have there. What kind of armament do they have?

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Alright well I'm thinking of starting a game with less powerful weapons allowed so battles don't end up looking like the cold war with both sides able to obliterate the enemy with a 100th of their full armory. Does anyone think of this as a good idea? It would basically limit weapons to having either a specific set total impact tolerance limit or only allowing pre-provided weapon sub-assemblies. Sadly this would eliminate the trial and error we've all spent on designing perfect weapons of destruction, but it would bring the odds down from a match of "whoever shoots first wins" to a match of "whoever has the best consistent aim wins".

I'm sort of just brainstorming over here so if anyone wants to do a game with me or likes the idea of this please reply >:3.

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Just finished the first prototype of my new tank! As I mentioned I'm a complete novice at this, so I'm sure there's a million and one things wrong with it. Let me know what you think of it and if there's anything that obviously needs changing. :)


I'd recommend taking a look at the designs of modern-day MBTs and other armored vehicles, as the weight distribution and such helps tremendously when it comes to KSP design.

In any case, the tank looks good, though the top cabin looks kinda easy to shoot out.

- - - Updated - - -

Is anyone willing to battle me out at Pol... anyone? :/

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Also, there is a new tank i have a developing that is meant to surpass all others in the "Rotation Weapons Mount"

enjoy it very much. sorry for poor video Professionalism. 8D !!!

here is download


all well and good against wing panels- but have you tried against actuall armored ships?

you make a very good point...

although i have not tested this i suspect it will do "some" damage to panels.


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